School reopening is becoming an anxious topic all around the world. Children haven’t seen the classrooms in months now, and teachers are too excited to meet their students again. But alongside the excitement, there is a huge hill of panic to keep these children safe, to make sure of social distancing and to avoid any exposure. What can the teachers do to help this situation?
Here are some ways teachers can be extra vigilant for their beloved students and make the reopening a happy one:
Proper Hand-Washing
Rather than just telling the children to wash their hands, sitting with them to explain why it is important, how it will help them and what might be the way germs can enter the body shall help a long way. It is psychologically proven that when given a proper valid reason for things, children tend to stick to the guidelines rather than just being told to do something.
Explaining the process of scrubbing hands with soap and water or in absence of them with alcohol-based sanitizers for 20-30 seconds will help children as well as the administration in keeping everybody safe.
Nutritious Food
Eating more greens and vitamin substitutes helps not just children but adults, too. Suggest the parents to send nutritious food in the lunchboxes and make sure you follow the same rule. Eating healthy will keep both students and teachers safe. Those schools that provide meals to children should make sure to incorporate leafy greens and other such veggies in the meals.
Sun & Exercise
Winters are here and no one minds a good time in the sun. Making sure that the children are getting enough Vitamin D and exercise should be added to the academic curriculum. It will also avoid the chances of closed quarters’ exposure risk. Tell children the benefits of sun rays while making sure they have sunscreen on to protect from sunburns.
Signs of Stress
Teachers are not just here to educate children but also to help them develop into their best selves. Stress, today, is one of the biggest hurdles, not just for adults but for kids as young as toddlers as well. Right now, all these unusual schooling conditions may trigger anxiety amongst the younger generation.
Look out for:
Tired/sleepy kids
Headache/stomach aches
Mood swings
Withdrawal from activities
Keeping quiet
Bad habit development
This pandemic has changed the role of teachers. Now, you aren’t just meant to give classroom lectures but also act as a life-mentor to your students. You have to pay equal attention to their emotional health as much as their academic performance. Currently, keeping everyone safe is important and together, we can achieve that. Let’s show what strength the teaching community holds and how resilient educators can be. All the best!