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The 21st century safe school addresses school safety from a holistic perspective

When it comes to the safety of students, it is infinitely better to err on the side of caution.



The shock remains but the panic is replaced by a growing resolution: Enough is enough. The recent gruesome incidents (rape/ murder) targeting children in schools, compels a complete relook and rethink of where we are going wrong and what exactly can be done to ensure and secure the safety of our children. Keeping students safe and in an environment where they can flourish is becoming more and more difficult. Children spend a large percentage of their time at school and it is imperative that we make sure that we implement every possible measure to keep them safe.

A new kind of rigorous education is now a must for all children as well, maybe from the very moment they learn to understand the word “safety”. It is not only the parents’ responsibility to make sure their child is safe but also the duty of the school that we equip the minds of our children to do everything in their power to protect themselves from the monsters that roam in society.

Sexual Abuse
A difficult topic but one which demands we shed inhibitions and educate children about the issue and their rights.
In most cases the sexual predator is usually someone the child knows and has interacted with. A teacher, a family member, a neighbour, a friend… any of these people who we come to trust may violate our children.

The concept of ‘Your mind, your body’ should be taught to a child. A child must know that they and only they own their bodies and it is okay for them to say ‘NO’ if they don’t want to be touched. Even if it’s as simple as a hug or a kiss, a child should have the right to say no if it makes them even slightly uncomfortable. They have certain areas as ‘private’ which are off limits to everyone else, including members of the family.


Pushpendra Kumar, Principal, RM Public School, Bijnor

Says Pushpendra Kumar, Principal, RM Public School, Bijnor, “It should be made mandatory for school children to be educated about sex. Since I am from a rural area, I see a lot of parents hesitating to discuss sex with their child. As society leaders we have to take up these responsibilities as sex education is not only for the children of the big cities; it is very important for the children of the rural areas as well to understand and shed inhibitions around the topic.”

Using appropriate terminology is important. It ensures that the child is correctly informed and can talk about it if there is a situation. Making the child feel comfortable during this conversation is a must.

Sonal Ahuja, Director, Shri Ram Foundation Preschool

Sonal Ahuja, Director, Shri Ram Foundation Preschool and Shri Ram Bal Bharti School emphasises on the fact that, “Once we cross the barrier of our own apprehensions, only then will we be able to share many more secrets of ‘sex education beyond the physical act’, with children.”


The mouth, chest area, stomach area, area between the legs, buttocks are off limits to anyone and everyone. That doesn’t mean that everywhere else is okay. Illustrated books on sex education can be used to explain these concepts to children simply and effectively.

Kavita Sanghavi, Principal, MET Rishikul, Mumbai

Sex education is mandatory. According to Kavita Sanghavi, MET Rishikul, “Sex education is imparted through regular sessions by the school counsellor and expert talk on the subject is delivered to students by gynaecologists, psychologists and sexologists from outside.” This awareness goes a long way in keeping children safe.  


Bullying, one of the largest problems in schools, is a form of abuse that usually occurs when a child or a group of children target another individual and exercise their power over them. It usually happens in areas that have less supervision by the staff or teachers of the school – bathrooms, deserted hallways, cafeterias, at the school bus areas or even in the bus. Bullying comes in many forms – fighting, name calling, teasing, excluding someone repeatedly…. Bullying can be physical or an emotional trauma for the child who is at the receiving end of it.


Bullying isn’t considered a big problem as compared to drug abuse, so most parents and teachers tend to make light of it, but it can have long lasting effects on the child being bullied and on the bully as well.

Sunny Mahajan, Joint Secretary, Pratap World School

If signs of bullying are seen, a parent or teacher must address it immediately. A child disclosing an incident of bullying must be taken seriously. Sunny Mahajan, Joint Secretary, Pratap World School says, “Workshops are conducted with students and there is an Anti-Bullying committee also in place. Statements like these are also highlighted at various places in school. Bullying is strictly prohibited inside the school premises and no such act should go unnoticed or unpunished.”

Don’t brush it away. Certain tell-tale signs can be seen if a child is a victim of bullying. They might withdraw from people and from friends, lose interest in activities they previously used to enjoy, display physical injuries, and show a drop in grades, etc.

If a child is being bullied, they can be helped, first by talking to the parents of the bully, teaching kids to take the non-violent approach to deal with a bully by walking away, talking it out or just by moving away to play with a group of friends. They need to be helped to restore their confidence. The first thing that bullies usually do is to break the self-confidence of a person.


