
University of Southampton Receives Licence to Establish Campus in India



Image Source- India Today

The University of Southampton has been granted a licence by the Indian government to establish a comprehensive campus in India, marking a significant milestone in the internationalisation of education. The University Grants Commission (UGC) has approved the university’s plans to offer high-quality education, research, knowledge exchange, and enterprise within the country.

This forthcoming campus aims to produce world-class, work-ready graduates equipped with both specialised and transferable skills. It will engage in research and knowledge exchange in collaboration with local universities, industries, and government bodies, applying these insights to generate tangible social and economic benefits. The university’s focus is on fostering an entrepreneurial and innovative spirit in India, as highlighted in their official press release.

Mark E. Smith, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Southampton, commented, “In the 21st century, no university can truly be global without engaging with India. Our goal is to establish a campus that contributes to both India and the University of Southampton by merging our world-class expertise in education, research, and knowledge exchange with the immense talent of this rising global superpower.”

Professor Andrew Atherton, Vice-President International and Engagement, added, “University of Southampton Delhi NCR will be the first comprehensive international campus in India. It will promote academic collaboration and introduce an international perspective to the Indian higher education system, offering students the opportunity to earn a top 100 global degree within the country.”


Lindy Cameron, British High Commissioner to India, expressed her enthusiasm, stating, “The new University of Southampton campus will be a hub of world-class education and innovation. This collaboration will not only enhance educational excellence but also allow more British students to experience living and studying in India, further strengthening the unique bond between our two nations.”

Alison Barrett MBE, Director India at the British Council, remarked, “The University of Southampton’s decision to establish a campus in India reflects the strong educational partnership between India and the UK. This development aligns with the goals of the National Education Policy 2020 and underscores the power of education in building cross-cultural understanding and a brighter future for young people.”


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