Did you know that we have two brains and two minds in general? One is rational and the other is emotional. And they are two totally...
International Literacy Day is celebrated on September 8 every year to raise awareness of the importance of literacy. The theme for 2023 is "Literacy for a...
No conversation about education since 2020-2022 was ever complete without mentioning the word “pandemic”. Since 2023, that word has been steadily replaced with “chatGPT”. Nevertheless, the...
Several early implementations of AI have shown that systems that are developed by highly emotionally mature individuals
This 5th September, we pay tribute to the architects of our intellectual evolution, the artists who make learning an enchanting voyage, and the unsung heroes who...
One criticism of the current education system in India is its overemphasis on grades and exams
Various researches and experiments show that SEL programs are effective and play an important role in the holistic development of the child
This lifelong, deep, transferable learning is provided by the Metaverse, a hybrid, guided play environment that could be the school of the future
Preparing students for the transition from school to college is an investment of immeasurable value in their future
Students who receive SEL instruction are more likely to graduate from high school, attend college, and have successful careers
All students should have regular chances to acquire and practice skills that are developmentally appropriate for their stage of development
The program can help foster positive relationships and social skills, reduce social isolation, and promote a sense of belonging and acceptance
Teachers know that the time they spend with their students is precious, and they look forward to creating memories that will last a lifetime
By investing in the development of STEM teachers, we can ensure that students receive the highest quality education possible and are prepared for the challenges and...
SEL is an essential component of education that helps students develop social and emotional skills that are critical for success in school and life
Did you laugh today?
Movies can be a powerful tool for education and can serve as a valuable supplement to traditional teaching methods. When used appropriately, movies can help to...
One of the most important strategies for managing multilingual learners in the classroom is to create a language-rich environment
One of the most significant challenges is the resistance to change and giving up prejudices
Teachers may establish an inclusive classroom where all students feel valued and included when they acknowledge and appreciate the cultural origins of their students
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others
To start with young children in diverse classrooms, educators must begin with the most effective tool i.e. storytelling
Using new methods of teaching will have a positive impact on the academic performance of the students
Creating a culture of respect and kindness in the classroom fosters a sense of community and belonging
Each day in a homeroom begins with SEL Circles that help all children feel loved and encouraged while creating stronger relationships between peers