Taruna Kapoor, Vice Principal, The Wisdom Valley Global School, Palwal

Vice Principal, The Wisdom Valley Global School, Palwal, Taruna Kapoor says, “We conduct assessments in our school as to how often bullying occurs, when it occurs and how students and adults intervene. Parents are also made aware of these problems and encouraged to handle them properly. Awareness campaigns and workshops are conducted for the benefit of students. A thorough code of conduct, rules and reporting system is established. Also, a general school culture of acceptance, tolerance and respect is encouraged. Positive social interactions among school staff, students and parents is reinforced. Bullying prevention materials are introduced in the school curriculum and activities.”

She adds, “Bullying can threaten students’ physical and emotional safety at school and can negatively impact their ability to learn. The best way to address bullying is to STOP before it starts.”

Children who are bullies must also be helped as it can cause severe behavioural problems later in life. Children normally turn out to be bullies when they don’t empathise or sympathise with others, they usually like to be the centre of attention, enjoy aggression and love to pick fights. A counsellor at school could talk to the child, and may help get to the root cause of the problem. They might have anger issues, or some changes that are happening at home or they might feel insecure. Counselling may help solve these problems. Children who usually bully have, at some point, been victim themselves.

Learning Disabilities


How receptive are our schools and teachers to kids who have learning disabilities? These kids are most vulnerable and are at a risk for long term academic and social problems. Children who find it difficult in classrooms be it with reading, writing, comprehending, paying attention, proper coordination, memory, and staying organised could be facing learning disabilities. These disabilities can manifest in varying degrees of severity. Some students may struggle with more than one. Proper diagnosis is extremely important, followed by remedial measures to correct their situation. Solutions for children with learning disabilities must focuses on individual achievement, progress and learning to ensure they are successful.


Although depression is classified as an adult disorder, children are also susceptible to it. When depression is recognized early and treatment is provided, young people can feel and function better in school and life. Schools play a pivotal role in in identifying depression and intervening. School staff must be knowledgeable about depression as the disorder can seriously impair academic and interpersonal behaviour. Some of the signs teachers must look out for are: low tolerance for frustration and negative patterns for thinking, giving up on tasks quickly which they find daunting, doubting their ability to independently complete tasks and solve problems, lethargy, speaking laboriously, difficulty in completely expressing thoughts and ideas, decreased self-esteem and self-worth, and separation anxiety from parents.

In cases where the child is going through depression a home-school communication system has to be developed to share information on the student’s academic, social and emotional behaviour. The best approach taken is often individualised. Children, when helped to overcome their depressed state with patience and perseverance from school staff, home and peers, tend to lead happy and normal lives.

Corporal Punishment


A common disciplinary measure in schools is corporal punishment. Hitting with the hand or with an object like a cane, pinching, excessive physical exercising, twisting of the ear, etc are some forms of corporal punishment. There have been instances where children have lost their lives or have been gravely injured. In most cases the physical hurt can be treated but the psychological and emotional effects can have severe consequences in the future. Mental harassment is also a form of corporal punishment.

There is no excuse to resorting to corporal punishment. It is important to treat every student with respect and care. Children can lose their confidence and self-esteem. With a child being continuously subjected to corporal punishment, the dire consequences could be children developing aggressive or destructive behaviour. They start to think that it is okay to hit someone if not listened to, or they may show cowardice, learning to obey without asking questions or having opinions.

It is the collective responsibility of all to abolish corporal punishment completely. Teachers and educators need to form mutual agreements with students, motivating them and giving them a sense of belonging to the school. It is the right of every human to live a peaceful life without having to face violence in any form.

Online Abuse

Technology cannot be eradicated from children’s lives; it is here to stay. Monitoring them every second of everyday is impossible. So, when they get sucked into the big bad world of virtual reality what do we do? How do we cope with the fact that our kids can be hurt by someone who is sitting thousands of miles away?


The Blue Whale game, which is a 50-task game culminating in a suicide order, is a classic example of children being ensnared online. Developing trust and openness is the way to combat such dangerous influences. Children should be educated to talk openly about things that concern them, whether it is internet related or otherwise. Adults in a child’s life should make sure they don’t blow things out of proportion or overreact to situations but understand the needs of the child so that, in any situation, they feel comfortable to come up and speak to an adult, regardless of the issue.

We need to speak to children, develop their self-worth and give them the confidence that life is not about letting someone or something influence us into the wrong behaviour, and that there are alternatives to combat stress and confidence issues.

