
Shortfall of question papers on day of Baseline test

The baseline test conducted for language and mathematics on April 5 &6 got off to a rocky start as insufficient question papers were supplied to schools.



The recently conducted baseline test in city schools saw teachers' organisations complain that question papers had not been sufficiently provided to schools. Inspite of the shortage, schools were also grappling with holding the exam simultaneously fearing that question papers may get leaked if undertaken at different timings.

Vice president of Teachers Democratic Front Rajesh Pandya said the schools brought question papers from the centre decided by the education department. However, the question papers were not sufficiently provided and schools had to resort to photocopies to meet the exigency. Also, if the exams are not conducted on same day everywhere, there are chances of paper getting leaked like the last time.

The first baseline test was conducted from September 14 to October 7 last year across Maharashtra. The education department had directed schools to conduct the baseline test of first language and maths for students from Class 1 to Class 8 on April 5 and 6. The baseline test is designed to check whether the concepts taught to the students in the previous year have been assimilated by students or not.

Uday Nare, a teacher from Hansraj Morarji Public School, said, "It is true that the question papers are not sufficient. But what is of more concern is how much burden this is going to be on students who will be already be appearing for their school level test on the same day as the baseline test. The pressure on schools will anyway be there to conduct both the examination."



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