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Year End Review 2019 – Department of School Education

In pursuance Prime Minister’s vision for ‘Transforming India’, Ministry of Human Resource Development took a leap forward in transforming education sector with the motto of “सबकोशिक्षा, अच्छीशिक्षा ”(Education for All, Quality Education).



In pursuance  Prime Minister's vision for ‘Transforming India’, Ministry of Human Resource Development took a leap forward in transforming education sector with the motto of सबकोशिक्षा, अच्छीशिक्षा(Education for All, Quality Education).

In the year of 2019 Dr K. Kasturirangan Committee submitted the Draft National Education Policy to Union HRD Minister Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’. The Government of India had initiated the process of formulating a New Education Policy to meet the changing dynamics of the requirements of the population with regard to quality education, innovation and research, aiming to make India a knowledge superpower by equipping its students with the necessary skills and knowledge and to eliminate the shortage of manpower in science, technology, academics and industry. MHRD has launched Pradhan Mantri Innovative Learning Program (DHRUV) to identify and encourage talented children to enrich their skills and knowledge and also launched NISHTHA – National Initiative for School Heads’ and Teachers’ Holistic Advancement to improve learning outcomes at the elementary level through an Integrated Teacher Training Programme. Beside this, MHRD launched several new schemes in Higher Education Department to boost research & Innovation culture in the country. Department of Higher Education of HRD Ministry has finalized and released a five-year vision plan named Education Quality Upgradation and Inclusion Programme (EQUIP). SWAYAM 2.0, Deeksharambh andPARAMARSHare other major schemes of Department of Higher Education launched in 2019.

In the year of 2019, Ministry of HRD has actively participated in various nationwide campaigns like Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat (EBSB), Fit India Campaign, 70th anniversary of Constitution Day, 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi among others. In order to preserve environment some campaigns have been initiated by MHRD. Save water and One Student One Tree are major successful campaigns of MHRD.

Major Achievements of Department of School Education & Literacy :


NISHTHA – National Initiative for School Heads’ and Teachers’ Holistic Advancement :

A National Mission to improve learning outcomes at the elementary level through an Integrated Teacher Training Programme called NISHTHA – National Initiative for School Heads’ and Teachers’ Holistic Advancement has been launched on 21st August, 2019. This integrated programme aims to build the capacities of around 42 lakh teachers and Heads of Schools, faculty members of SCERTs and DIETs and Block Resource Coordinators and Cluster Resource Coordinators.

This training programme has been included as one of the two transformative ideas from Department for the 100 days programme of the Government. The initiative is first of its kind wherein standardized training modules are developed at national level for all States and UTs. However, States and UTs can contextualize the training modules and use their own material and resource persons also, keeping in view the core topics and expected outcomes of NISHTHA.

The Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu gave the DHRUV batches to all the 60 students selected under DHRUV programmehave been broadly chosen from classes 9 to 12, from all schools including government and private.

 The students will both shine through their achievements and light a path for others to follow.


Union HRD Minister launches Integrated Online junction for School Education ‘Shagun’ :

Union Human Resource Development Minister Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ launched one of world’s largest Integrated Online Junction for – School Education ‘Shagun’ in New Delhi on 28th August 2019. School Education Shagun (URL: htpp:// is an over-arching initiative to improve school education system by creating a junction for all online portals and websites relating to various activities of the Department of School Education and Literacy in the Government of India and all States and Union Territories.

1200 KendriyaVidyalayas, 600 NavodayaVidyalayas, 18000 other CBSE affiliated schools, 30 SCERTs, 19000 organisations affiliated with NTCE among others are integrated with Shagun. Report cards of 15 lakh schools all over the country will be available on the newly created junction. The portal seeks to connect approximately 92 lakh teachers and 26 crore students.The website provides a very robust feedback mechanism. Common people can directly give their feedback about schools which will further increase the public participation and will ensure accountability and transparency.

President presents National Awards to 46 teachers from across the country for their exceptional contribution :

The purpose of National Awards to Teachers is to celebrate the unique contribution of some of the finest teachers in the country and to honor those teachers who through their commitment and industry have not only improved the quality of school education but also enriched the lives of their students.


This year the online self nomination process followed by 3 tier selection process at District, State and National level has been completed. The Independent National Jury recommended name of 46 teachers. The award carries a Silver Medal, Certificate and Rs. 50,000/- as award money.

PM interacts with students, teachers and parents at “Pariksha Pe Charcha 2.0” :

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, interacted with students, teachers and parents, as part of Pariksha Pe Charcha 2.0 at Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi on 29th January 2019. The interaction, which lasted for over ninety minutes, saw students, teachers and parents relax, laugh, and repeatedly applaud the Prime Minister’s observations, which included a touch of humour and wit.Students from across the country, and also Indian students residing abroad, participated in the event.

National Workshop of HRD Ministry on Social Media Outreach & Communication :

Union Human Resource Development Minister Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ inaugurated the 'Social Media Outreach & Communication: National Workshop on Management and Best Practices'organised by Ministry of HRD for various educational institutions and organisations in New Delhi on 27th December.Nearly 200 Social Media Champions from various Centrally funded educational institutions participated in the workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to bring the social media communication and outreach of various institutions under one umbrella and to open a channel for day to day communication and dialogue with these institutions.


Unified District Information System for Education Plus (UDISE+) :

To ensure quality, credibility and timely availability of information from all the schools in the country, the revamped UDISE + has been launched by the Department. The GIS based mapping portal gives information about location of more than 15 lakh schools in the country along with some salient highlights. The Data Analytics portal gives percent information about the aggregate position of the school.

Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing (DIKSHA) 2.0 :

Diksha Portal was launched in 2017 for providing digital platform to teachers giving them an opportunity to learn and train themselves and connect with teacher community. This initiative has been taken forward to enhance coverage and improve the quality of e-content for teachers…All States and UTs and also KVs and NVs have been asked to involve proactively in curating contents for DIKSHA. NCERT, CBSE  are also actively involved in taking the DIKSHA initiative forward. Till date, more than 67000 of content pieces have been hosted on DIKSHA and more than 10.5 crore scans have been affected.

Performance Grading Index (PGI) :


To objectively evaluate the performance of the school education system in the States/UTs, MHRD has designed a 70 indicators based matrix called Performance Grading Index (PGI) to grade the States and UTs.

Operation Digital Board (ODB) :

The aim is to provide by March 2023, two smart classrooms for every Secondary/Senior Secondary schools  in1,01,967 Government and 42,917 Aided schools in all States/UTs and 1704 KVs and NVs making a total of 1,46,588 schools. One-time amount of Rs.2.40 lakhs  will be required to procure hardware, including accessories and a recurring cost of  Rs.3.00 lakhs (for 5 years) for electricity charges, internet connection etc. The total budgetary requirement will be Rs. 8782.55 crore (Rs. 5671.50 crore  required by the DoSEL, MHRD and rest  Rs. 3111.05 crore by States) spread over a period from April 2020-21 to March 2026-27. Broad features of this project have been finalized and draft EFC note will soon be uploaded as per prescribed procedure (after ‘in principal’ approval of D/o Expenditure). 

Scheme for Financial Assistance for Appointment of Language Teachers (ALT) :

The Centrally Sponsored restructured scheme of ‘Appointment of Language Teachers (ALT) Scheme’ has been launched for the remaining period of current FY 2019-20 i.e. from October, 2019 to March, 2020 for appointment and training of Hindi teachers in North Eastern States and the Urdu Teachers in States/UTs. A proposal is being prepared to extend this scheme.


Mid-Day Meal (MDM) :

The National Programme of Mid-Day Meal in Schools, popularly known as the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, is an on-going Centrally-Sponsored Scheme which covers all school children studying in Classes I-VIII of Government, Government-Aided, Special Training Centres including Madarsas and Maqtabs supported under Samagra Shiksha. During 2018-19, 11.98 crore children studying in 11.34 lakh institutions have been enrolled under the Scheme. A total of 24.95 lakh cook-cum-helpers have been engaged by the States/UTs under Mid-Day Meal Scheme and more than 90% are women. Out of 24.95 lakh cooks, 21% SCs, 15% STs, 42% OBCs and 7% are from Minorities.

** Releases as on date i.e. 23.12.2019

School Nutrition Gardens (SNG) :

A guideline on School Nutrition Gardens has been issued to all states and UTs. It is a place where herbs, fruits and vegetables are grown in the school premises for use in preparation of Mid-Day Meal.


Samagra Shiksha :

First time introduction of Library Grant and promotion of reading :

  • The Central Government has launched the Integrated scheme for school education named as SamagraShikshaw.e.f 2018-19. Under the Samagra Shiksha, for the first time, Library grant at school level has been introduced.
  • States/UTs have also been advised to  set up Readers’ Club in schools in a phased manner with the help of National Centre for Children’s Literature (NCCL), is a wing of National Book Trust (NBT) to promote the habit of reading.
  • In the year 2019-20, an outlay of Rs. 71164.78 lakh has been approved under library grant for 1009357 schools of different categories.

Sports and Physical Education :

  • In the year 2019-20, an outlay of Rs. 800.40 crore has been approved under sports grant for 1002558 government schools of different categories.
  • The fresh guidelines for sports and physical education are being prepared.
  • NCERT organized Yoga Olympiad across the country at various levels, schools from states and UTs, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) and Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) schools participated in the Yoga Olympiad, culminating in the National Yoga Olympiad on 18th to 20th June, 2019 at NCERT, New Delhi.
  • Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has made Health and Physical Education compulsory in all classes from I-XII. It has been advised to schools that Health and Physical Education includes three areas i.e. Health Education, Physical Education and Yoga and all three areas are essential to achieve holistic health (physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual).

Kasturba Gandhi BalikaVidyalaya :

  • There are Four Types of KGBVs under Samagra Shiksha which are as under:
  • Type-I: Existing KGBVs for classes VI to VIII.
  • Type-II: KGBVs for classes VI to X.
  • Type-III: KGBVs for classes VI to XII.
  • Type-IV: Existing Girls’Hostel for IX to XII.
  • Under Samagra Shiksha, total 5930 KGBVs have been sanctioned in the country out of which 4881 KGBVs are operational enrolling 6.18 lakh girls as on 30.09.2019.
  • In the year 2019-20, Rs. 424750.05 lakh has been sanctioned for all KGBVs in the country.

Safety and Security of School Children :

  • The Department of School Education and Literacy has issued a letter on 18.10.2019 to all States and UTs for display of ‘School Safety Pledge’ on a board or painted on wall at prominent places in all Schools.  Under Samagra Shiksha, a provision of Rs. 500/- per school has been made in this regard. This Department is framing the guidelines for safety and security of school children. In this regard, consultations have been held with various stakeholders including students, teachers, Counsellors, Principals and School Managements.

Self Defence Training for Girls :

  • Self defence training is being imparted to girls of class VI to XII belonging to Government Schools under Samagra Shiksha. Fund for this purpose is provided for three months @ Rs. 3000/- per school per month.
  • Self defence training is also being given in Kasturba Gandhi BalikaVidyalayas.
  • Under Samagra Shiksha, an amount of Rs. 15346.257 lakh has been estimated for 180160 Elementary Schools and Rs. 6656.358 lakh has been estimated for 81800 Secondary Schools for self defence training for the year 2019-20.

