Leading lights from education discuss the highs and lows of 2019 as well as the hopes for 2020
In the last month of the year, a note of hope was sounded with the HRD Ministry declaring that the new National Education Policy would be in the public domain very soon and, what’s more, it would ‘establish the glory of India in the world’.
5 years agoon
In the last month of the year, a note of hope was sounded with the HRD Ministry declaring that the new National Education Policy would be in the public domain very soon and, what’s more, it would ‘establish the glory of India in the world’. Yes, we could do with some of that shine! MHRD Secretary (Higher Education) R Subrahmanyam emphasised, “This education policy is going to modify the way we are implementing our education systems.” NEP 2019 envisions an India-centred education system that contributes directly to transforming India sustainably into an equitable and vibrant knowledge society, by providing high quality education to all. Some of the goals include quality early childhood education for all children between 3-6 years by 2025, every student in Grade 5 and beyond to achieve foundational literacy and numeracy by 2025, new 5+3+3+4 developmentally-appropriate curricular and pedagogical structure for school education, integrated, flexible school curriculum, no hierarchy of subjects, no hard separation of areas; integration of vocational and academic streams and lots more. The implementation of the NEP is naturally much looked forward to in the new year, by a system that has much to achieve. Incidentally, the HRD ministry received more than 2 lakh suggestions on NEP.
Edtech continues to make big strides. A study conducted by Google and KPMG had estimated online education in India, apparently the fastest growing internet market, to mushroom by 8 x into a close to $2 billion industry by 2021. This boom has seen a varied range of edtech platforms tackling the current infrastructure gap in different ways. While some use animation to teach complex topics, others have human tutors doing the teaching, while still others have gamified the process to create an interactive learning experience. Edtech start-ups, with their new and engaging range of solutions including new age tutorials, flipped classrooms, personalised learning and standardised resources, have the potential to leapfrog our education system towards increased success.
Say edtech and it must willy-nilly be followed by Byju’s… Byju’s, which has since raised close to a billion dollars from investors, is among the five most valuable Indian start-ups, along with Oyo, Paytm, Ola and Swiggy, last valued at about $5.5 billion in July. The company posted profits of ₹20 crore last fiscal on revenues of about ₹1,400 crore, on the back of about 35 million users, 2.5 million of whom are paid subscribers. With close to 85 percent renewal rate, the firm is on course to clock ₹3,000 crore in the current fiscal.
Budget time, it was revealed that the government plans to invest Rs.38, 572 crore under the National Education Mission. In 2018-19, Budget Education was Rs.56,619 crore, which had been increased to Rs.62,474 crore. It has been further increased to 76,800 crore in BE 2019-20. The four prominent schemes under National Education Mission, including Sakshar Bharat, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha and Teacher training programs, are expected to get a boost. The increased spend on National Education Program will make provision for skilled teachers in the system with better pay. It will also provide incentives to encourage research across all disciplines along with strengthening the technical capacity of the central schools.
With the budget's emphasis on digitisation, AI and advanced technology, integration of technology in classrooms is expected to get a considerable thrust. Additionally, education is expected to become more accessible for all. Technology upgradation and teacher's training are the two critical elements that will allow Indian schools to leverage the power of digital solutions and prepare students for new age jobs and careers.
Even as President Ramnath Kovind stressed that liberal arts education needs to be given as much importance as science and technology, and at least 23 teenagers in the southern Indian state of Telangana killed themselves since their controversial school-leaving exam results, several million people, including thousands of students, took part in the global climate strike across the world, inspired by Swedish climate activist and student, Greta Thunberg. “People are failing to grasp the anger of the younger generation in the face of a changing climate,” young Greta pointed out. “People are underestimating the force of angry kids.” Truly, if we cannot help, let us not hinder and simply get out of the way!
Since year endings merit looking back and looking forward, we got key experts from the field of education to share with ScooNews their views on the main developments and happenings in the field, both domestic and global, over the year. What did they find encouraging? What are the lessons that need to be learned from the challenges encountered to ensure better outcomes? What are they particularly looking forward to in the new year with regard to education? Here’s what they feel…
‘Learning is now a life-long practice’
Pukhraj Ranjan
Indian education & social innovation advocate
Head of Community & Media at
Schools in India and around the world are trying to innovate and match the speed at which the world is changing. But education, as of today, isn’t restricted only to the school boundaries. Children are learning from TV, social media channels, their own parents and communities, news, internet and through many other learning avenues. Learning is now a life-long practice which presents an ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons.
Through my experience at the HundrED Innovation Summit (Helsinki, Finland) and World Innovation Summit for Education – WISE 2019 (Doha, Qatar), over the last month, has reiterated my belief in the future of education to be rooted in holistic development and holistic wellbeing of the child.
Across both the summits and my continued interaction with global education innovators, I have noticed a deep focus on using design thinking to solve social challenges that prevent students from getting access to education. I also have noticed a rise in soft (essential) skills education like that of social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development, but also self-sustainability, as well as competitiveness and employability.
71% of the HundrED 2020 global collection of education innovations target the development of 21st century skills as defined by the Future of Education and Skills 2030 report by the OECD (2018). The six winners of the 2019 WISE Awards were also seen to be addressing global educational challenges from supporting low-income families with funding support packages in Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Liberia to facilitating early childhood development through home visiting programs in Brazil, etc.
A key facet of the conversations in the current global education landscape revolves around innovative practices in education that have solid evidence of impact and more importantly have the potential to scale.
New innovation needed:
While researching innovative education practices, the HundrED research team identified some global factors contributing to the resistance and distrust on experimenting with new practices and technologies. These include:
Time is a scarce resource that is spread thinly across curricula demands, which consequently stifles deep thinking, imagination, and creativity in schools.
Managing demanding assessment expectations causes most educators and students to be risk averse (e.g. the rise of standardised assessment).
