
Education experts discuss safety of young children, addiction to screens and how to reduce stress of learning in the early years at Early Childhood Colloquium

The Early Childhood Colloquium in Delhi on the December 16, 2017 organized by the Early Childhood Association of India focused on key issues like safety of young children, addiction to screens and how to reduce stress of learning in the early years



The Early Childhood Colloquium in Delhi on the December 16, 2017 organized by the Early Childhood Association of India focused on key issues like safety of young children, addiction to screens and how to reduce stress of learning in the early years to nurture life skills in children so that they grow up as resilient youth who can contribute positively to the development of their families and country.

The Early Childhood Association is an initiative that addresses the need to safeguard the educational rights of all children while making resources available to the educators under the presidentship of Dr. Swati Popat Vats. Efforts are taken through workshops, videos, publication of books, parent enrichment programmes, teacher training programmes and other mediums to better the quality of early childhood education received by children from all walks of life. ECA has in its member base, more than 6000 preschools, 5000 parent members, 35 NGO’s, and 52 corporate members

Dr. Swaroop Sampat Rawal, Vice President of ECA and a member of CABE committee spoke about communication skills in children and how incorrect preschools and parenting practices like using incorrect technology tools can harm the communication skills of young children. She also added her views life skills and their link with good communication skills.

The President of ECA, Dr. Swati Popat Vats presented her views on Nurturing Resilient Children and Youth and How the 3C’s- -safety, stress, and screen addiction impacts resilience.  Her talk also highlighted that  how external safety both environment and body safety can impact young children’s socio- emotional development and how stress in learning and parenting practices can undermine the growth of positive brain development especially of the thinking brain.


Early Childhood Association strongly advocated for stress free kindergarten years which is also mentioned in the Early Childhood Policy of the Women and Child Development Ministry. Ms.Sonal Ahuja, Territory Head ECA, Delhi strongly pointed on the importance of humor and joyfulness in Education. The association also recommended that education of schools heads and parents is a must both by the ministry of women and child development.  The organization will be sharing the study with all the members and by appealing them to make the kindergarten years based on play based learning as given in the ECA policy and to do away with senseless toxic academic stress being put on the children. The Early Childhood Association is also planning to have a one day Consultative Forum with Heads of schools and preschool brands to decide a common curriculum that should be followed by member schools.


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