Liven up your classroom and presentation with these free PowerPoint templates. We have curated 7 of the best websites to get professional and beautiful presentation templates for any kind of lesson, report, or submission.
Besides a huge selection of animated PowerPoint templates, PowerPoint School offers infographics and timelines. You’ll also find easy-to-follow tutorials on adding your own animations.
You’ll find both colorful and minimalist, monochrome charts, graphs, and explainers.
Set the License filter to Free to see all Slidesgo’s free animated templates. These files work in both PowerPoint and Google Slides. They’re available in many themes.
SlideSalad has many educational and informational templates. They provide slick, animated designs for proposals, reports, portfolios, and more. You will need to create a free account to download templates.
Unlike many other templates, SlidesMania templates offer more than transitions and entrance animations. The backgrounds and decorative elements are animated, too. And they keep moving the whole time.
Slide Chef is a free Google Slides resource, however, you can use the files in PowerPoint as well. The animated slide decks on SlideChef are a good fit for children’s lessons.
This website has several free PowerPoint templates. It specializes in infographics and charts, so it’s great for explainers and reports. Some are editable in Excel, so you can integrate your detailed charts and graphics.
SlideModel has a good selection of free animated PowerPoint templates.
BONUS SECTION: PowerPoint Courses and Resources
This section contains useful links and resources on learning to create beautiful presentations with themes, backgrounds, images, tables, charts, and diagrams
PowerPoint Training Course
Free Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 course
Downloadable PDF – PowerPoint 2010 by Tutorialspoint
How to Learn PowerPoint Quickly
Information in this article applies to PowerPoint 2010 and above.