Countering the sinister Blue Whale challenge is the Pink Whale challenge or the Baleia Rosa game, which aims to spread not anguish and harm but love and happiness. While the Blue Whale is about depressing messages, self-harm and suicide, Baleia Rosa promotes positivity and encourages people to save lives.

Eventually, youngsters must realize that online challenges are not the ultimate game-changers, and that we all have our inherent traits of strengths and weaknesses – it is up to us to work on them.

Internet Safety


Internet usage has to be monitored continuously as today’s youngsters tend to use the internet heavily these days. It is important to provide kids with safety and protection from online predators.

We must keep an eye out on what they surf online. Children should be taught not to trust everything that they hear or see on the internet and to never reveal any personal information like their real name, which school they go to, their address or even frequent places they hang out. They must also be told not to share their family or friends’ information either.

Most internet browsers have parental controls that can be easily used to set up security safeguards and content filters for language, nudity, sex and violence. Special browsers can also be set up that are kid-friendly. You can allow your child to only have access to this browser.

Children also get sucked into online chats where identity thieves or child predators pose as friends. A constant vigilance has to be maintained to their chat activity.

Children must be allowed to play age appropriate games. Check gaming websites that list the ratings of each game.


Do not allow children to do online shopping by themselves, we never know if they are going into insecure sites to make purchases and could be left vulnerable to online thefts.

School Safety
Schools must ensure that there is CCTV coverage in all corners of the school to ensure that the kids are monitored. When hiring staff and teachers, the school must ensure that they go through the proper channels of hiring, because these are the people who are responsible for a child’s safety and wellbeing. Schools must develop guidelines regarding the hiring process. It shows that the institute has done their homework and that they are a serious organisation and not just a money-churning machine.

Says Kusum Kanwar, Principal, Billabong High International School – Santacruz, “The 21st Century Safe School is a forward-thinking comprehensive approach addressing school safety from a holistic perspective of mental, emotional, physical and social safety. It is much more than physical threats. However, schools at times have a false understanding of school security and poor training and not following best practice guidelines for safety programs, leaves schools vulnerable to threats.
“Students deserve quality education in a learning environment where they feel safe and secure. Ensuring safety training for stakeholders prepares and empowers school administrators, educators and staff to effectively plan and train for a multitude of potential threats risks. It begins with planning and an increased level of awareness of potential threat indicators.
“Safety Training includes creating safe learning environments which are emotionally and psychologically safe, have situational awareness and other critical social and behavioural topics and simulation drills and safety exercises. Many schools have a mindset that training a small number of staff who can train the rest of employees can help, however the outcome will probably not be favourable. Parents need to be a collaborative partner in this endeavour by heightened awareness.
“Safety Training programs need to merge mental health and security practices for creation of a safe school.”

“If a school is aware about the facts related to raising sensible children, then parents automatically start following the culture of the school,” points out Sonal Ahuja, Director, Shri Ram Foundation Preschool and Shri Ram Bal Bharti School. “We hold sessions and make sure that each one of them attend. School activities are not done just as formalities. We make sure that raising a child is a triangular effort: Teacher-Child-Parent. We all have to play our roles equally to reach a set standard or a goal.

“Schools are expected to address behavioural issues, minimize absences, reduce or eradicate mistreatment and bullying, prevent abuse cases and also fully prepare all students regardless of family circumstances or community characteristics. Given these demands, schools may find it difficult to be successful if they are operating in a reactive stance.


“Quality and character of school life can also be improved by welcoming partnerships, which aim at mutual trust and respect, responsiveness, research, reflections and introspections. In this partnership, school, staff, principal, parents, neighbourhood school representatives can develop a plan of action that is responsive to the needs of the school towards safety and security. The goal is not to provide the ‘one size fits all’ set of prescribed action. Schools should now step out of the so called, self-centred approach and bring a more community driven approach, by collaborating and welcoming partnerships – more brains, more reflections and hence most appropriate action plans leading to safe schools.”

Sunny Mahajan, Joint Secretary, Pratap World School also adds, “More personalized care by every member of the school can help in spreading positivity and protection for students. Mobile jammers can be introduced so that children do not become a victim of the Blue Whale game in school premises, particularly boarding schools. CCTV cameras should be present in every nook and corner so that everyone is alert. Police verification of each staff member must be conducted and anyone found with a record should not be kept in school. Psychometric assessment of each and every employee is essential. There should be security guards in school premises at various points as a physical presence always has an edge over any technology. Meditation activities for non-teaching and teaching staff help to maintain a positive balance of energies. Negative thoughts can be channelized. Ensuring more technology driven checks and balance can also help.”

