
Preparing for Lifelong Learning: Why Learning Gains are the Key to Success Beyond the Classroom

Gains over grades is a new approach to education that emphasizes progress and growth over a fixed set of standards



For decades, our education system has been centered around the idea of grades. Students are constantly evaluated based on their performance and given a letter or numerical grade to reflect their level of success. However, this traditional approach to education is starting to be challenged by a new way of thinking: gains over grades.

Gains over grades is a new approach to education that emphasizes progress and growth over a fixed set of standards. Instead of focusing solely on achieving good grades, this approach encourages students to develop their skills and abilities through a process of continuous improvement. The aim is to help students become more engaged in the learning process, develop a love for learning, and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. This approach shifts the focus away from performance metrics and towards a more holistic approach to education that considers the development of the whole student.

The idea of gains over grades has been evolving in schools over the years, as educators and researchers have come to recognize the limitations of traditional grading systems. One of the key drivers of this evolution has been the increasing focus on student-centered learning, which emphasizes the importance of meeting students’ individual needs and interests.

In recent years, schools have been experimenting with new approaches to grading that reflect this shift in thinking. Some schools have implemented mastery-based grading systems, which focus on students’ ability to demonstrate mastery of specific skills and concepts rather than their overall grade. These systems often involve ongoing feedback and the opportunity for students to revise their work until they have achieved mastery.


Other schools have implemented standards-based grading, which provides a more detailed assessment of students’ strengths and weaknesses in specific areas. This approach allows teachers to focus on specific areas where students need additional support and provides students with a clearer understanding of their progress and areas for improvement.

In addition to changes in grading systems, there has also been a growing emphasis on the importance of social-emotional learning in education. This has led to a greater focus on building students’ self-awareness, self-regulation, and relationship skills alongside academic skills. This approach recognizes that students’ emotional well-being is a crucial component of their academic success and overall development.

Overall, the evolution towards gains over grades in schools has been driven by a growing recognition of the limitations of traditional grading systems and a desire to create a more student-centered, holistic approach to education.

The future of gains over grades in schools is bright, as more and more educators and researchers recognize the limitations of traditional grading systems and the benefits of a more holistic approach to education. Here are some potential trends and developments we may see in the future:

Increased use of alternative assessments: As schools move away from traditional grades, we may see more use of alternative assessments, such as project-based assessments, portfolios, and performance-based assessments. These assessments allow for a more comprehensive evaluation of student learning and can provide more detailed feedback to students.


More emphasis on social-emotional learning: The importance of social-emotional learning is likely to continue to grow in the future, as schools recognize the crucial role that emotional well-being plays in academic success and overall development. This may lead to a greater emphasis on building students’ self-awareness, self-regulation, and relationship skills alongside academic skills.

Greater focus on personalized learning: As schools move towards a more student-centered approach, we may see a greater emphasis on personalized learning, where students have more control over their learning experience and are able to pursue their interests and passions in more meaningful ways.

Continued development of technology: Technology is likely to play an increasingly important role in the future of education, with the development of new tools and platforms to support gains over grades. For example, adaptive learning software that adjusts to students’ individual needs and interests could help personalize learning and provide more accurate assessments of student progress.

Overall, the future of gains over grades in schools is promising, as educators and researchers continue to explore new ways to create a more student-centered, holistic approach to education.



The impact of gains over grades may vary from school to school depending on the specific approach taken and the level of implementation. In some cases, schools have reported improved student motivation and engagement, as well as increased student ownership over their learning. However, it’s important to note that implementing a new approach to grading can take time and effort, and may not result in immediate improvements.


The benefits of gains over grades in schools can be numerous. By focusing on individual gains, rather than grades, students are encouraged to take more risks and engage more deeply in their learning. Additionally, students are more likely to be motivated and invested in their own learning when they feel that they are being recognized for their efforts and achievements. Furthermore, using a more holistic approach that incorporates social-emotional learning can lead to a more well-rounded education, better preparing students for success in the real world.


Some of the challenges that educators may face when implementing gains over grades include resistance from students or parents who are used to traditional grading systems, logistical challenges in tracking and assessing student progress, and potential pushback from colleagues who are resistant to change.



The pros of using gains over grades in learning include a more personalized approach to education that emphasizes the importance of individual progress and growth, increased student motivation and engagement, and a more well-rounded education that incorporates social-emotional learning. However, some potential cons include the potential for confusion or inconsistency in grading, the need for ongoing professional development for educators to implement the approach effectively, and the potential for increased workload and administrative burden.


Some educators and students may be enthusiastic about a more holistic approach to education that emphasizes individual gains over traditional grades. They may appreciate the focus on personal growth and the opportunity to explore different areas of interest in a less restrictive way. Other educators and students may be more resistant to change and prefer the familiar structure of traditional grading systems.

It’s important to note that successful implementation of gains over grades in the classroom requires buy-in from both educators and students. Educators must be committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment that emphasizes personal growth, while students must be willing to take ownership of their learning and actively engage with the learning process.


Overall, the success of gains over grades in the classroom depends on a variety of factors, including the specific approach taken, the level of support and training provided to educators, and the willingness of students to embrace a new way of learning.

Statistics and Research

According to a survey conducted by the National Education Association (NEA), 82% of teachers agreed that traditional grading systems do not accurately measure student learning and progress.

A study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that students who received feedback focused on effort and progress made greater gains in achievement compared to students who received feedback focused on their ability or intelligence.

In a case study of a high school in Michigan, students who participated in a standards-based grading pilot program demonstrated improved performance in reading and math compared to students who received traditional grades.


A report by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) found that schools using a more holistic approach to education that emphasized social-emotional learning saw improvements in areas such as student well-being, academic achievement, and college readiness.

According to a report by EdSurge, schools that have implemented gains over grades have seen improvements in areas such as student motivation and engagement, teacher-student relationships, and student ownership over their learning.

Overall, research and case studies suggest that a more holistic approach to education that emphasizes gains over grades can lead to improved student outcomes and well-being. However, the success of this approach depends on a variety of factors, including the specific approach taken and the level of support provided to educators and students.

The article discusses the concept of “gains over grades” as a new approach to education that emphasizes individual progress and growth over traditional grades. The article explores how this approach has evolved in schools over the years and discusses its future impact on education. Additionally, the article discusses potential benefits, challenges, and the pros and cons of using this approach in learning. Finally, the article explores the views of educators and students on this approach and provides relevant statistics and research.

As a summary, “gains over grades” is a new approach to education that focuses on personal growth and progress rather than traditional grades. This approach is gaining popularity in schools across the world, and research has shown that it can lead to improved student outcomes and well-being. However, the success of this approach depends on a variety of factors, including the level of support provided to educators and students.


The article leaves the reader with the question: What steps can be taken to effectively implement the “gains over grades” approach in schools to promote student success and well-being?

Author – Akanksha Mishra, Academic Head, Sunbeam Suncity School, Uttar Pradesh


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