Teachers are stressed just to get to the end of the day and cut corners out of necessity, leaving little room for new ideas to grow in an agile way.
Current structural boundaries (like a rigid school timetable) stifle new ideas for teachers and students, making it very difficult for innovation in education to spread easily.
As an Indian educator and innovation advocate, I believe new innovations in education should aim to allow us to do more with less and provide ways for educators to mitigate against these barriers.
Holistic wellbeing of all:
As we move into 2020, I look forward to seeing a sustainable and continued commitment to holistic development and holistic wellbeing of not just the child but all key education stakeholders like teachers, school leaders, parents, etc. I am also hopeful for a renewed focus on actively listening and involving the beneficiaries of our work and critical educational conversations, especially students and youth. And as mentioned above, I hope to see more innovations in education that do more with less and provide ways to help children flourish and reach their potential worldwide.
‘Attention given to personalised learning is heartening’
Lina Ashar
Educationist, entrepreneur, writer
Chairman, Kangaroo Kids Education Limited
The most promising developments in education recently have been the integration of technology in classrooms and schools and the increased attention given to personalised learning.
We’re at the cusp of an education revolution and modern advancements have been the driving force that could very well change the face of education forever. The integration of technology in schools and classrooms has been a boon to students, faculty and management. The use of classroom management software and cloud technology have not only help drive cost savings and operational efficiencies but improve the utilisation of resources for student learning. Breakthroughs in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality, within the education sector, have changed the way students learn, paving the way for data-driven and personalised learning.
Artificial intelligence has improved student learning through tutoring systems that are available as and when the student requires. The same system is able to adapt the teaching approach to suit the student’s needs and thereafter evaluate the student’s performance. It utilizes data obtained through direct interaction and mobile learning to adapt the approach and help realise the student’s potential for learning. Artificial intelligence, through the use of concepts like online learning and data-driven learning, is helping make a student’s education more relevant and personalised. Virtual reality or virtual learning has made it possible for students to experience their education more vividly, increasing their interest in the matter and improving their understanding. It makes the interaction between students and subjects more immersive and engaging by giving students, quite literally, a better view on the subject.
The need to find motivation:
Resilience and positivity are the key lessons to learn from any challenge. I believe that students today lack the self-belief and determination that could help them overcome challenges. Students may have the skills and direction to overcome challenges, but they need to find the motivation to keep moving forward.
Parents and teachers need to help students understand that failure is not the end, it’s a means to an end. Failure is a stepping stone and can help students learn, so by teaching them to look at it positively, children can gain the potential to learn more.
Obstacles and challenges are a part of life, it’s how we choose to look at it that can make the difference. When these challenges appear, it is up to us to find meaning in it. This can set us on the road to developing resilience. Let the life story of Lou Gehrig serve as an example of overcoming challenges and creating better outcomes. Lou was a clumsy kid, and the boys in his neighbourhood wouldn’t let him play on their baseball team. But this didn’t deter him from playing baseball, instead, he tapped into his source of inner courage and determination to keep improving. Where do you think that got him? Today, he is listed in the Baseball Hall of Fame as one of the greatest players of all time. Such is the power of positivity and resilience.
Taking failure positively, but at the same time using the experience to overcome it, can put students on the path to success. Ultimately, to ensure better outcomes, we need to make sure that we learn from the experience and use that learning to do better; positivity and resilience help ensure that we keep moving forward and keep learning.
Not a restart but change:
A new year symbolises a new beginning, but what we need isn’t a restart, we need a change. Education needs to be restructured to provide learners with the knowledge, skills and competencies they need for the future.
Education needs to be less about just teaching children and more about how we can create effective, lifelong learners, where learning new skills will be an ongoing necessity throughout life. To that end, I’m looking forward to a revamp of the system; making student education more focused on development rather than on results and success.
In the future, education and every other aspect of the world will be heavily dependent on technology. Many jobs will be replaced by machines. So, what’s in store for our children?
Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, spoke at The World Economic Forum, saying: “If we do not change the way we teach, the world will be in trouble. Our education is knowledge-based, and we cannot teach our kids to compete with machines. We have to teach them something unique so that machines can never catch up with us.”
We need to equip the learners of today with the skills and values that can help them become adaptable, innovative, and purpose-driven, as those will be the requirements for success in the world that they will live in. We need to prepare our children for the workplace of the future.
Keeping that in mind, I look forward to the evolution of education in terms of a pivotal shift. Regrettably, the push for change is an external one, from industries that are not having their needs met by the current state of education. Education should be more proactive to future vision and change by itself. So, here’s to hoping that the education system will realise the necessity of such a change.
‘Overjoyed by happiness inclusion in curriculum’
Dr Jagpreet Singh
Headmaster, Punjab Public School, Nabha.
I was thrilled to see the inclusion of technology making its presence felt in almost every education sector. I was overjoyed by the fact that Delhi government and other states included Happiness in their Curriculum. Ironically, at the same time this has left me wondering …do we need to teach happiness and enforce it in our lives? Time to contemplate, my dear colleagues from the education fraternity…!
Drawing the line:
Yes, with IT playing the role of necessary evil, we need to have a more clear line of thought about “how much is too much”. We must understand and find out the constructive role of technology in the learning outcome as per various Educational Boards.
Catch ‘em young:
I will be extremely elated to see the young generation taking up teaching as profession. Classrooms breaking the barrier of four walls and inter-disciplinary approach will be an interesting thing to learn and implement.
‘Dialogue is a silver lining’
Dr. Sumer Singh
Author and advisor to schools
Director Education Salad
In spite of the dismal level of financial support from government towards school education and education research, there are some silver linings which have emerged in recent times.
What comes to mind first is dialogue, dialogue between educators and the CBSE and between educators and the Ministry of HRD. How much is the impact on policy is still not known but the desire for more open conversation gives rise not only to optimism but also to the emergence of enhanced brainstorming and to a consequential growth of education leaders in the private sector.
