
Prerana Students Chart Career Paths with Target Publications’ Event



Students from grades 9th to 12th, beneficiaries of Prerana, participated in an engaging career counseling session co-organized by Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. and Prerana, an organisation combatting human trafficking. The event, held at Prerana’s Night Care Center on Falkland Road, Mumbai, was led by Dr. Shantanu Deshpande, a distinguished career counsellor from Pune.

Dr. Deshpande, a doctorate in Management Science and BOLT awardee, provided comprehensive insights into various academic paths, including Science, Commerce, Management, and Humanities, highlighting the diverse job opportunities each field offers. He inspired students by sharing stories of celebrities and individuals who have overcome challenges.

The session also emphasised the importance of spoken English for interview confidence and suggested learning foreign languages like German and Japanese to enhance career prospects in teaching. The interactive nature of the session allowed the 50 attending students to actively participate and ask questions about their chosen paths.

Prachi Naik, Project Manager at Prerana, expressed gratitude for the valuable career guidance provided. “This session empowered our students with invaluable career guidance,” she said, highlighting the students’ active engagement and curiosity.


Tushar Chaudhari, Executive Director of Target Publications, remarked on the honour of partnering with Prerana. “This session undoubtedly equipped them with the knowledge and tools to choose their ideal career paths,” he said, thanking Dr. Deshpande for his contributions.

Dr. Deshpande expressed pleasure in conducting the session, noting the students’ interest in both courses and essential skills for future prospects. He conveyed his desire to stay connected with the students to support their future achievements.

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