
The Significance of Student Wellbeing for Professional Success



It takes a village to raise a child” – How to move wellbeing from being someone’s job to everyone’s job.

January 15, 2021 Hannah Ball 

The significance of Student Wellbeing 

In today’s tech savvy day and age it has become increasingly important for School leaders, Educators &  Parents of young children to understand the importance of children’s and their own “Mental Wellbeing”. Mindfulness – It is the ability to stay present in the moment. We can say an individual or a child is mindful  when they have a credible set of skills and approach towards life to be able to adapt with changing  situations with ease. This ability supports and promotes good mental health. 


A recent research at the University of Oxford has explored the link between learning mindfulness at school  and the wellbeing of students. Learning mindfulness early in life can help children flourish and bloom to  their true potential. Young children are innately mindful. This natural ability needs to be nurtured so they  do not lose touch as they grow up. There are some misconceptions about mindfulness. Some may see it as being ‘fluffy’ or ‘weird’. Some  may also feel that it’s a new term that is trending. It has in fact been a very important part of science and  ancient wisdom of thousands of years. It is connected with being aware and attentive. A skill which is so  important for any learning process.  

Low levels of wellbeing and its mental health problems become the base for difficulties such as low self esteem & emotional trauma from past experiences. 

In fact students who are happy and healthy develop the following 

– Concentration, motivation and high energy levels. 

– Academic success. 


– Coping skills for adapting to difficult situations. 

– They are more empathetic and can build long term relationships with others.  

This need to focus on student wellbeing has inspired the new Oxford International Curriculum (OIC)  which offers a new approach to teaching and learning with an emphasis on wellbeing and global skills  development taught both as stand-alone subjects and integrated with the core subjects too.  

In order to maximise chances of success schools need to;  

– Take on wellbeing as a whole school approach: 


– Actively engage the wider community 

– Focus on professional development for teachers 

– Ensure that sufficient time and resources are available 

Future Employers strongly value soft skills and emotional resilience, adaptability, and lateral thinking.  This need is making it even more important that schools focus on developing these skills in order to  support their students’ academic, personal and future professional success.

This article is authored bySamara Jagwanee, Director, Damara International School


NOTE- On the occasion of World Mental Health Day 2023 observed on October 10th, ScooNews has dedicated this week to #ScooNewsforMentalHealth-  a campaign amplifying the voices of the education fraternity on the Inclusion of mental health in our curriculum. Stay tuned for the whole week, as we will be coming up with stories and articles on mental health in education.


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