Equity :

  • Bridging gender and social category gaps at all levels of school education is one of the major objectives of Samagra Shiksha. The Scheme attempts to  reach  out  to  girls,  and  children  belonging  to  SC,  ST,  Minority  communities  and transgender.
  • State specific interventions: Special state specific projects for varied interventions under equity are emphasized for enhancing access, retention and quality by promoting enrolment drives, retention and motivation camps, gender sensitization modules etc.
  • State specific projects for varied interventions are sanctioned by the Project Approval Board as per the Annual Work Plans proposed by the State/UT concerned.  A total of Rs. 21486.35 lakh at elementary level and Rs. 16083.22869 lakh at secondary level have been approved for various State specific projects for the year 2019-20.

National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMSS) :

  • Scholarship to the 34493 students involving an amount of Rs. 40.71 crore has been sanctioned.
  • Approx 1,33,460 successful application have been received on NSP.

National Scheme of Incentive to Girls for Secondary Education (NSIGSE) :

  • Incentive amount of Rs. 8.56 crore to the 28547 beneficiaries girls have been sanctioned.


1. Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat (EBSB) :

  • HRD Ministry is the nodal ministry for this flagship campaign of Government of India.An illustrative list of suggested activities has been drawn up by the Department of School Education & Literacy. The Department has shared detailed guidelines including calendar of activities with all the States and UTs and concerned organizations for carrying out all the activities in all the schools.          
  • These activities include Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Utsav, Talking Hour in morning assembly for news and information on partnering State, Student’s State Project Notebook, learning of alphabets and of folk songs, translation of proverbs and 100 sentences of partnering State, inclusion of few pages in course book in the language of partnering State, Know your Partnering State, Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat School Report, Themed Display Board and Wall Magazine, State Day celebration of partnering States, Cultural Competition on partnering State, Essay competition, Drama (on culture, history & tradition), Optional Classes on language of partnering State, Literary Fest, Pledge on Important National Campaigns in the language of partnering State and Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat annual report.
  • The schools are to organize these activities as per the calendar shared by the Department or in coordination with partnering States/UTs, keeping in view the academic calendar. The schools are required to maintain a report on activities conducted under “Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat” in the form of quarterly and annual school report. The State/UTs have been  requested to upload/send action taken report, videos and photographs of the activities at [email protected].

2. Fit India Campaign :

  • The Fit India Movement was launched by the Prime Minister on 29th August, 2019 at Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, New Delhi.
  • Department of School Education and Literacy in co-ordination with Department of Sports, organised the Fitness Pledge on 29th August, 2019 in States and UTs, KendriyaVidyalayaSangathan (KVS), NavodayaVidyalayas Samiti (NVS), Central Board of Secondary Education.  Nearly, thirteen lakh schools and eleven crore students all over the country took the fitness pledge.
  • Further, guidelines on Fit India Plogging Run prepared by Department of Sports were issued by Department of School Education and Literacy to States, UTs, KVS, NVS and CBSE to organize Fit India Plogging Run on 2nd October, 2019. Awareness on ‘No to Single Use Plastic’ and Collection of plastic garbage from homes, streets and open spaces was the main focus of the event.
  • Department of Sports has prepared a ranking system of Fit India Schools to make Fit India a people’s movement. This department has written to all Principal Secretaries/Secretaries, School Education Department of States/UTs regarding “Fit India Movement-Fit India School” and to attain Fit India 3 or 5 Star.
  • Following the recommendations of  the reviewing Committee  of Fit India Movement , the school education department has advised the States and UTs to organise daily fitness classes in all schools and all sports facilities available in States and UTs should be made available to the school students.

3. Constitution Day :

  • Celebration of Constitution Day on 26th November, 2019 and yearlong activities are to be organised in all schools up to the 26th November, 2020.  Accordingly, a calendar of activities was prepared and States and UTs were advised to carry out the following activities:
  1. Pledge taking ceremony to mark the occasion by reading of the Preamble to the constitution in a special assembly in the school
  2. Debates, essay competitions, cultural programs, quiz competitions, seminars and lectures etc. may be held at State, District and school levels.
  3. State level essay, debate and quiz competitions on fundamental duties and themes related to constitution may be organized across the State, the winners at State level may be suitably rewarded.
  4. Reading of Preamble and Fundamental Duties.
  5. Organizing Mock Parliament.
  6. Public messages on Fundamental Duties for dissemination among students and staff during the celebrations.  Brochures, pamphlets and e-posters on Fundamental Duties may be prepared in Hindi, English and regional languages and distributed in schools among students.
  7. Effective utilization of Government/Organisation websites and MyGov platform to encourage citizen centric activities on the prescribed theme. Students may be encouraged to participate in online quiz/ Olympiad competitions being organized by MyGov.
  8. Invite eminent personalities from different walks of life to disseminate the message of Fundamental Duties.
  9. Talks by eminent lawyers and legal scholars on Fundamental Duties and related themes may be organised in schools.

About 9.63 lakh schools and 10.96 crore students participated in the reading of Preamble and other activities across the country on 26th November, 2019.

