
Tips For Teachers To Pick Up Reading During Lockdown & Enjoy Self-Time

Here’s the reality behind why the world seems to not find time to read a novel anymore, and some tips for help



Everybody does a little casual reading here and there, but has it already been long for you when you read a book cover to cover in one go? With online classes taken from home and the increased pressure of the changed curriculum, we're assuming, it must've become all the more difficult for you to take time out for reading. 

Believe it or not, it is this time only that needs for the educators to sit down and pamper their brain a little. 

When we say reading, we mean picking something out of the ordinary, not your usual school articles and news or assignments. Nothing that’s academic-related but something that gives joy to your heart. It can be fiction, poetry, or biographies.  

It has been noted in studies that the average reading rate in the commonalty has dropped significantly even after the increase in education estimates. There are many reasons behind it and one of them is the wrong kind of books being picked. 


We all are guilty of the fact that we sometimes pick a book for the sake of it, not valuing the content inside it. While people may think it's just a book that they need to read, they forget to enjoy the journey they are going to go on while exploring its pages. If one chooses a bumpy road, they get a bumpy ride; so select something worth it, for the experience of entertainment.

Another common reason is that people fail to finish a book they start. This could be a result of lack of interest or time crunch. Interest building in a book is as important as watching a movie on Netflix, and similarly, it should also be okay to let go of the book if it does not seem enjoyable even after reading some chapters of it. What is important is to not stop trying to find one that merits enough to be completed.

And we get it – it is definitely difficult to find time to read a few hundred pages in a go, but a book never asked to be read in one sitting! Finding chunks of time in the whole 24 hours and reading however much is possible is also a good way to go about it. This way, reading will not take up a lot of time and also finishing a book will seem easier; just like ‘slow and steady wins the race.’

One main distraction that is seen to be hindering the reading time in the present world are mobile phones, social media, and online games. However little time an educator may find to read a book, they often get obstructed by their mobiles. And it’s not like one can just go to the ‘cabin in the woods’ for the weekend every time they pick up a book. Instead, what can be done is to leave the phone, laptop, etc. in the other room while spending time with your book. Also, if you’re using electronic devices to read, put them on the ‘work mode’ and thereby, prevent yourself from opening the social media sites.

Some more tips:

  • Browse many books before picking one.
  • Let it go if the first few chapters seem dull.
  • Set aside 30 mins a day for reading.
  • Read while the mobile charges in a different room.
  • Read before going to bed for REM sleep.
  • Take the book (whichever form it is) along everywhere, use waiting times to read.
  • Read aloud to kids.
  • Have a competition buddy to race with, for who ends the book first.

Regardless of all the tips and tricks in the world, one must remind themselves that it is always about the reward that reading provides to the reader. It’s not an errand to run but a kind of self-time that’s meant to relax you amidst all the chaos. 

So while you’re busy adding value to your students’ lives, take some time out for yourself and create value in your life as well. This attitude is a healthy approach towards life and as we all know, children learn the best from the adults in their lives like parents, siblings, and most importantly, teachers. It’s about time they’re taught that books not only provide knowledge but can entertain better than movies if only one starts enjoying the read. Agree?


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