Kevin McClintock, a teacher at Rock Academy in San Diego, started his TikTok account as a joke, but surprisingly, it soon went viral. Playing on the last name, he named his account ‘Mr. McTikTok.’
“It started as a joke, I said, ‘Fine I’ll get one and then I’ll call myself Mr. McTikTok.’ I thought I was being super clever, but my students called me a dork. One day, I was teaching a remote English class and one of my students looked down and then looked up to me with this smile and said I was going viral,” McClintock said.
The very reason he decided to make an account on TikTok is both witty and funny. According to his interview with The San Diego Union-Tribune, he wants to create a positive community in his school, wherein he'd challenge his students to make TikTok duets with him, take on the dance battles, and have some student-teacher fun. In fact, whoever participates in the duets, gets a free homework pass! He expressed that this time is to reflect upon and be grateful for what we have, that is each other.
One of his videos was viewed nearly 50,000 times! Though the account went viral because of McClintock’s dance moves initially, the real sweet message behind his videos is now inspiring others during this difficult time as well.
You can check him out at