From my perch as a retired educationist I see them coming out of their limited campus environments onto the bigger stage and a number of educational thinkers are having a very positive impact. Not only are these educationists more outspoken than their counterparts of my generation, but they have been sharing their views and experiences on the platforms provided by a mushrooming of conferences and workshops across the country. These ever-multiplying conferences are leading to sharing of best practices, ideas and cooperation as never before. Organisations like ScooNews, Education World & Future 50 need to be recognized for their contribution in the development of this phenomenon.
The second positive development is globalization and inter-cultural learning. Educators are engaging beyond the elitist global clubs that benefit only a few. AFS has grown in the last two years into a network of a hundred schools pan India, providing training in intercultural skills to over thousands of students and hundreds of educators. Apart from overseas exchanges it has initiated domestic exchanges and I have seen the dividends of student exchanges between schools in different parts of the country creating friendships and a better understanding of our cultural diversity. This is so important in an age when nations and even Indian states are finding reasons to isolate themselves in a false sense of nationalism and protectionism.
Migration across state and national borders in search of better education, professional development and tourism is a growing reality and preparing students in inter cultural sensitivity is an essential component of education.
Educators are equally exposing themselves through study tours abroad. The biggest impacts in this process is the emergence of humanities or the liberal arts as a preferred option and the importance now being given more widely to languages, visual and performing arts.
In all this churning many of our students have shifted priorities beyond traditional and well-paying careers to areas of responsible citizenship, desiring to make an impact on issues like environment & urban planning, gender sensitivity, conflict resolution as also educational opportunities for the less privileged. This new breed will impact our society for the better for they are thinking beyond their own personal comforts. Certainly more than we did.
There is also a gradual shift in rural areas away from a desire to secure government jobs towards acquiring skills and working independently. If this trend grows the result will be more enterprise and the creation of jobs.
Postponement of qualifying exam disheartening:
Having listed some of the positive trends I have a major regret which I do hope is addressed soon. In the 1980s I attended a series of meetings with the HRD Minister, Education Secretary and Chairperson of the CBSE. It was resolved that India would do away with the school leaving examination which restricts multi-faceted talents recognizing only academic achievements based on restricted parameters, encouraging unhealthy competition and stress. That we would replace this with a common higher studies’ qualifying examination that could be attempted a multiple of times. It was hoped to reduce the existing numerous entrance examinations and, in the process, give more freedom of curriculum at the school level.
I was sad to learn soon after that the implementation of this decision was postponed because the Ministry lacked the technical skills to introduce the resolution till such time as papers could be simultaneously prepared in multiple languages. I do still hope this scheme, long forgotten, is revived one day.
We all hope that educators will shift from a lecture, notes and memorization methodology to a more creative and experiential model. But until the assessment model is changed, we will remain tied to marks and ranks, neglecting the essential soft skills that define each of us.
‘Swing from memory-based to skill-based education’
Anirudh Khaitan
Vice Chairman Khaitan Public School
Director, Bengal Education Society
Our recent trip to Australia has been an eye opener for the education system that is being followed there. The complete assessment and analysis of students performance is being monitored through data using artificial intelligence tools. Technology is being heavily integrated into classrooms, being in the real world feel into classrooms. What was very encouraging to see globally is how education is being moved away from memory based to more skill-based education. Specially in Australia, they have managed to bring in literally 1000’s of skills into high school education and there is a very positive impact on schooling there because of it.
Even in India, there has been a complete thought process change in how one of their leading boards CBSE is viewing education. They have been able to shift their mindset from Rote Learning Methodology to more experiential based learning. This is more in line with what is needed in our country. The have recently announced many initiatives from reforms in assessments that will have a huge impact on how education is done in the country.
RTE challenges:
The introduction of RTE has been extremely challenging both for government institutions and private institutions. Instead of increasing overall enrolment, RTE has managed to only shift students from Government to Private schools. Currently the RTE is going to be revamped and we are very hopeful that the government will look at all the misgivings of the earlier policy and make it better. The government is the biggest provider of education, without which a country cannot move forward. They are already focussing more on making their own schools better and now we look forward for their support in the initiatives taken by the private schools, so together we can all take the country forward.
Needed: NEP implementation:
I am particularly looking forward to the implementation of NEP as if done in the right way, it could make a huge impact on school education. Personally, for our schools, we are looking at automating all processes as into give a better product and experience to our students and parents.
‘AI is digging into data and learning rapidly’
Anand Krishnaswamy
Dean of STEM Studies
Purkal Youth Development Society
What a teacher is, has been a shape-shifting definition since our mythological version of the guru in a gurukula – from being a controller to a facilitator, from being the store of knowledge to flipped classes, from being the key player in a closed room to MOOCs, from that strict martinet to an empathetic comrade – and continues to change. But there is one development which is rapidly pushing education and teachers to answer this question as in that answer will be the roadmap to how education itself will take shape. That development is of artificial intelligence (AI) and its increasing role in education. Before I go into the debate, let me present some of the work that is out there.
Many countries are invested in AI in education. Global edtech funding jumped a whopping 58% in 2015 from the previous year. The market is projected to grow at 17.0% per annum, to $252 billion by the year 2020. Asia is seeing the fastest growth in investment into the sector; China, in particular, is the largest edtech market. China is also very bullish about AI in education. Many reports across the world attribute higher pass grades and reduced dropout rates to collaborating with an AI adaptive learning system. It will no longer be about gadgets but about utilising tech for providing value unlike realised before in education. The validation is there but what are the key differentiators?