Kalpana Chaudhary, Director, NH Goel World School, Raipur

Kalpana Chaudhary, Director, NH Goel World School, Raipur, says that apart from the regular norms of school safety, “We also do not encourage children driving their own two or four wheelers to school. We encourage children to use school transport. The children who come by their own vehicles have been issued I-cards to the drivers. Their names and phone numbers have to be registered with the school and they have to sign a register and a gate pass while leaving the school. Random and regular breath checking of the support staff specially the transport department is also essential.”

Stay Prepared
Life is full of surprises, not all of them pleasant. It is better that the organisation is prepared for fewer surprises. Institutes must continuously sensitise staff and enhance security measures in all possible ways. Some schools have already increased their security detail. Some of the measures that these schools have taken are:


The school staff and teachers are in the premises much before the students enter the school. After dispersal the building is secured by security staff.

CCTV cameras are installed at strategic points across the school and are regularly monitored by dedicated personnel. Regular maintenance is done to ensure functionality is strictly implemented.

Entry and movement of all adults in the school campus is recorded. The school is secured and the gates are manned by security guards all the time.

Students toilets are clearly demarcated and separate toilets are used by the support staff.

The GPRS system has been incorporated for school buses, while CCTV cameras, first aid and fire extinguishers have been placed in every bus.


Students board and alight from the buses within the school premises under the supervision of the school transport in charge.

Teachers are assigned duties on vantage points during school hours.

The school medical team comprising of doctors and counsellors conduct regular sessions with students on various subjects on safety and otherwise.

Bullying is strictly dealt with. Corporal punishment is not permitted and the physical safety of each child is of utmost importance.

An ambulance is stationed at the campus at all times for any medical emergencies.


Adding to these measures, Kavita Sanghvi, MET Rishikul, recommends that profiles are very clearly outlined to all so that every stakeholder is aware of their roles and responsibilities. Regular monitoring and recording, working closely with parents and earn their support and trust, informing parents of the school safety measures, holding meetings with staff members on child protection policy and their need to look into every aspect of students’ safety, recording of regular inspection by school safety officer, and the Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) of male staff members, are all essential steps.

When it comes to the safety of students, it is infinitely better to err on the side of caution.

This story features as the cover story in our October 2017 issue.



Renowned Educationist Shomie Das Passes Away



Shomie Das, a renowned figure in Indian education, passed away at 10:30 pm last night in a Hyderabad hospital. Das had been in a coma following brain surgery and ultimately succumbed to his injuries.

Shomie Das, an eminent figure in Indian education, has a distinguished academic and professional background. He graduated from St. Xavier’s College at the University of Calcutta and subsequently from the University of Cambridge. Early in his career, Das taught at Gordonstoun School, where his students included Prince Charles. He served as the principal of Mayo College from 1969 to 1974, before taking on the role of headmaster at the Lawrence School, Sanawar, a position he held until 1988. He then became the headmaster of The Doon School, where he left a significant mark on the educational landscape. His tenure in education was marked by a commitment to fostering curiosity, self-discovery, and critical thinking. Notably, Mr. Das’s grandfather, SR Das, was the founder of The Doon School, linking him to a deep legacy in educational excellence.

Shomie Das’s association with Naga Prasad Tumalla of People Combine led to the establishment of Oakridge International School, which was eventually acquired by Nord Anglia Education. Just two weeks ago, Mr. Das attended the launch of a book titled ‘Shomie Das – The Man Who Saw Tomorrow.’ Authored by Naga Tumalla, the book delves into how their collaboration founded a school that encourages students to think beyond traditional educational boundaries.

As we mourn the loss of Mr. Das, we celebrate the legacy of a visionary who viewed education as a transformational journey rather than a transactional process. His profound impact on education will continue to influence countless lives, instilling a passion for genuine learning. We are profoundly grateful for his commitment and the indelible mark he has left on Indian education. His presence will be missed, but his legacy will continue to inspire future generations.


Thank you, Mr. Shomie Das, for your unwavering dedication to the transformative power of education.

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CBSE Mandates ‘Composite Skill Labs’ in Schools to Enhance Skill-Based Education



The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued a directive requiring all affiliated schools to establish ‘Composite Skill Labs’ to strengthen skill-based education in line with the National Curriculum Framework for School Education (NCF-SE). These labs are intended to provide students with practical learning opportunities, better equipping them for various career paths and entrepreneurial ventures.

