
Goa to Introduce Uniforms in Government Colleges



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The Goa government has announced the introduction of uniforms for students in government and government-aided colleges from the next academic year. This initiative aims to “foster a sense of belonging” and “bridge socio-economic disparities” among students.

All principals of government and government-aided colleges under the Directorate of Higher Education are directed to implement the wearing of uniforms in their respective colleges for students enrolled under NEP (National Education Policy) programmes from the beginning of the semester of the academic year 2024-25.

A circular from the Directorate of Higher Education outlined several benefits of this directive, including creating an inclusive atmosphere, reducing distractions related to clothing choices, and preparing students for a professional environment. “It shall positively impact the educational environment in colleges. It shall foster a sense of belonging among students and can lead to a reduction in distractions related to clothing choices. It shall bridge gaps in the perceived socio-economic disparities among students by standardising attire, create an inclusive atmosphere where all students feel equal, irrespective of their background. It shall prepare students for a professional atmosphere, instilling a sense of responsibility and self-discipline,” said the circular.

The specific uniform designs will be determined by individual colleges, though the cost of uniforms is not covered under the assistance pattern.


Source: The Indian Express


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