The biggest strengths:
AI’s biggest strength is scale of operation. An AI system can not only look at the responses of students in the class and identify patterns of error and learning (which an excellent human teacher could also do) but it can also crunch numbers and extract patterns from all schools in a city or state or country and indicate with varying degrees of confidence, the likely paths ahead or challenges in the past. A human teacher is not even privy to this information, let alone possess the ability to process these. An AI system can respond to identified patterns by picking from a massive catalogue of options. A human teacher (and even the best) can respond with a few options. An AI system can process data about a student’s learning pattern over the years & even build a model that maps it to physiological changes – and then repeat this for thousands of students. The best human teacher is rarely ever with one student for many years and even if they are, they are unlikely to repeat this intimate awareness at a scale beyond a few tens at best. AI is a function of its algorithms. The best human teacher is a function of his/her moods, mental acumen (which is not fixed), commitment, health and energy levels.
I’ll present one example of the work out there. A lot of fascinating advancements are being done at Squirrel AI Learning, China. Their strength lies in the granularity they invest in and the responses to signals at that level of granularity. In common terms, Squirrel’s strength is in how minutely they break down each topic, say, a chapter, into facets that require new learning or reconnect to old learning as well as the response mechanism they have for a student’s interaction with those facets. This response mechanism, they call a “knowledge graph”. By presenting about 10-15 questions, the system is able to determine the exact support and help the student needs as well as the flavour of the next lesson (since the next lesson can come in different flavours depending on student learning styles and their individual knowledge graph). The future, at places like Squirrel AI, is fascinating & full of possibilities. Whether this ends up in a test-driven education model (much like what we see in coaching classes and cities like Kota) or an expansive and holistic education – we will never know but AI is here to stay.
Teachers and AI:
While many will emotionally respond with “Ah! No computer can replace a real teacher”, that number is reducing very swiftly. The wiser few do not talk in terms of “either or” and acknowledge that the human would be the best human teacher if s/he admitted his/her shortcomings and utilised AI to fill those and inform his/her judgement. The reason that is inevitable is because teaching and education has loved to play to the image of that amazing teacher who created a miracle in the lives of many. AI is simply not wasting time in miracles but is digging into data and learning rapidly. Teaching & effective learning is composed of elements that are repetitive & rudimentary, coupled with elements that are subjective and perception-based, combined with elements that are inherently evolutionary and adaptive. Some of these elements can be presented by a machine (which is not very different, in its role, from a textbook; just richer). There are elements of analysis that simply need to be performed (what example works best for Kumar? What video should Sujata watch next? Has Vijay truly understood fraction equivalence? etc.) and are today held ransom to the teacher’s willingness, capability or inclination to trick the system. AI can perform these without taking a break. A wise teacher would use this to identify his/her next move.
While India is far behind in AI and is more likely to end up adopting from elsewhere, this is going to be a significant overhaul of education system implementation as we know it. This is a trend I am eagerly watching.
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Amazon Future Engineer: 3 Million Students, 20,000 Teachers Trained Across India
44 minutes agoon
January 22, 2025
Amazon’s Future Engineer Program, launched in 2021, has reached significant milestones in its mission to bridge the digital divide and promote computer science education in underserved communities. The program has successfully trained three million students and 20,000 teachers across 272 districts in India, providing education in seven Indian languages, including Hindi, Tamil, and Marathi.
At the inaugural Careers of the Future Summit 2025, Amazon announced scholarships for 500 female students pursuing undergraduate degrees in computer science or related fields. Each scholarship, worth ₹2 lakhs over four years, includes additional support such as mentorship, coding boot camps, and personal laptops. These initiatives aim to address the gender gap in the tech sector and empower young women to thrive in technology-driven careers.
The summit, held in Delhi, brought together policymakers, educators, and industry leaders to discuss the integration of computer science education into school curriculums and its role in preparing students for future careers. It highlighted the importance of self-paced learning platforms and online certifications in creating equitable opportunities for students, especially in tier 2 cities.
Samir Kumar, Country Manager at Amazon India, emphasised the company’s commitment to fostering digital equity, stating, “At Amazon, we are committed to bridging India’s digital divide through education. Our Amazon Future Engineer program is offering 500 merit-based scholarships worth INR 2 lakhs each to female computer science students. We have already trained 3 million government school students and 20,000 teachers across 8 states. By empowering India’s youth with future-ready skills, we are nurturing the next generation of tech innovators. This investment in diverse, inclusive education is key to unlocking India’s potential and driving sustainable growth,”
The program has collaborated with non-profit organisations and government bodies to implement initiatives in states such as Delhi, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, and Maharashtra. It provides students with exposure to foundational AI concepts, coding, and project-based learning. Teachers have also benefited from targeted training programs, enabling them to effectively guide students in computer science.
While Amazon’s efforts mark significant progress, experts highlight the need for broader collaborations between corporations, governments, and educational institutions to sustain these initiatives and scale them nationwide.
AI Creating Personalised Learning Pathways for Students
20 hours agoon
January 21, 2025
Students generally have different learning preferences. While some prefer visual aids, others opt for hands-on training. Traditional education often fails to cater to this diversity. Artificial Intelligence (AI) acknowledges these diverse learning patterns and customises the curriculum to fit each student’s requirements. Though AI has not replaced traditional textbooks, it has transformed education into a personalised and inclusive experience to help learners acquire knowledge at their own pace.
AI-based tutors, chatbots, VR learning experiences, and gamified learning platforms are facilitating student-centred approach, addressing learners’ specific needs, abilities, and interests and customising the curriculum and learning techniques.
Adapting Learning Experiences with AI-Powered Tools
AI-driven adaptive learning tools analyse huge amounts of data on each student, including their cognitive abilities, strengths, weaknesses and pace of learning. By doing so, such tools create a unique database of learners’ profiles. Besides, AI recommends tailored resources—from articles and videos to podcasts and books—based on past performance, interests, and learning preferences of the students, nudging them towards sharpening their knowledge. Available in multiple languages, EdTech tools make education access easier by helping remove language barriers.
