
Marked by Marks: The Stereotyping of Student Potential



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In the corridors of Prestusse Academy, where aspirations soared as high as the academic standards, Riya stood at a critical juncture. With her heart tethered to the humanities, she yearned to explore the vast landscapes of history, literature, and art. Yet, the societal symphony championing the supremacy of science and mathematics orchestrated a different path for her. Under the immense pressure of family expectations and societal norms, Riya found herself capitulating, stepping onto a path that was not her own.

As she enrolled in the science stream, a part of her spirit wilted. The subjects that once ignited curiosity and wonder in her peers seemed to her like insurmountable walls, blocking the view of her true passions. Despite her efforts, Riya’s academic performance, once stellar when fuelled by genuine interest, became painfully average. The accolades and recognition that used to be frequent visitors in her life now passed her by, unaware of her presence.

The transformation was stark. Riya, who could once articulate the beauty of a poem or the intricacies of historical events with unparalleled eloquence, now found herself lost in the labyrinth of equations and scientific theories. Her confidence, which was once anchored in her intellect and creativity, began to erode, leaving her to question not just her academic choices, but her inherent worth.

The decision to forgo her passion for the humanities in favour of a more ‘prestigious’ stream haunted her. Each day in the science class served as a reminder of what she had sacrificed at the altar of societal expectations. The vibrant discussions and debates that characterised humanities classes were now replaced with a silence that weighed heavily on her, a constant echo of her misplaced aspirations.


As the years passed, the repercussions of her decision rippled through her academic career and beyond. The girl who once dreamt of becoming a historian or a literary critic now found herself meandering through life, devoid of direction. Her attempts to reconnect with her passion for the humanities felt like too little, too late. The confidence and zeal that once defined her were replaced with a sense of mediocrity, as she became a jack of all trades, but master of none.

Riya’s story is a sombre reflection on the cost of conforming to societal pressures at the expense of one’s true calling. It begs the question: How many bright futures have been dimmed by the shadow of conformity? How many Riya’s must we witness before we acknowledge that the true measure of success lies not in the stream chosen, but in the passion and perseverance with which one pursues their dreams?

The tale of Riya’s detour from her passion to a path laid out by societal norms ends with a hard-hitting question for every stakeholder in a child’s education: Are we nurturing the seeds of individual talent and passion, or are we imposing our own unfulfilled aspirations and societal biases, thereby stunting the growth of potential luminaries in fields they were never meant to shine in?



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