4. 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi :

  • 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi is being commemorated for a period of two years from 2nd October, 2018 to 2nd October, 2020 throughout the nation as well as at international level. The Department of School Education & Literacy is conducting nationwide activities for the same. The following activities have been completed by Dept. of School Education & Literacy:
  • CBSE organised Expression Series on Mahatma Gandhi from 19th August to 3rd September, 2019. Approximately 4.5 lakh students participated across the country. 4314 shortlisted entries were uploaded by schools on CBSE Expression Series App out of which 18 selected as best entries. The Expression Series was based on the life, vision and philosophy of the father of the nation. The series was meant to provide a creative outlet to children and provide them with a platform to express themselves on various themes. The winners of the series were felicitated by HRM on 1st October, 2019 in the programme organized to commemorate 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
  • A large National Level Function was organised on lst October, 2019 at Dr. Ambedkar International Centre (DAIC), New Delhi
  • Swachh Bharat Diwas (Shramdan: Plastic Waste Collection) was organized on 2nd October 2019 and 6,70,33,153 students of 7,73,050 schools participated in Shramdaan for Plastic Waste Collection on 2nd October 2019.
  • Intensive programmes and activities on Mahatma Gandhi were organized in schools  during the week from 23rd September, 2019 to 2nd October, 2019.

Kala Utsav :

  •  Kala Utsav is an initiative of the Department of School Education & Literacy to recognize the importance of aesthetics and artistic experiences for school students, which play a major role in creating awareness of India’s rich cultural heritage and its vibrant diversity. The National level Kala Utsav  is scheduled to be held at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh form 2nd -5th January, 2020. Competitions will be held in the four themes of Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Dance and Painting at District and State levels and the winning teams thereafter will participate at the national level competition. The Students of Classes IX to XII of any Government, Government –aided and Private schools may participate in Kala Utsav. A total of 38 teams (36 State/UTs +KVS+NVS) are likely to participate at the National level.

Scheme for Providing Quality Education in Madrasas (SPQEMU :

  •  Project Approval Meeting of the SPQEM was held on 16th September,2019 wherein Rs. 8788.00 lakh for General States and UTs with Legislature has been approved. Whereas an amount of Rs. 950.00 lakh and 2.00 lakh were approved for NER states and UTs without Legislature respectively.
  •  Till date, Rs. 5912.808 lakh has been released to States under SPQEM. File of Rs.806.10 lakh has been processed/under submission.

Infrastructure Development of Private Aided/Unaided Minority Institutes (IDMI) :

  •  Project Approval Meeting of the IDMI was held on 27th November, 2019 wherein Rs. 2000.00 lakh for General States and Rs. 250 lakh for NER States have been approved.
  •  An amount of Rs. 303.63 lakh under IDMI scheme has been processed to release.

Snapshot of Coverage of Children with Special Needs -CwSN (2019-20) :

  • More than 20 lakh CWSN enrolled in schools or receiving home based education.
  • Rs. 136375.31 lakh estimated for various interventions of Inclusive Education for CWSN for the year 2019-20.
  • Braille textbooks are being provided to 40,311 children with visual impairment at elementary level (class I to VIII) with an estimated outlay of Rs. 123.25 lakh.
  • Large print books are being provided to 91,254 children with low vision at elementary level (class I to VIII) with an estimated outlay ofRs.289.00 lakh.
  • Outlay of Rs. 619.09 lakh has been estimated for in-service training of 26,817 special educators.
  • 5.96 lakh girls with special needs receiving stipend through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).
  • More than 2.32 lakh CWSN using aids and appliances through scheme/s like ADIP etc.
  • Total outlay of Rs. 1911.05 lakh has been estimated for conducting 17,734 sports events and exposure visits thus promoting social inclusion.
  • Approximately 64.24% of schools at elementary level and 58.28% at secondary level are equipped with ramps with handrails and approximately 19.59% of schools at elementary level and 24.40% at secondary level have disabled friendly toilets (DFT) to enhance retention of CWSN in regular schools.
  • An outlay of Rs. 1995.93 lakh has been estimated for 58,392 assistive devices, equipmentsand teaching learning materials (TLM).
  • Engagement of 28,285 resource persons and special educators have been estimated to cater to the diverse & unique needs of CWSN from elementary to higher secondary level.

Initiatives by autonomous organizations for CwSN :

  • Books in Accessible Format on e-Pathshala Portal for CwSN has been developed by NCERT, the ePathshala mobile app supports Text to Speech to help children with visual impairment.
  • Audio books have been developed by NCERT, in which textbooks are presented in audio form, to help the visually challenged learners
  • NCERT has developed Tactile Map Books with 25 maps and diagrams, with Braille and English text to encourage collaborative learning. 
  • CBSE’s provision for CwSN: Exemptions/ Concessions Rules Applicable for Both Class X & XII Board Exam Facility of Scribe and compensatory time: Candidates with disabilities as defined in The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 are permitted to use a Scribe or allowed Compensatory time etc.


  • As per 100 days action plan,  newly constructed building of 10 JNVs i.e. Kanshiram Nagar(UP), Malkangiri-II (Odisha), Sitapur-II (UP), Dang (Gujarat), Navsari (Gujarat), Puri (Odisha), Palwal (Haryana), Bhandara (Maharashtra), Jhabua-II (MP), Ahemdabad (Gujarat) were inaugurated.
  • As a part of 100 days agenda foundation laying done in respect of 10  JNVs and construction work begun viz. SefaiJala (Tripura), South Tripura (Tripura), South West Khasi Hills (Meghalaya), Jalpaiguri (W.B.) Kalaburgi-I (Karnataka) & Kolar (Karnataka) Jhabua (MP) &Mahisagar (Gujarat).
  • · Construction of additional dormitory has been completed in JNV Srikakulam, JNV Vishakhapatnam, JNV Vijayanagaram, JNV Kodagu & JNV Mandya.
  • · Infrastructure for implementation of Rooftop grid connected Solar power has been completed on 176 sites. Generation of power has also been started on 12 sites. On other JNVs, net metering is awaited.