Enhancing Educator Effectiveness Data-driven insights derived from AI tools enable educators to collect and analyse information about student performance, understand each student’s aptitudes, modify curriculum delivery, and provide timely feedback while developing a data-driven teaching strategy. These insights also help identify learning gaps in advance, allowing educators to adjust their teaching strategies based on students’ needs. AI is breaking down barriers by creating an inclusive and flexible learning environment. A report by EdTechXGlobal shows that 60% of K-12 instructors in the US implement personalised learning in their classrooms.
Empowering Students with Disabilities AI assists students with visual, speech, language, and hearing impairments in accomplishing tasks with ease. Screen readers, speech-to-text tools, and AI-powered learning modules help disabled students engage more effectively with educational content. For instance, learners with dyslexia and dysgraphia can achieve improved educational outcomes with AI-integrated writing assistance software and text-to-speech tools.
Adaptive technologies tailored to the needs of disabled learners are actively promoted in the United States to enhance personalised learning. The U.S. Department of Education ensures that disabled students have access to the latest education technology. It also instructs schools to assess whether students require tools such as text-to-speech software and alternative communication devices.
The Indian Perspective India is actively leveraging AI to promote personalised education. India’s Education Ministry is promoting AI in education through programs such as NEP 2020, NITI Aayog’s AI for All Initiative, and PM eVidya. Such favourable government policies are driving educational institutions across the country to adopt data-backed approaches to enhance personalised learning experiences. By integrating AI algorithms into educational platforms, Indian schools and colleges are tailoring learning pathways based on each student’s performance and learning speed.
Additionally, India’s policy frameworks are evolving to support these technological advancements to promote inclusivity and improve learning outcomes. This combination of visionary policies and practical AI applications has created an environment where students of all abilities can thrive.
A Breakthrough Year Ahead 2024 has been a crucial year for AI in education. The AI market grew significantly last year and reached more than 184 billion US dollars, an almost $50 billion gain over 2023. The growth of this sector can be attributed to the use of artificial intelligence tools in classrooms, which have transformed the way students learn. AI will further transform education and make it more adaptable, inclusive, and progressive through equity, engagement, and innovation in 2025. Its ability to customise the learning experience will ensure that students, regardless of their abilities or challenges, can achieve their full potential.
Government initiatives, targeted financing, teacher training programs, and private schools collaborating with reputed STEM institutes/universities have made India’s education system more AI-friendly. Nevertheless, the country still has a long way to go compared to other developed nations with well-defined AI strategies.
Traditional teaching methods are no longer effective in addressing the needs of the digital age. It may also lead to significant skill gaps. The Economic Survey 2023-24 shows that 65% of India’s population is under 35, with many lacking the skills required by a modern economy. Therefore, integrating AI into education is necessary to prepare the younger generation for a competitive job market. Thus, educational institutions and educators in India must embrace this transition proactively to prepare students for increasing global digitalization.
This article is authored by Husien Dohadwalla, Chief Executive Officer, Crimson Education Management Services
National Startup Day: A New Era for Education and Entrepreneurship
6 days agoon
January 16, 2025
As India celebrates nine years of the Startup India initiative on National Startup Day, 16 January 2025, it’s evident how deeply the entrepreneurial spirit has been embedded in the nation’s fabric. From being a country of aspiring doctors and engineers to a hub for budding entrepreneurs, India has undergone a significant transformation. This shift isn’t confined to adults but is increasingly taking root in schools, where the next generation of business leaders is being nurtured.
The Entrepreneurial Wave in Schools
Startup culture has permeated classrooms, with students now creating and marketing products under professional guidance. Chemistry labs aren’t just for experiments anymore; they’ve become mini manufacturing units. Students are crafting innovative products—think handmade soaps, eco-friendly cleaning agents, and even tech gadgets—and selling them under their school’s brand. This hands-on experience in entrepreneurship is teaching them valuable lessons in problem-solving, teamwork, and financial literacy, far beyond traditional academics.
Shows like Shark Tank India have also played a crucial role in shaping young minds. These programmes, widely watched across TV and OTT platforms, have demystified entrepreneurship for students and parents alike. By showcasing real-life success stories, they’ve encouraged families to view entrepreneurship as a viable career path, on par with medicine or engineering.
Schools as Incubators of Ideas
Schools today are recognising their potential to act as incubators for future business leaders. Many are introducing entrepreneurship programmes, collaborating with startups, and organising business pitch competitions. These initiatives allow students to explore their interests and learn the intricacies of building a business—from ideation and prototyping to marketing and scaling.
Some schools have even created dedicated innovation labs and partnered with local businesses for mentorship opportunities. These setups not only foster creativity but also give students exposure to the practical aspects of running a business. Such efforts align perfectly with the government’s Startup India initiative, which has championed innovation and inclusivity for nearly a decade.
Why This Matters for the Future
Entrepreneurship isn’t just about creating businesses; it’s about fostering a mindset. Students who grow up in this environment are better equipped to tackle real-world challenges, think creatively, and adapt to changing circumstances. These skills are invaluable, whether they eventually choose to run their own business or work within an organisation.
Moreover, promoting entrepreneurship in schools has a ripple effect. It not only prepares students for the future but also inspires communities and contributes to economic growth. Schools that actively engage in such initiatives are setting a precedent for holistic education that balances academics with life skills.
What Next?
With over 1.59 lakh startups now recognised in India, the country has become a global hub of innovation. Schools must seize this moment to integrate entrepreneurial education into their curriculums actively. By doing so, they will not only align with national objectives but also prepare students for a world that values innovation and adaptability above all.
As we celebrate National Startup Day, let’s look forward to a future where classrooms double as boardrooms and students graduate not just with degrees but with dreams ready to take flight.
Sunbeam Suncity’s Year of Achievements and Global Engagement
6 days agoon
January 16, 2025
Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel) Varanasi has had a noteworthy year, marked by significant achievements across academics, sports, and cultural domains. Upholding the Sunbeam Group’s 52-year legacy, the school has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to fostering holistic education, encouraging global engagement, and nurturing well-rounded individuals.