As per the directive, schools must set up either a single Composite Skill Lab of 600 sq ft for classes 6-12 or two separate labs of 400 sq ft each—one dedicated to classes 6-10 and the other to classes 11-12. This facility is now a compulsory requirement for schools seeking new CBSE affiliation or renewing their existing affiliation. Schools that are already affiliated with CBSE must comply with this mandate and establish these labs within three years.

The NCF-SE underscores the importance of offering students hands-on learning experiences and projects that align with their chosen skills. The development of well-equipped skill labs and vocational training centres is crucial to fostering an environment that supports practical learning and the development of essential skills.

Image Source- 


CBSE’s initiative reflects a broader commitment to enhancing the quality of education and ensuring that students are well-prepared for the diverse opportunities that lie ahead. The establishment of these Composite Skill Labs is expected to play a pivotal role in achieving these educational goals.

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University of Southampton Receives Licence to Establish Campus in India



Image Source- India Today

The University of Southampton has been granted a licence by the Indian government to establish a comprehensive campus in India, marking a significant milestone in the internationalisation of education. The University Grants Commission (UGC) has approved the university’s plans to offer high-quality education, research, knowledge exchange, and enterprise within the country.

This forthcoming campus aims to produce world-class, work-ready graduates equipped with both specialised and transferable skills. It will engage in research and knowledge exchange in collaboration with local universities, industries, and government bodies, applying these insights to generate tangible social and economic benefits. The university’s focus is on fostering an entrepreneurial and innovative spirit in India, as highlighted in their official press release.

Mark E. Smith, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Southampton, commented, “In the 21st century, no university can truly be global without engaging with India. Our goal is to establish a campus that contributes to both India and the University of Southampton by merging our world-class expertise in education, research, and knowledge exchange with the immense talent of this rising global superpower.”

Professor Andrew Atherton, Vice-President International and Engagement, added, “University of Southampton Delhi NCR will be the first comprehensive international campus in India. It will promote academic collaboration and introduce an international perspective to the Indian higher education system, offering students the opportunity to earn a top 100 global degree within the country.”


Lindy Cameron, British High Commissioner to India, expressed her enthusiasm, stating, “The new University of Southampton campus will be a hub of world-class education and innovation. This collaboration will not only enhance educational excellence but also allow more British students to experience living and studying in India, further strengthening the unique bond between our two nations.”

Alison Barrett MBE, Director India at the British Council, remarked, “The University of Southampton’s decision to establish a campus in India reflects the strong educational partnership between India and the UK. This development aligns with the goals of the National Education Policy 2020 and underscores the power of education in building cross-cultural understanding and a brighter future for young people.”

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Odisha Launches PM-USHA Programme to Boost Higher Education




Odisha has launched the Pradhan Mantri Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (PM-USHA), a significant initiative aimed at elevating the state’s higher education sector. The programme was formalised through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the state and the Union Education Ministry, in the presence of Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan, and state Higher Education Minister Suryabanshi Suraj.

This initiative will see the central government contribute Rs 500 crore towards the development and infrastructure of higher education institutions across Odisha. Minister Pradhan hailed August 31 as a momentous day for Odisha’s educational landscape, underscoring the programme’s alignment with the vision set forth by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the National Education Policy, 2020.

Key Aspects of PM-USHA

PM-USHA is designed to ensure access, equity, and excellence in higher education throughout Odisha. The Centre will provide 60 percent of the grants, with the remaining 40 percent covered by the state. This transformative initiative aims to enhance Odisha’s state universities into world-class institutions, equipped with the tools to impart 21st-century skills.


Chief Minister Charan emphasised the programme’s goal of upskilling one crore students and making Odisha a beacon of knowledge. Plans to grant autonomy to state universities were also announced, focusing on curriculum improvements, teacher training, and infrastructure development.

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EDUCATION vs. SEX OFFENDERS: Ending the Culture of Violence Through Learning



Image Source- Envato Elements

In light of the recent reports about sex-related crimes, it’s natural to ask, “How much worse can it get?” But, “How can we make it better?” is perhaps a better question. This article explores solutions that schools, educators, society, and we as individuals can implement. Ultimately, we have a choice: either remain trapped in a vicious cycle that fosters sex offenders or teach lessons of equality, empathy, and equity to shape a safer future for our country.