  •  Process for engagement of 01 male and 01 female counsellor in all functional JNVs has been completed. Recruitment for filling up 2370 posts advertised on 9th July, 2019 is at advance stage of completion.
  • Offers of appointment to 218 PGTs have been issued. Joining status is awaited.

It eliminates the prevailing manual system of service processes followed in the organization & to improve access to real-time data for decision support and to enhance efficiency and transparency of school operations, development of “ShaalaDarpan” project is has been developed with the help of C-DAC, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.           







Appeared in JEE Main



Appeared in NEET


Qualified in JEE Main



Qualified in NEET



Qualified in JEE Advanced -First list




All field units of NVS have been instructed to implement “One Student One Tree Campaign”. It aims at involving school students in raising plant nurseries to bring them closer to natural environment, help them understand the natural processes of germination and feel the joy of watching saplings grow. Students are involved in activities right from sowing the seed to transplanting, watering, weeding etc. so that students can learn the process also. More than 2.40 lakhs saplings were planted by the of students  of JNVs in 2019-20.



ShaalaDarpan portal of NVS has been launched on 06.11.2019 at National Museum Auditorium, New Delhi by Shri Sanjay Dhotre,  Minister of State for HRD.

Digital initiatives :

Process of application for the Class VI examination has been made online leading to better access for the rural population to the application process. Faceless admission process has resulted in more transparency and least corruption.

  1. Process of transfer has been made online which has resulted in increased transparency and timely completion of the process.
  2. Recruitment process has been made online and faceless till appointment. The appointment letters are also downloaded by candidates using their login password.


  1. Inauguration of new constructed school buildings: 17 newly constructed school buildings of KendriyaVidyalayas were inaugurated .
  2. Foundation Stone laying of school buildings : Minister of HRD has laid the foundation stone of 7 school buildings of KendriyaVidyalayas.
  3. Opening of New KendriyaVidyalayas :  During last 6 months 25 KendriyaVidyalayas have been opened.
  4. Filling up of vacancies:The details of posting of staff in the last 6 months in various KendriyaVidyalyaas / Regional Offices / KVS (Hqrs.)  are as under  :


Name of Post


Pay level

No. of offer of appointment issued






TGT (English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social Studies, Sanskrit)





Assistant Section Officer




Senior Secretariat Assistant




Junior Secretariat Assistant




Steno. Grade II







Click here for more details on KVS achievements.




CBSE has taken up several initiatives like formation of Hubs of Learning programme, training school teaches, process of recruitment of teachers, a new Vidya-Daanprogramme, preparation of students for PISA 2021, celebration of 150 years of Mahatma Gandhi, AryabhatGanit Challenge , handbooks on Artificial Intelligence for school children, and participation in national Campaigns like Fit India, Swachchtha, EBSB among others.

Click here for details of activities of CBSE.


Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) :

NCTE has invited applications form the institutions seeking recognition for 4-year Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP). The institutions have submitted online applications which will be processed as per the provisions stipulated in the relevant Regulations.  Applications were invited between 03.06.2019 and 31.07.2019.


Launching of online Performance Appraisal Report system (PAR) :

One of the conditions of recognition by NCTE is to direct the filing of a Performance Appraisal Report annually, which includes annual statement of accounts duly audited by a Chartered Accountant

The Online Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) system was formally launched on 23rd September 2019 and all recognized TEIs are required to fill up data on various regulatory parameters.

Launching of Online Teacher-Pupil Registration Management System (OTPRMS) :

Some prospective employers prior to employing a person as a teacher require verification of recognition status from NCTE regarding degree/diploma/certificate in teacher education. In this regard, the NCTE has launched Online Teacher-Pupil Registration Management System (OTPRMS) to facilitate candidates who have passed out of teacher education programmes from NCTE recognized institution (s).  This programme was launched on 26.07.2019.


Silver Jubilee Celebrations :

The NCTE in its Silver Jubilee year organized an International Conference with the theme “Journey of Teacher Education: Local to Global on 17th and 18th August, 2019. The Conference highlighted the achievements of the Indian education system and facilitated dissemination of quality global practices in teacher education.

The NCTE intends to engage its resources towards launching “Project Lighthouse” by identifying 700 institutions, approximately one in each district of the country in the first phase. The partner Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) will be selected by NCTE through a transparent procedure and they shall be academically and administratively supported and mentored for running an emblematic 2-year B.Ed. programme from the academic session 2020-21 onwards. This programme is expected to prepare 70,000 exemplar teachers in the year 2020-22. The selection of the 700 TEIs shall be done for 5 consecutive years after which 3,500 model TEIs will be capacitated to prepare a total of 3,50,000 quality teachers trained at international levels of competence. The TEIs so selected will be supported with several specific interventions like a centralized entrance examination for admission of students, a revised and up-to-date curriculum, capacity building of the teacher educators, etc. It is also envisioned to arrange for international placement of some selected student-teachers of these TEIs.

  • Instituting “Best Teacher Educator Award” to be given to 20 exemplary teacher-educators every year.

The NCTE has initiated a programme for awarding 20 meritorious teacher educators every year.  The first instalment of awards will be given in 2020.



Kerala to Introduce Anti-Ragging Cells in Schools to Tackle Bullying



Kerala Education Minister- V Sivankutty

In a bid to curb bullying and ragging in schools, the Kerala General Education Department is set to introduce anti-ragging cells across educational institutions in the state. This initiative comes in response to persistent concerns over student safety and well-being in schools.

General Education Minister V Sivankutty announced that senior officials are preparing a proposal to implement anti-ragging cells in every school. This step aims to reinforce the existing disciplinary committees and protection groups to ensure a more structured and effective response to bullying.

