Megastar and Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan was the chief guest at the launch of an education-based app in the city. While speaking at the gathering of students and teachers, the superstar said that education is the fourth most important need in a person's life as it cannot be reduced or stolen."I have seen the importance of education right from my childhood. My parents used to believe that education is that investment whose profits are acquired till the end of life. I believe that to live a normal life if a person, apart from food, clothing and shelter, needs something the most then that is education."
The application, Robomate+ is designed by MT Educare, and is supposed to be the first curriculum-based app of the country. Speaking about the app, Bachchan said, "Today's youth either work on abs or on apps. All your abs are looking good, there is no need to go to the gym. You need to go onto the apps."
He said: "I sincerely feel that when you will chase knowledge, numbers will always follow. I'm the biggest example of it, the knowledge I received while I was studying, till today it helps me to overcome the difficulties and even in my endeavours."
Bachchan also shared with the students that he still harbours feelings of going to school and college and learning from them.
"What I learned from my teachers and elders left a deep impact on my heart and mind. Never stop learning because learning never stops. I'm not a 'gyani' but a lover of gyan (knowledge). I'm not a scientist but definitely have done experiments in life and learned from them. My thoughts were sparked by observations and not apprehensions," he said.
*The above article originally appeared in