Rapists are not born, they are made. They emerge when seemingly normal actions subtly elevate men above the basic principles of humanity. For example, when boys are asked to sit with girls in schools as a “punishment,” when boys are not encouraged to form healthy friendships with girls, or when girls are told to dress a certain way, concealing their individuality and their skin, these experiences serve the dual purpose of making girls feel inferior and leading boys to believe that everything wrong with society is somehow related to women. If such harmful beliefs can be taught, then lessons of empathy, respect, and equality should be even easier to instil. Proper sex education, paired with eradicating the long-standing practice of asking only girls to adapt, can help dismantle these erroneous beliefs by promoting gender equality and mutual respect.

Gender-based stereotypes that focus on what a student ‘should’ do rather than what they ‘can’ do also create an implicit obligation to follow a set path, whether towards family, profession, or society. The human mind is a pattern recogniser—we see things and assume them to be the rule. Thus, when children see their parents taking responsibility for certain tasks at home, they assume this is what happens in every household, in every place. Parents need to constantly challenge gender stereotypes to prevent their children from learning them. By dividing kitchen duties, having both parents buy essentials, both making payments, and both participating in home repairs, parents can demonstrate that duties or jobs are not assigned by gender, thereby teaching gender equality.

Sex education is also seen as a crucial solution. We’ve discussed its importance, read about its significance, and debated its benefits. Yet, we’ve failed to give it the academic and societal attention it truly deserves. With children now having unprecedented access to technology, and experiencing both the wonders and horrors of the world, addressing this issue has become even more crucial. 


While efforts have been made to make sex education a mandatory course for adolescents, many states have opposed the idea, altering the course content to suit their preferences. Some schools have even gone to the extent of substituting the word “sex” with “adolescent” in the curriculum. The lack of proper sex education only exacerbates unhealthy attitudes towards sex, allowing non-consensual encounters and gender-based violence to persist. A study conducted on American students found a 56% reduction in the likelihood of sexual assault among those who received comprehensive sex education compared to those who did not. (This study, along with many others, published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, highlights the benefits of sex education, including a better understanding of consent, a decrease in unwanted pregnancies and STIs, and a reduction in sexual violence and marital rape.)

We have always waited for the government, society, and the elites to recognise problems and take action, but we often fail to realise that we are the ones who shape the government, society, and elites. When we unlearn these problematic ideologies, we create a society that doesn’t victim blame, takes serious action against heinous crimes, and welcomes people into workplaces based on their talents and merit, not on the sex they were assigned at birth. Education can either build or break the future citizens of a country. When we make these changes on our own level, we shape the future law-makers, law enforcers, and law-abiding citizens. The future is indeed in our hands.

This article is authored by Sanvi Agarwal, a Law Aspirant, passionate about women rights, gender equality, and social justice

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Ministry of Education Celebrates 4th Anniversary of NEP 2020 with “Shiksha Saptah” Campaign



Image Source- PIB

The Ministry of Education is commemorating the 4th anniversary of the National Education Policy 2020 with a week-long campaign titled “Shiksha Saptah.” On the final day, schools nationwide are focusing on enhancing community involvement in education through the Vidyanjali and Tithi Bhojan initiatives.

Vidyanjali: Strengthening Schools through Community Involvement

Vidyanjali, a school volunteer management program run by the Department of School Education & Literacy, was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 7th September 2021. This initiative aims to improve the quality of education by involving the community, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and the private sector.

As part of the Shiksha Saptah campaign, the Department of School Education & Literacy has suggested various activities for schools. These include onboarding schools to the Vidyanjali portal and identifying local volunteers. Schools will feature active volunteers on a “Wall of Fame” and encourage principals, teachers, and students to write letters of gratitude to these volunteers.


Community awareness activities such as rallies, street plays, poster-making, and chart-making about volunteer activities are being organised. State- and district-level officials are actively participating to ensure the campaign’s success. These efforts align with the NEP 2020’s goal of increasing community participation in education.

The activities aim to build a strong support system for students and teachers, creating a better learning environment by bringing together schools, volunteers, and the community through the Vidyanjali portal (

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Youth Ideathon 2024: CBSE Launches India’s Biggest Entrepreneurship Competition for School Students



ThinkStartup, India’s leading entrepreneurship education platform, in association with the Management Entrepreneurship Professional Skills Council (MEPSC) under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, and the Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE), announced the launch of the 4th edition of Youth Ideathon (YI24). This prestigious Innovation and Entrepreneurship festival aims to harness the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of young minds across India.

