
Seedlite hit the target of scoring the highest marks in NTSE

The three stars of Seedling Modern Public School have once again set an inspiring record for other students to seek inspiration from. They have cleared the NTSE which selects only 975 students across India due to tough competition.



The three stars of Seedling Modern Public School, Udaipur have once again proved their mettle and showed the world what they are made of by clearing the National Talent Search Exam (NTSE). Lakshraj Dosh, Nimish Nahar and Paryul Jain proved that hard work and dedication is the only key to success.

Lakshyaraj Doshi has secured highest marks in Udaipur district amongst all the candidates. Such is the level of competition in NTSE that only 975 candidates all over India make it through this competition. The selected candidates are eligible for the scholarship till their education in Ph.D. 

School Director, Mr Hardeep Bakshi congratulated the achievers and wished them good luck for their bright future.



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