A standout event of the year was the hosting of the Round Square Conference 2024 on Sunbeam Suncity’s expansive 65-acre campus. The event brought together 210 delegates from India, Europe, and the Middle East, providing a platform for students to engage in cross-cultural dialogue and develop a broader global perspective. This conference, along with the school’s active participation in associations such as Round Square and AFS, has offered students avenues to interact and collaborate on international platforms.
In the realm of academics and the arts, the school’s students delivered notable performances, particularly at the Kanchenjunga Lit Fest 2024, where they were awarded the title of Overall Champion. Students excelled in events such as quiz competitions, creative writing, debate, and visual arts, underscoring the school’s focus on fostering intellectual exploration and creative expression.
Sports also played a significant role in the school’s accomplishments this year. Sunbeam Suncity’s teams earned commendable recognition at various events, including the CBSE Cluster Table Tennis Championship 2024, where both team and individual honours were secured.
The school’s efforts to promote leadership and global awareness, combined with its consistent success in academic, creative, and athletic pursuits, highlight its dedication to preparing students for future challenges. Through a blend of tradition and innovation, Sunbeam Suncity continues to provide an educational environment that prioritises comprehensive growth and achievement.
2025: A Wake-Up Call for Cybersecurity in Education After the US PowerSchool Breach
1 week agoon
January 15, 2025
The US PowerSchool data breach has once again spotlighted the vulnerabilities of the education sector to cyberattacks. As reported by Caitlynn Peetz for Education Week, the breach potentially exposed the personal data of millions of students and teachers, raising significant concerns about digital security in schools.
The K-12 operations platform PowerSchool, serving over 60 million students across 18,000 institutions globally, experienced a significant data breach on 28th December 2024. Hackers accessed sensitive information, including names, addresses, Social Security numbers, grades, and medical details of students and educators. This incident highlights the vulnerabilities in systems managing critical educational data, sparking concerns about privacy and cybersecurity in the education sector.
The Growing Threat in India
India is facing a surge in cyberattacks, with the education sector emerging as one of the most targeted. A report by Check Point Software Technologies reveals that Indian educational institutions experience an average of 8,195 weekly attacks, significantly higher than the global average of 3,355. Sensitive data, including students’ personal, academic, and financial records, makes these institutions lucrative targets for cybercriminals.
Weak cybersecurity measures and the growing reliance on digital tools post-pandemic have further exacerbated vulnerabilities. Generative AI and sophisticated phishing techniques have increased the frequency and severity of these attacks, exposing institutions to risks ranging from financial loss to reputational damage.
Consequences of a Data Breach
The consequences of a data breach in the education sector are far-reaching and can be devastating:
- Identity Theft: Personal information, once leaked, can lead to identity theft, affecting students and their families.
- Financial Fraud: Misuse of sensitive financial data can result in fraudulent transactions.
- Disruption to Learning: Cyberattacks often paralyse institutional operations, forcing schools to shut down for days or weeks.
- Erosion of Trust: Breaches undermine confidence in institutions, leading to reputational damage that can take years to repair.
Why the Education Sector is Vulnerable
Educational institutions store vast amounts of sensitive data but often lack robust cybersecurity frameworks. Their reliance on online platforms, coupled with limited budgets for IT infrastructure, makes them easy targets for cybercriminals. In India, post-COVID-19 adoption of online learning platforms has only increased exposure to data breaches.
Lessons from the PowerSchool Breach
The PowerSchool breach occurred due to compromised credentials, highlighting the importance of basic cybersecurity practices. The company has since implemented stronger password policies and multi-factor authentication. However, this incident underscores the need for a proactive approach to prevent such attacks in the first place.
Mitigating Cybersecurity Risks
To prevent 2025 from becoming the year of rampant cyberattacks on education, a multi-pronged approach is essential:
- Training and Awareness: Teachers, staff, and students must be educated about phishing and other cyber threats.
- Strong Password Practices: Implementing multi-factor authentication and avoiding password reuse are critical steps.
- Regular Audits: Conducting cybersecurity audits can help identify vulnerabilities and address them proactively.
- Data Encryption: Sensitive data should be encrypted to minimise the impact of breaches.
- Collaboration with Experts: Partnering with cybersecurity firms can provide institutions with the latest tools and strategies to combat threats.
- Government Support: Leveraging grants and policies to strengthen IT infrastructure in schools is imperative.
The alarming frequency of cyberattacks in both the US and India signals a pressing need for educational institutions to prioritise cybersecurity. As experts have advocated for integrating sports, humanities, AI, or STEM into education, a similar emphasis on digital safety could create a holistic approach to modern learning.
The data of students and educators is priceless. Safeguarding it is not just a technological challenge but a moral imperative to ensure the integrity and trustworthiness of educational institutions worldwide.
Bhaichung Bhutia and Neeraj Chopra Amplify The Mission to Make India a Champion Nation Through Sports-Driven Education
1 week agoon
January 13, 2025
Creating a nation of sports champions requires a fundamental shift in how India balances education and athletics. Former Indian football team captain Bhaichung Bhutia and Olympic gold medallist Neeraj Chopra have called for a more sports-integrated education system to nurture talent and elevate India’s global athletic standing.
Speaking at the Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue, Bhutia emphasised the urgent need for collaboration between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. “Every child is trained to become a doctor or an engineer, but we need a more sports-friendly curriculum. Only then will India produce world champions,” Bhutia said. He suggested making sports a major subject in schools to build an ecosystem that values athletic achievement alongside academics.
Echoing similar sentiments, Neeraj Chopra highlighted the success of student-athletes in the United States, where schools and universities play a critical role in producing Olympic-level athletes. “If schools and universities in India adopt a similar approach, we will see a big rise in sports,” Chopra told Lallantop. He stressed that with proper management, balancing sports and education is achievable, citing American athletes as examples.
