
Teacher Detects Fire During Virtual Class & Helps Her Student

This Washington DC elementary teacher has become a superhero by saving her students from a house fire that she detected during the online class



Christian Powell and his family owe their lives to his elementary teacher. Christian is a grade 1 student from Washington DC who was saved by his teacher, from a fire in the house, during the online class. 

Like any other school, DC Prep Anacostia Elementary School teachers are also taking online classes for their students while the pandemic endures. During one such virtual class, Christian's grade 1 teacher realised that there is smoke in Christian’s background. She immediately asked her student to turn the computer so she could see clearly. As soon as she realised that a fire was starting in the house she asked Christian to go to his parents. She did not stop there but also called the fire-fighters, which is why the fire did not damage the house in a worse way, nor did anybody get hurt. 

The teacher also brought two laptops, some food and clothes for the family, since her student lost some of his belongings and the family have to live elsewhere until the house is mended. This teacher’s efforts are being appreciated by the whole community even though she has decided to be anonymous. 

This shows how educators are vigilant even during a virtual class. Many parents must be wondering and speculating how virtual classes are only increasing their child’s screen time and not helping them learn. Surely, an incident like this will help them be reassured that, no matter what, teachers care about their students. Let there be a pandemic, let there be social distancing, a teacher will always do right by their students.




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