The theme for this year’s Youth Ideathon is “iStartup a Good Thing for India.” The competition will be held in five stages, initially online, and is open to all school students in India, divided into Junior (Class 4 to Class 8) and Senior (Class 9 to Class 12) categories. Students will compete in teams of 3 to 5 members from the same school. The grand finale is set for October 6, 2024. Last year, the Ideathon attracted over 1.5 lakh students from more than 8,000 schools, and this year aims to see participation from over 2 lakh students across 10,000 schools.

Dr Biswajit Saha, Director (Skill Education & Training), CBSE, remarked, “Entrepreneurship is an essential pillar of the New Education Policy 2020, and the Youth Ideathon platform allows students to think bravely and showcase their talents.”

Mamta Kumari, Deputy General Manager, SIDBI, added, “Initiatives like Youth Ideathon 2024 nurture the entrepreneurial spirit among young minds, creating over 200 internships for school students in fields such as technology and digital marketing.”


Shivani Singh-Kapoor, Co-founder of ThinkStartup, emphasised the importance of nurturing young talent, stating, “Youth Ideathon empowers the next generation by nurturing high-potential student ideas with incubation support.”

The competition is supported by industry leaders such as Esri India and MediaTek. Agendra Kumar, Managing Director of Esri India, noted, “Youth Ideathon channels the creativity of young minds towards addressing pressing social, environmental, and economic challenges.”

Anku Jain, Managing Director of MediaTek India, echoed this sentiment, saying, “By supporting platforms like Youth Ideathon, we aim to generate more startups, create jobs, and cultivate groundbreaking ideas.”

Sanjeeva Shivesh, Program Director of Youth Ideathon, highlighted the new frugal startup challenge, offering Rs. 1000 cash to the top 500 teams to build a prototype or small venture.

Youth Ideathon 2024 also receives support from SheAtWork and BRICS CCI WE. Ruby Sinha, Founder of SheAtWork, stated, “Youth Ideathon addresses both SDG 4 and SDG 5 goals of quality education and gender equality.”


Participants will receive certificates, with top teams competing for incubation grants up to Rs. 100,000. Special recognition will be given to teachers, mentors, and schools with high participation rates.

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Internships in Top 500 Companies, Rs 5k Stipend for Youth: Key Highlights from the Education Budget 2024



The image is generated using AI

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Budget 2024 yesterday, marking the first budget of the BJP-led NDA after Prime Minister Narendra Modi began his third term. The budget introduced significant allocations aimed at bolstering education, employment, and skilling, with a notable allocation of Rs 1.48 lakh crore for these sectors.

Education Budget 2024: Rs 1.48 Lakh Crore Allocated

A new scheme offering internship opportunities at 500 top companies for 1 crore students over the next five years was one of the major highlights. Each student will receive a monthly stipend of Rs 5,000 and a one-time assistance payment of Rs 6,000. This initiative is designed to bridge the gap between academia and industry, providing practical experience to young learners.

“The government’s initiative to provide financial support for higher education loans up to Rs 10 lakh is commendable. This move will enhance accessibility to quality education,” said Dilip Gangaramani, Founder Director & CEO of Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. “The allocation of Rs 2 lakh crore for employment and skilling initiatives is also a positive step towards addressing youth unemployment.”

Major Employment and Skilling Schemes

The Finance Minister announced a substantial PM Package consisting of five programmes aimed at boosting employment and skilling, with a total allocation of Rs 2 lakh crore. Among these, Rs 1.48 lakh crore has been specifically allocated for education, employment, and skilling. The initiatives will skill 20 lakh youth over a five-year period, significantly contributing to the nation’s workforce by equipping young individuals with necessary skills to thrive in various industries.

25,000 Students to Avail Loan Benefits Every Year

The budget also introduced model skill loans. “Skilling loans – model skill loans schemes for up to 7 lakh rupees will benefit 25,000 students every year,” stated Finance Minister Sitharaman. This initiative aims to support students financially in acquiring necessary skills, thus enhancing their employability and career prospects.


“This year’s budget strikes a fine balance between fiscal discipline and drivers of economic and social growth. Enhanced initiatives on women empowerment and education underscore the focus on welfare schemes,” noted Dr Rakesh K Singh, Professor and Associate Dean – Academics at IMT Ghaziabad. “Structural reforms propose new policies to foster innovation and skill development in emerging areas such as AI and renewable energy.”