Both athletes pointed to the need for systemic changes in policy and mindset. Bhutia called for sports and education ministries to collaborate closely, while Chopra advocated for schools and universities to integrate competitive sports programs.
The calls from Bhutia and Chopra align with India’s growing focus on youth development under initiatives like the Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue. For India to become a sporting powerhouse, the nation must prioritise infrastructure, policy reforms, and a cultural shift that places equal importance on athletic and academic excellence.
National Youth Day: Would Swami Vivekananda Be Proud of Indian Youth Today?
1 week agoon
January 13, 2025
On 12 January each year, India celebrates National Youth Day, commemorating the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda—a visionary whose ideals continue to inspire generations. His emphasis on courage, self-discipline, and selflessness laid the foundation for building a nation of empowered youth. Yet, as we reflect on his teachings, a poignant question arises: if Swami Vivekananda were alive today, would he be proud of the state of India’s youth?
A Disturbing Landscape
Despite remarkable strides in education, technology, and global recognition, troubling statistics reveal a different narrative. Reports show a disheartening rise in suicides among young students, with academic pressure, bullying, and mental health struggles emerging as significant factors. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, India recorded over 13,000 student suicides in 2022—a grim reminder of the challenges our youth face.
Swami Vivekananda famously said, “Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached.” But how do we encourage this awakening in an environment that often prioritises grades over mental well-being, competition over collaboration, and individual success over collective growth?
Polarisation and Division
In his landmark address at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago, Vivekananda envisioned a harmonious world, where mutual respect and inclusivity thrived. Yet, incidents of hate crimes in educational institutions paint a different picture. Instead of fostering understanding, many schools struggle to counter narratives of division and intolerance, which are seeping into the minds of impressionable young individuals.
Vaping is Cool!
Another alarming trend is the increasing prevalence of substance abuse and vaping among teenagers. Easy accessibility and peer influence have made vapes and drugs a growing concern in schools and colleges. Vivekananda’s ideal of youth as paragons of strength and discipline seems to clash with a reality where momentary fun triumphs responsibility.
Are We Listening to the Youth?
One of Vivekananda’s core messages was to listen and understand the needs of the youth, not dictate them. Today’s students crave purpose and authenticity in their pursuits. Yet, our education system largely remains exam-centric, with limited focus on developing emotional resilience, moral values, and critical thinking skills.
The rise of mental health issues highlights the urgent need for robust counselling frameworks in schools. Bullying, academic stress, and societal expectations weigh heavily on students. Swamiji believed in holistic education that nourished the body, mind, and soul—a vision that modern-day institutions must strive to achieve.
The Path Forward
- Mental Health Awareness: Schools must normalise conversations about mental health. Hiring trained counsellors and introducing life skills education can empower students to cope with stress and trauma.
- Fostering Inclusivity: Combatting polarisation starts with creating safe spaces for dialogue. Schools can champion diversity and empathy through collaborative activities and community-driven projects.
- Balanced Education: Beyond academic excellence, education must focus on creativity, moral values, and societal contributions—aligning with Vivekananda’s philosophy of balanced personal and communal growth.
- Youth Empowerment: Engage students in decision-making processes within educational institutions, giving them a sense of ownership and responsibility.
- Combatting Addictions: Early intervention and peer education programmes can deter substance abuse. Incorporating discussions on self-control and the consequences of addiction is crucial.
A Call to Action
If Swami Vivekananda were here today, he might be disheartened by some of these realities but would undoubtedly call upon educators, parents, and leaders to rise to the occasion. The Indian youth remain a powerful force capable of leading transformative change, provided they are equipped with the right guidance and support.
As educators and leaders, we must ask ourselves: Are we nurturing the kind of youth Swami Vivekananda dreamed of? Are we empowering them with the tools to think critically, act compassionately, and embrace diversity? Or are we just celebrating the day just for the sake of it? We need to ask real questions. The answers lie in our collective efforts to reshape the educational and societal systems influencing young minds.
Swami Vivekananda’s timeless words echo loudly: “The youth are the pillars of the nation.” It is upon us to ensure that these pillars stand strong, united, and unwavering, ready to lead India toward a brighter and more inclusive future.
2024 Year in Review: Updates and Insights from the Department of School Education & Literacy
2 weeks agoon
January 11, 2025
The Department of School Education & Literacy, under the Ministry of Education, unveiled several key initiatives and achievements in 2024, reflecting its commitment to implementing the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. From boosting foundational literacy to advancing eco-conscious education, the department’s efforts highlight a transformative year in the realm of school education in India.
Samagra Shiksha: A Holistic Approach to Education
The Samagra Shiksha scheme continued its focus on integrating education from pre-primary to Class XII, aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG-4). Between 2018 and 2025, the scheme achieved notable milestones:
- 3,656 schools upgraded.
- 138,802 schools equipped with ICT and digital initiatives.
- 9,477 schools introduced vocational education.
The scheme also addressed inclusivity with provisions for children with special needs, including stipends, aids, and barrier-free infrastructure, ensuring equitable access to education.
PM SHRI Schools: Exemplars of NEP 2020
The PM SHRI scheme aims to establish over 14,500 exemplar schools to implement NEP 2020 effectively. As of 2024, 12,084 schools have been selected, spanning primary to senior secondary levels. These schools boast state-of-the-art infrastructure, including smart classrooms, Atal Tinkering Labs, and enhanced sports facilities, fostering holistic education and innovation.
PM POSHAN: Tackling Hunger and Promoting Nutrition
The PM POSHAN scheme continued to provide hot meals to students from pre-primary to Class VIII in government and government-aided schools. Key enhancements included:
- Integration of school nutrition gardens.
- Special provisions for anaemia-prone districts.
