
Now all CBSE schools to formulate and display a Mission Statement

After receiving a “directive” from the Centre, CBSE has asked all its schools to prepare a ‘mission statement’, containing the goals they wish to achieve by 2022 and post it on prominent places in the school premises by the first week of June.



A “directive” received from the Centre prompted CBSE to ask all its schools to prepare a ‘mission statement’ containing the goals they wish to achieve, and post it on prominent places in the school premises by the first week of June.

Explaining the logic behind the move, the CBSE elucidated that when schools are working to sustain and build their image, one of the most important considerations is their mission.
The Central Board of Secondary Education said that a directive by the government requires that all schools should frame a mission statement, containing the goals to be achieved by their institutions, while the nation approaches the 75th year post-Independence in 2022.

“A well thought out and well drafted Mission Statement provides them the focus, direction and motivation to achieve excellence through their curriculum. It also represents their values, and thereby, influences the work culture for students, teachers and stakeholders,” it added.

To help schools formulate a clear and succinct mission statement, the board also issued guidelines, which suggests what a mission statement, which has to be formed by schools after discussions with students, teachers and parents, could be like.


Seemingly a move with its heart at the right place, this initiative carries the inherent risk that any institute carries while formulating a mission statement. The risk of the statement existing just on the display of the school and never becoming the guiding light for the school will be present. It remains to be seen if merely formulating and displaying the Mission Statement can actually drive schools to work towards their goals. Otherwise, this may end up just as another exercise in futility.


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