Comparison with Previous Budget

In the Union Budget 2023, the central government’s allocation for the education sector was Rs 1,12,898.97 crore, the highest allocation granted to the Ministry of Education at the time. The Union Budget 2024 reflects a strong focus on education, employment, and skilling, with significant investments aimed at creating a more skilled and educated workforce. The announced programmes and allocations are expected to drive improvements in educational infrastructure, job creation, and skill development across the nation.

“The government will also offer internships in 500 of India’s top companies. The companies can employ these interns through their CSR funds. As a support to employers, reimbursement of up to Rs 3,000 per month for two years towards their EPFO contribution for each additional employee will be provided,” stated Balkishan Sharma, Chairman & Founder at FVEG. “These new schemes aim to create new jobs and provide employment to well-educated youth.”

A Step Towards a Skilled Workforce

“The proposed comprehensive internship programme for one crore youth is a commendable initiative,” added Gangaramani. “These measures, if implemented effectively, can significantly boost India’s human capital development and contribute to a more skilled and employable workforce.”

The Budget 2024, with its focus on education, employment, and skilling, aligns with the nation’s developmental goals and is a welcome step forward in building a robust and future-ready workforce.


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Higher Education Enrollment Jumps To Nearly 4.33 Crore In FY22, Up 26.5% From FY15



Image Source- TESS India

The higher education sector in India has seen a substantial increase in enrolment and rising equity over the past eight years, as revealed by the All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2021-22. The Economic Survey 2023-24, tabled in Parliament by Union Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister, Smt Nirmala Sitharaman, highlighted that total enrolment in higher education surged to nearly 4.33 crore in FY22, up from 4.14 crore in FY21 and 3.42 crore in FY15—a remarkable 26.5% increase since FY15.

This growth has been driven significantly by underprivileged sections, including SC, ST, and OBC communities, with a notable increase in female enrolment across these groups. Female enrolment in higher education jumped to 2.07 crore in FY22 from 1.57 crore in FY15, reflecting a 31.6% rise. This growing equity in higher education is expected to translate into better employment opportunities for previously disadvantaged sections of society.

India’s educational landscape is vast, with 26.52 crore students in schools, 4.33 crore in higher education, and over 11 crore learners in skilling institutions. The National Credit Framework (NCrF), announced under the National Education Policy 2020 in April 2023, serves as the foundation of a regulatory structure that promotes lifelong learning.

The Economic Survey underscores the importance of mission-mode and cost-effective implementation of educational programmes, especially at the primary level. Effective public spending on education should focus on pedagogy and governance, including monitoring teaching quality, recognising teacher performance, and employing local volunteers to ensure students are taught at the appropriate level.


India is making significant strides in research and development. The number of patents granted in FY24 nearly quadrupled from FY20, reaching almost 1,00,000. According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), India had the highest growth in patent filings in 2022 at 31.6%. The country has improved its rank in the Global Innovation Index from 81st in 2015 to 40th in 2023.

Ph.D. enrolment has also surged, with an 81.2% increase from FY15 to FY22. Gross Expenditure on R&D (GERD) has more than doubled since FY11. The newly established National Research Foundation, ‘Anusandhan’, aims to bolster India’s R&D ecosystem with a significant financial commitment from the government.

India’s ascent in high-quality research is marked by its rise to 9th place in the Nature Index 2023, surpassing Australia and Switzerland. The government’s commitment to research and innovation is encapsulated in the interim budget of FY25, which includes a Rs. 1 lakh crore corpus for research, adopting the slogan “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan, Jai Anusandhan”.

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UNESCO Report Highlights Need for Boost in India’s Upper Secondary Education



The recent UNESCO report, “SDG 4 Scorecard Progress Report on National Benchmarks: Focus on Teachers,” reveals that while India is excelling in primary education, the upper secondary education sector requires significant improvements. The report, published by UNESCO, shows that India’s primary education completion rate is at an impressive 94%, nearing its 2025 benchmark of 99%. However, the upper secondary completion rate lags at 51%, against the 2025 benchmark of 84%.

India’s performance in pre-primary participation is also notable, scoring 91%, close to its target of 95%. Conversely, the country struggles with out-of-school rates and lacks sufficient data to assess minimum learning proficiency accurately.

In terms of school internet connectivity, India is making average progress across all educational levels, indicating room for enhancement. The country performs well in the pre-primary teacher training sector, meeting its 2025 benchmark of 95%.

Overall, while India’s primary education sector is performing well, the secondary education sector, especially the upper secondary level, needs focused attention to meet the set benchmarks. The report highlights that 79% of countries have submitted national targets for SDG 4 indicators, with India making strides in some areas but still requiring significant efforts in others.


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