- Community participation through Tithi Bhojan.
Material costs for meals were also revised to address inflation, ensuring sustained nutrition for students.
ULLAS: Fostering Lifelong Learning
The ULLAS initiative aims to achieve universal literacy by providing foundational and vocational education to adults aged 15 and above. In 2024:
- Over 2 crore learners and 39 lakh volunteer teachers registered.
- Ladakh became the first fully literate administrative unit.
- National Literacy Week saw 4.8 crore participants.
PARAKH and Assessment Reforms
The National Assessment Centre, PARAKH, implemented the PARAKH Rashtriya Sarvekshan 2024, covering 23 lakh students across 87,619 schools. The survey aimed to benchmark student competencies and introduced Holistic Progress Cards (HPC) to capture multidimensional student progress.
Inclusivity and Accessibility
Under Samagra Shiksha, efforts to include children with special needs advanced significantly. Key achievements include:
- Accessible infrastructure in 58.5% of government schools.
- Development of educational content in Indian Sign Language.
- Dedicated resources for screening and supporting students with disabilities.
Environmental Awareness: Eco Clubs for Mission LiFE
Eco Clubs, aligned with the Mission LiFE initiative, empowered students to adopt sustainable practices. Activities in 2024 included:
- 1.46 lakh new Eco Clubs established.
- 5.18 crore saplings planted during tree plantation drives.
- School nutrition gardens promoting sustainable food systems.
Teacher Education and Training
The introduction of the Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) aims to enhance teacher training by offering a dual major bachelor’s degree in education and a specialised subject. This initiative, along with the National Mission for Mentoring (NMM), strives to elevate teaching standards and professional development.
Equivalence Across School Boards
PARAKH facilitated regional workshops and studies to standardise assessments and curricula across school boards, promoting equity in education nationwide.
Key Infrastructure Developments
- Approval for 85 new Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) and expansion of one existing KV.
- Enhanced accessibility through the generation of over 7 crore APAAR IDs, ensuring seamless academic transitions for students.
Looking Ahead
The department’s initiatives in 2024 reflect a comprehensive effort to make education inclusive, innovative, and aligned with future needs. From integrating technology to fostering environmental responsibility, these steps pave the way for a transformative educational landscape in India.
Sunbeam School Sarnath Achieves Multiple Milestones in Education and Beyond
2 weeks agoon
January 11, 2025
Sunbeam School Sarnath has marked a year of significant achievements, reflecting its commitment to innovation, talent, and holistic development. Among its accomplishments, the school secured 1st place in the Disaster Management category at the CBSE Regional Science Exhibition 2024, held at DPS Gomtinagar, Lucknow. This win has qualified its students for the National Finals, showcasing their capability to address real-world issues through science.
The school also hosted the district-level National School Band Competition 2024, where over 13 teams participated. Sunbeam School Sarnath’s Brass Band emerged victorious, earning first place and advancing to the National Finals. The event highlighted the dedication and teamwork of young performers.
In sports, the school’s U-11 Aerobics Team won a gold medal at the Inter School Gymnastics Aerobics Competition, held at Panini Kanya Mahavidyalay and organised by the Varanasi District Gymnastics Association.
Additionally, the school was honoured with the Institution of Happiness Award at the Institution of Happiness Conclave in Bangalore. This achievement was backed by the school’s emphasis on mental well-being and fostering an inclusive educational environment that prioritises emotional health alongside academic growth.
Union Minister for Education Dharmendra Pradhan Unveils Draft UGC Regulations 2025
2 weeks agoon
January 10, 2025
Union Minister for Education, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, launched the draft UGC (Minimum Qualifications for Appointment & Promotion of Teachers and Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education) Regulations, 2025, in New Delhi. The event also saw the inauguration of ‘Pushpagiri’, the new auditorium of the University Grants Commission (UGC), honouring the intellectual heritage of Odisha.
Addressing the audience, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan highlighted how the proposed reforms align with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, aiming to foster innovation, inclusivity, and flexibility in higher education. He praised the UGC team for their efforts and expressed optimism that these guidelines will empower academic staff, strengthen educational standards, and pave the way for Viksit Bharat 2047 through quality education and research.
The draft regulations have been made available for public feedback, with stakeholders invited to share their suggestions before the final version is published. Shri Pradhan underlined the transformative potential of these guidelines in shaping India’s education system, promoting holistic learning, and driving the country towards excellence in research and academia.
Key Highlights of the Draft Regulations 2025
- Flexibility in Qualifications: Candidates with NET/SET qualifications can pursue teaching careers in subjects differing from their previous degrees, with PhD specialisation prioritised.
- Promoting Indian Languages: Encourages academic publications and degree programmes in Indian languages.
- Holistic Evaluation: Eliminates score-based shortlisting, focusing on broader qualifications, including “Notable Contributions.”
- Inclusivity: Creates pathways for experts in arts, sports, and traditional disciplines, and welcomes accomplished sportspersons, including those with disabilities, into academia.
- Enhanced Governance: Revises Vice-Chancellor selection processes with expanded eligibility and transparency.
- Simplified Promotions: Streamlines promotion criteria, emphasising teaching, research, and academic contributions.
- Professional Development: Encourages faculty development programs for continuous skill enhancement.
- Transparent Processes: Ensures accountability in recruitment, promotions, and grievance redressal.
A Potential Game-Changer
If implemented effectively, the Draft UGC Regulations 2025 could significantly transform higher education in India. By fostering inclusivity, encouraging multilingualism, and prioritising holistic evaluation, these reforms align with global standards. Enhanced transparency and opportunities for professional development can uplift the teaching community, creating a vibrant ecosystem of learning and innovation. The focus on Indian languages and traditional disciplines could bridge the gap between modern education and cultural heritage, setting a benchmark for academic excellence worldwide.
The draft guidelines can be accessed for review and feedback on the UGC website.
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