The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, addressed the G20 University Connect Finale programme at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi yesterday. The G20 University Connect initiative was undertaken with the aim of building an understanding of India’s G20 Presidency among India’s youth and enhancing their participation in the different G20 events. During the event, the Prime Minister also released four publications, including “The Grand Success of G20 Bharat Presidency: Visionary Leadership” and “India’s G20 Presidency: Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.”
The Prime Minister began his address by recalling the hustle and bustle at the Bharat Mandapam two weeks ago during the G20 Summit and expressed delight that the same venue was witnessing the future of India. He credited the success of such events to the promising youth of India, emphasizing that when the youth associate themselves with such events, they are bound to be a success.
Prime Minister Modi highlighted India’s recent achievements, including the successful Chandrayaan mission, the launch of the solar mission, and India’s diplomatic efforts, such as the BRICS Summit in South Africa and his visit to Greece, the first by an Indian Prime Minister in four decades.
He also mentioned India’s growing international profile, citing Saudi Arabia’s planned investment of 100 billion dollars in India after the G20 summit. The Prime Minister emphasized that India’s progress benefits not only the nation but also provides new opportunities, friends, and markets for the youth.
In addition, he touched on the government’s efforts to empower various communities and the poor and middle class, including the launch of PM Vishwakarma Yojna and Rozgar Melas to provide job opportunities.
Prime Minister Modi spoke about the rapid growth of startups in India, the country’s increasing manufacturing and service sector, and its successful efforts in improving physical, social, and digital infrastructure. He highlighted the importance of the next 25 years for India and the youth and called upon them to think big and make every activity a benchmark.
The Prime Minister concluded by urging the youth to participate in a cleanliness campaign on October 1, promote digital transactions, and support ‘Vocal for Local’ by buying ‘Made in India’ products during festivals. He encouraged campuses to promote Khadi and make it a fashion statement.
The Prime Minister said that unlike the stalwarts of the freedom struggle we did not get an opportunity to die for the country but we have all the opportunity to live for the nation. He said the youth of the decades a century ago had decided on the grand goal of Independence and that nation-wide energy freed the nation from colonial powers.
“Friends, come walk with me, I invite you. 25 years are in front of us, what happened 100 years ago, they moved for Swaraj, we can move for Samriddhi (prosperity). Aatmnirbhar Bharat opens new doors of prosperity and takes self-belief to new heights. That is why I need your support and cooperation for Maa Bharati and for 140 crore Indians.” the Prime Minister exhorted the youth.
Union Minister for Education and Skill Development, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, also attended the event and praised the Prime Minister for advancing the global education agenda under the G20 architecture, which garnered recognition for India’s education and skill ecosystem.
The Prime Minister’s insightful interaction highlighted the speed, scale, and full range of New India and inspired India’s youth to ‘Think and Dream Big.’ His statesmanship during the G20 Presidency brought the world together for prosperity, He congratulated the students’ for spearheading the Jan-bhagidari events and making G20 India a people-driven national movement.