“Through disciplinary committees and protection groups already exist in schools across the state, the practices like ragging have yet to be completely rooted out. Therefore, the General Education Department is considering setting up anti-ragging cells in every educational institution in the state,” Sivankutty said.

A committee of senior officials from the General Education Department will be formed to study and propose the structure and functioning of these cells before implementation. The minister added that these anti-ragging cells should also instil a sense of responsibility and respect among students, shaping their approach towards peer interactions in both school and higher education.


Emphasising the importance of a healthy student-teacher relationship, the minister said that children should feel comfortable sharing their issues with their teachers. He reiterated that open communication between students and educators is essential in addressing concerns and creating a safe and inclusive school environment.

With bullying and ragging remaining a major issue in schools and colleges, Kerala’s initiative could set a progressive precedent for other states. The introduction of anti-ragging cells aims to foster respect, safety, and well-being among students while strengthening institutional support systems.

(With Inputs from PTI)

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PM Modi Leads ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ with Deepika Padukone & Sadhguru



Big names come together to guide students on exams, mental health, AI, and holistic well-being

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi kick-started the 8th edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha 2025, an annual initiative aimed at helping students navigate exam stress and academic pressure with confidence. Breaking away from the conventional Town Hall format, the first episode took place at the serene Sunder Nursery in New Delhi on 10th February 2025, bringing together 36 students from across India for a highly interactive session.

The Prime Minister covered essential topics such as Nutrition and Wellness, Mastering Pressure, The Art of Leadership, 360° Growth Beyond Books, and Finding Positives in Challenges. The session encouraged students to adopt a growth mindset and focus on holistic learning rather than just academic success.

A Star-Studded Line-Up to Guide Students Beyond Academics

As part of the revamped edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha, the government has roped in eminent personalities from diverse fields—including sports stars, entertainment icons, business leaders, and education experts—to engage with students in a series of insightful episodes. The sessions are designed to equip students with practical strategies, inspire them to take on challenges, and instil confidence ahead of their exams.

With five episodes aired so far, Pariksha Pe Charcha 2025 has seen engaging conversations with Sadhguru, Deepika Padukone, Technical Guruji (Gaurav Chaudhary), Radhika Gupta, and leading nutrition experts like Rujuta Diwekar, Shonali Sabherwal, and Revant Himatsingka (Food Pharmer).


Sadhguru on Overcoming Exam Stress with Mindfulness

In the fifth episode (14th February 2025), Sadhguru engaged students in a free-flowing conversation on the importance of mindfulness in tackling exam-related stress and overcoming life’s challenges.

Sharing his observations, Sadhguru highlighted the increasing number of children suffering from stress-induced health complications due to exam pressure. He emphasised that education is not just about exams, but about gaining access to life itself. He advised students to keep their intelligence in ‘dynamic mode’ and view education as a stepping stone to broader life experiences.

Sadhguru also introduced students to Nada Yoga, demonstrating three basic sounds and encouraging them to practise the technique for seven minutes every morning to improve focus and emotional well-being.

His advice on limiting smartphone usage to maintain concentration and balance in daily life was particularly well received by the students.


Deepika Padukone on Mental Health and Resilience

In the second episode (12th February 2025), Bollywood star Deepika Padukone interacted with 60 students, sharing her personal journey with mental health. She spoke about the importance of acknowledging mental health challenges and seeking support, emphasising that dealing with these issues can be empowering rather than a sign of weakness.

As a vocal advocate for mental health awareness, Deepika’s insights encouraged students to openly discuss their struggles and adopt positive coping mechanisms.

Technical Guruji and Radhika Gupta on AI & Emerging Technologies

In the third episode (13th February 2025), popular tech influencer Gaurav Chaudhary (Technical Guruji) and Edelweiss Mutual Fund MD & CEO Radhika Gupta introduced students to the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).


The session focused on the real-world applications of AI, including ChatGPT and AI image-generation tools. The speakers encouraged students to embrace AI-driven learning, explore technological advancements, and build future-ready skills.

Nutrition Experts on Exam Diets & Healthy Living

On 14th February 2025, renowned nutritionists Shonali Sabherwal, Rujuta Diwekar, and Revant Himatsingka (Food Pharmer) interacted with students about the critical role of nutrition in staying stress-free and energised during exams.

The session covered:

  • The best brain foods for students
  • How to maintain energy levels while studying
  • The dangers of excessive caffeine and junk food consumption
  • Simple diet changes to improve focus and concentration

Students walked away with actionable tips on maintaining a balanced diet during exam season, ensuring their physical and mental well-being.

A Transformative Initiative for Student Well-Being

With Pariksha Pe Charcha 2025, the Indian government continues to reinforce the importance of holistic development, stress management, and lifelong learning. By inviting leaders from various fields, the initiative ensures that students receive multi-dimensional guidance—not just on academics, but also on mental health, leadership, technology, and well-being.


As students gear up for their exams, these insightful sessions serve as a powerful reminder that success is not just about marks—but about resilience, adaptability, and a well-rounded approach to life.

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Saudi Teacher Mansour bin Abdullah Al-Mansour Wins $1 Million Global Teacher Prize



In a heartwarming recognition of dedication and innovation in education, Saudi Arabian teacher Mansour bin Abdullah Al-Mansour has been awarded the prestigious $1 million GEMS Education Global Teacher Prize. Announced at the World Governments Summit in Dubai, the award celebrates Al-Mansour’s transformative work in empowering students from low-income families, including hundreds of gifted orphans, and his 3,000+ hours of community service.

