
Parliament Attacker Afzal Guru’s Son Excels in Board Exams

When you are focused nothing could hold you back, Parliament attacker Afzal Guru’s son proved it. He has succeeded in getting some praises for himself and his family …



Focus is what it needs to excel in academics. Ghalib Guru has proved it. He has scored 95% marks in Class 10 boards.

Who Ghalib Guru?

Well, he’s Afzal Guru’s son.

What? That terrorist?


Yeah, the same who had attacked the Indian Parliament and was sentenced to death 3 years back.

Wow! But why are we talking about him?

Right, for that wow factor are we talking about him. He must have faced lot of criticism ever since the attacker suspicion closed down to his father. He must have faced all the more wrath once his father was convicted. His family must have crashed down with his conviction and when he was hanged to death.

Facing all the flak, facing all the criticism, this young boy probably knew what he has to do, where he has to reach. Ghalib remained focused through all the mishaps to him and his family. He concentrated on his studies and earning a good name after what his family had earned after his father. The boy excelled after all the hardships he along with his family had to face.



The boy’s already earning a lot of appreciation on the social media. Jammu & Kashmir Board of School Examination and his teachers … none can stop praising their student who scored A1 grades in all the five subjects.


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