
How Inadequate Lighting can Damage Students’ Eyes



Inadequate lighting is a major problem in schools around the world. Many classrooms are too dark, and students are forced to strain their eyes to see the board, read their books, and write in their notebooks. It can have a number of negative consequences for students’ eyes. Pranav Aggarwal, Co-Founder & Director, Ledure Lightings Limited talks about this issue in detail.

Eyestrain is a common condition that can lead to blurred vision, and development of myopia (nearsightedness) in children. Other eye problems that can be caused by inadequate lighting include astigmatism and amblyopia (lazy eye). In addition to these eye problems, inadequate lighting can also lead to other health problems, such as:

  • Headaches: Headaches are a common symptom of eyestrain. They can also be caused by poor posture, which is more likely to occur in students who are sitting in dimly lit classrooms.
  • Fatigue: Fatigue can be caused by eyestrain, as well as by the difficulty of concentrating in a poorly lit environment.
  • Increased risk of accidents: Poor or inadequate lighting can make it difficult for students to gauge steps or uneven surfaces. This can increase risk of accidents/injury.

How to protect students’ eyes from inadequate lighting? 

Prolonged exposure to poor lighting can lead to permanent damage to the eyes of the students. There are a number of things that can be done to protect students’ eyes from inadequate lighting, including:

  • Improving natural lighting in classrooms: Classrooms should be well-lit, with even illumination throughout the room. This can be achieved by using a combination of natural and artificial light. For natural light, there should be windows in the classrooms which allow sunlight to enter inside and bring better illumination.
  • If supplemented with artificial lighting, it is extremely important to the choose the right kind of light so that the throw is sufficient and well spread across the entire class room. Switching to LED lighting for classroom can prevent exposure to harmful carcinogens and help students and faculty avoid long-term health issues. The right classroom lighting can help make a big difference in how well students learn.
  • Providing students with adequate task lighting: Task lighting, such as desk lamps, can be used to supplement the general lighting in classrooms. Task lighting should be positioned so that it does not cast glare on the student’s work. Task lighting can also help students in performing experiments and taking readings.
  • Teaching students about eye health: Students should be taught about the importance of good lighting for eye health. They should also be taught how to avoid eyestrain and other eye problems.

What can parents do? 

Parents have a key influence in a child’s life so they can play a significant role in protecting their children’s eyes from inadequate lighting. Here are a few tips:

  • Make sure your child’s study area is well-lit: Your child’s study area should have a combination of natural and artificial light. The desk lamp should be positioned so that it does not cast glare on your child’s work.

Use 90 CRI Led Lights: LED lights with a high CRI, such as 90, are designed to closely mimic natural sunlight. This means they render colors more accurately, making it easier for students to read text, view images, and distinguish between different colors on screens or in printed materials. This reduced distortion in color perception can reduce eye strain and improve overall visual comfort.

  • Encourage your child to take breaks: Encourage your child to take breaks every 20-30 minutes when they are studying. This will help to reduce eyestrain.
  • Limit your child’s screen time: Screen time can exacerbate eyestrain. Encourage your child to limit their screen time to no more than two hours per day.
  • Take your child for regular eye exams: It is important to take your child for regular eye exams, even if they have no vision problems. This will help to ensure that any eye problems are detected and treated early.

By following these tips, parents and schools can help protect students’ eyes from inadequate lighting and reduce the risk of developing eye problems.

Additional tips for students

  • Adjust the lighting in your study area: If the lighting in your study area is too dark, adjust it by using a desk lamp or moving your desk to a brighter location.
  • Use artificial tears: Artificial tears can help to relieve dry eyes, which is a common symptom of eyestrain.
  • Get enough sleep: When you are well-rested, your eyes are better able to cope with eyestrain.
  • Eat a healthy diet: A healthy diet can help to promote good eye health.

If you experience any symptoms of eyestrain, such as blurred vision, headaches, or fatigue, make sure to see an eye doctor.


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