Al-Mansour, a teacher at Prince Saud bin Jalawi School in Al-Ahsa, has spent over two decades uplifting students facing academic challenges, disabilities, and financial hardships. His efforts include establishing mentorship programmes, innovation incubators, and financial literacy initiatives, enabling students to achieve global recognition. Notably, he plans to use the prize money to build a school for talented orphans, furthering his mission to provide quality education to underprivileged children.

(Image: Mansour Al Mansour- 2025 Global Teacher Prize Winner)

Beyond the classroom, Al-Mansour has authored 21 educational books, trained over 300 educators, and led literacy programmes for prison inmates, helping reduce sentences for some. His work has earned him accolades as an international ambassador for educational excellence.


The Global Teacher Prize, now in its ninth year, recognises exceptional educators who make a profound impact on their communities. Al-Mansour was selected from over 5,000 nominations across 89 countries, joining a prestigious list of global educators.

Sunny Varkey, Founder of the Global Teacher Prize, praised Al-Mansour’s “passion, dedication, and the life-changing power of education.” Stefania Giannini, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education, highlighted the importance of investing in teachers to build a sustainable future.

As the world faces challenges like inequality and climate change, Al-Mansour’s story serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the transformative power of education and the unsung heroes shaping our future.


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Children’s Bird Walks to Connect Young Minds with India’s Rich Avian Diversity



Image From Early Bird's Goa Walk

In an exciting initiative for young nature enthusiasts, Early Bird and Ataavi Bird Foundation are set to organise special bird walks for children during the Great Backyard Bird Count 2025. Scheduled for February 15th and 16th, 2025, these walks will take place in eight Indian cities: Bengaluru, Dimapur, Halol, Jaipur, Mangaluru, Ranchi, Trivandrum, and Ujjain.

Designed for children aged 9 to 13 years, the bird walks aim to nurture curiosity about birds and their habitats, providing an engaging introduction to birdwatching. Led by experienced nature educators, the sessions will help children identify different bird species, understand their behaviours, and develop a deeper appreciation for local biodiversity.

The Great Backyard Bird Count is a global citizen science initiative where birdwatchers of all ages observe and document bird species in their surroundings. The data collected contributes to worldwide studies on bird populations and helps scientists track migration patterns and conservation needs. This year, Early Bird is organising dedicated children’s walks as part of this initiative, encouraging young learners to explore nature firsthand.

Early Bird is a learning programme that brings children closer to birds and nature. The programme has impacted more than 3 lakh children throughout its 10-year existence. This is through the distribution of innovative educational materials on Indian birds, available in 10 Indian languages, besides English. Early Bird is a part of the Nature Conservation Foundation (NCF), a 28-year-old public charitable trust set up to contribute to the knowledge and conservation of India’s unique wildlife heritage.


Previous bird walks led by Early Bird’s expert educators have received enthusiastic responses. A parent from the Goa Walk 2024 shared, “Such an unbelievable and mesmerising variety of birds! Thank you for revealing these treasures in our everyday landscape!”

The event will take place at key nature spots in each city, including Avalahalli Lake (Bengaluru), Vadatalav Lake (Halol), Kishan Bagh Sand Dunes Park (Jaipur), and Akkulam Lake (Trivandrum). Partner organisations such as Coastal Karnataka Bird Watchers Network (CKBWN), Eco Warriors, Prakriti, and COCOON will collaborate to ensure an enriching experience for all participants.

Event Details

City Location Partner Organisation Date & Time
Bengaluru Avalahalli Lake 15 Feb 2025, 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM
Dimapur PWD, Forest Colony Complex Eco Warriors 16 Feb 2025, 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Halol Vadatalav Lake COCOON 16 Feb 2025, 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Jaipur Kishan Bagh Sand Dunes Park Prakriti 16 Feb 2025, 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Mangaluru NITK Campus, Surathkal CKBWN 16 Feb 2025, 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Ranchi Jonha Park, Koynardih Keystone Foundation 16 Feb 2025, 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Trivandrum Akkulam Lake 16 Feb 2025, 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Ujjain Triveni Eco Park 16 Feb 2025, 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM

How to Register

Registrations for the bird walks are now open. Interested participants can sign up at Slots are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

This initiative provides a rare opportunity for students to engage with nature, learn about India’s diverse bird species, and contribute to an international conservation effort.

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Sunbeam International Varuna: Pioneering Cambridge Education in Varanasi



In a significant development for education in Varanasi, Sunbeam International Varuna has become the first institution in the city to adopt the globally recognised Cambridge curriculum. Known for its emphasis on academic rigour and critical thinking, the curriculum is designed to promote holistic development through a well-rounded educational approach.

The school’s academic achievements have been noteworthy, with students excelling in the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint exams and surpassing international benchmarks. Their involvement in the Cambridge Climate Quest Program highlights their commitment to environmental responsibility and leadership in sustainability initiatives.

Sunbeam International Varuna also places a strong emphasis on sports and extracurricular activities. Student athletes have made notable achievements, including a gold medal at the National Roll Ball Championship and success in Thai Boxing and Roller Skating. The school’s focus on STEAM education is reflected in projects such as IoT-based irrigation systems and robotics innovations, supported by well-equipped labs and modern facilities.

Collaboration with parents and mental wellness initiatives form an integral part of the school’s educational philosophy. Activities such as health workshops, storytelling sessions, and mindfulness programmes contribute to the overall development and well-being of students.


Dedicated teachers play a crucial role, with achievements in Teachers’ Olympiads and continuous professional development enhancing the learning experience. Community engagement, sustainability programmes, and experiential learning initiatives further enrich students’ educational journeys.

