
My views on Innovative Teaching Methods

The purpose of this article is to summarize the current changes in didactics for the use of innovative teaching methods and study the understanding of changes by teachers.



In the twenty-first century, significant changes are occurring related to new scientific discoveries, informatization, globalization, the development of astronautics, robotics, and artificial intelligence.

This century is called the age of digital technologies and knowledge. How is the school changing in the new century? How does learning theory change? Currently, you can hear a lot of criticism that the classroom has not changed significantly compared to the last century or even like two centuries ago.

Do the teachers succeed in modern changes? The purpose of this article is to summarize the current changes in didactics for the use of innovative teaching methods and study the understanding of changes by teachers. Here, we consider four areas: the expansion of the subject of pedagogy, the environmental approach to teaching, the digital generation and the changes taking place, and innovation in teaching.

The theory of education, figuratively speaking, has two levels. At the macro-level, in the “education-society” relationship, decentralization and diversification, internationalization of education, and the introduction of digital technologies occur. At the micro-level in the “teacher-learner” relationship, there is an active mix of traditional and innovative methods, the combination of an activity approach with an energy-informational environment approach, cognition with constructivism, and connectivism.


Keywords: didactics, digital generation, innovative teaching methods, environmental approach.

One of the modern methodologies that have gained more popularity in recent years, Flipped Classroom is a pedagogical approach in which the traditional elements of the lesson taught by the teacher are reversed – the primary educational materials are studied by the students at home, and then, worked on in the classroom.

The main objective of this methodology is to optimize time in class by dedicating it, for example, to meet the special needs of each individual student, developing cooperative projects, or working on specific tasks.

Education in the Future

In the future, the average student will wake up in the morning with a list of educational reminders that a touch screen holographic image will project in front of her face. After checking her My FaceTube app (or some similar form of multi-purpose social media), she will open a reminder from her tenth-grade teacher that displays it across the bedroom wall. As the student brushes her teeth, the teacher will give a summary of the previous day’s lesson and what e-books to bring. New teaching methodologies are changing the educational environments around the world and driving better academic performance among students. We go over some of the main innovative approaches that educators have forged over the last few years and that every 21st-century teacher should be acquainted with.


About the author:

Khusboo Thakur is Principal, Rajendra Vidyalaya, Ghutia unit .


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