As a member of the Boarding Schools’ Association of India, Sunbeam International Varuna is committed to fostering progressive education, blending academic excellence with life skills and global awareness.

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NITI Aayog Proposes Education Reforms: New Finance Agency and Fee Flexibility for State Universities



In an effort to address the financial and operational challenges faced by State Public Universities (SPUs), NITI Aayog has proposed significant reforms aimed at improving their sustainability and quality. The recommendations include the establishment of a dedicated finance agency akin to the Higher Education Financing Agency (HEFA), fee autonomy, and diversified funding sources. These suggestions, outlined in the newly released report titled Expanding Quality Higher Education Through States and State Public Universities, are considered vital to achieving the goals of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

State Public Universities, which cater to over 80% of India’s higher education student population, face numerous challenges stemming from inadequate government grants, dependence on traditional revenue streams, and limited autonomy in financial decision-making. The report highlights the need for a six percent allocation of the country’s GDP to education, a figure previously recommended under the NEP 2020.

One of the central recommendations is to establish a HEFA-style finance agency exclusively for SPUs. HEFA, a joint venture between Canara Bank and the Ministry of Education, has played a crucial role in financing infrastructure development and research projects at educational institutions. NITI Aayog suggests a similar agency could provide long-term financial stability to SPUs, ensuring they have the resources needed to maintain quality education and expand research capacities.

The report further recommends granting SPUs the autonomy to adjust fees by 5-10% annually to account for inflation, with safeguards such as scholarships and fee waivers for underprivileged students. Select SPUs with sound financial management could pilot this programme, which would be closely monitored for its impact on finances, enrolment, and educational quality.


Diversification of revenue streams is another key focus. The report encourages universities to expand self-financed programmes, provide consultancy services to industries and government agencies, and strengthen alumni engagement to drive financial contributions. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are also seen as crucial to supplement government funding and enhance employability initiatives.

Additionally, NITI Aayog calls for tax exemptions on revenue from CSR grants and research activities to provide further financial relief. These recommendations come at a time when Indian higher education institutions are under increased scrutiny for their financial and academic performance, with recent opposition to changes proposed under the NEP 2020 further intensifying the debate.

With 80 policy recommendations spread across four key thematic areas—quality, funding and financing, governance, and employability—NITI Aayog envisions a transformed higher education system where SPUs emerge as centres of excellence and regional development drivers.

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CBSE Set to Organise Mental Health Workshop for Educators on February 12, 2025



The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is set to organise a pivotal workshop on February 12, 2025, focusing on improving student mental health and well-being. The event, titled “Promoting Student Mental Health and Well-Being”, will be held at Venkateshwar International School, Dwarka, New Delhi, and is designed specifically for principals, counsellors, and wellness teachers from CBSE-affiliated schools in the Delhi/NCR region.

The workshop aims to equip educators with practical strategies to identify early signs of mental health challenges among students and provide effective psychological support during critical academic periods. By fostering awareness and skill development, the session is expected to address the increasing need for mental health intervention in schools.

Workshop Details and Agenda

The workshop will run from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, with registration starting at 9:30 am. Participants are advised to arrive early to complete the registration process and engage in pre-event activities. The event will include sessions covering a range of topics, such as:

  • Understanding Mental Health in Schools: Exploring current issues affecting student well-being.
  • Identifying Early Warning Signs: Recognising behavioural or emotional indicators that may signal mental distress.
  • Crisis Management and Intervention: Practical approaches to handle mental health crises effectively.
  • Developing Comprehensive Support Systems: Building support frameworks within schools to cater to diverse mental health needs.

The sessions will also touch upon the importance of fostering critical thinking, using digital tools, and enhancing classroom management techniques to support student engagement and learning outcomes.

How to Register

Participation slots for the workshop are limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Interested educators can register by visiting the official CBSE website under the “Workshop Notice” section and completing the registration form. Upon successful registration, participants will receive a confirmation email from the organising team.


Fostering Mental Health Awareness

This initiative underscores CBSE’s commitment to addressing mental health challenges faced by students amid growing academic pressure. By providing educators with actionable tools and strategies, the workshop aims to create a more supportive and nurturing school environment. With rising concerns over student stress, anxiety, and emotional well-being, this event marks a step toward a more holistic approach to education, ensuring students’ mental health remains a priority.

The Growing Need for Mental Health Support

Educators attending the workshop will gain insights into the critical role mental health plays in student success. By promoting early intervention and effective support systems, the workshop seeks to help teachers, counsellors, and school leaders better support students through challenging academic years.



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Investing in Education and Physical Development: India’s Key to Realising Its Demographic Dividend



The image is generated using AI

As India strives to become a developed nation by 2047, investing in education and physical development is paramount. With the world’s largest youth population and a median age of 28, India is poised for a demographic dividend—a period where a large working-age population can significantly boost economic growth. However, failure to adequately educate, upskill, and ensure the well-being of this young population could lead to a crisis of underemployment and social instability, as highlighted by the World Bank and IMF.

A Missed Opportunity Without Education

India’s literacy rate currently stands at 74.5%, trailing the global average. The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2024 revealed gaps in rural literacy and foundational skills, pointing to a need for immediate intervention. To meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which include universal education by 2030, India must increase its education spending from 4.6% to at least 6% of GDP, as recommended by UNESCO.

India’s neighbouring nations have shown varying levels of investment in education, with some surpassing UNESCO’s recommended target of 4-6% of GDP. Bhutan leads the region by allocating 7.5% of its GDP to education, reflecting its strong commitment to human development. Nepal follows closely with 6%, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ensuring steady progress in literacy and quality education. In contrast, Pakistan significantly lags behind, investing only around 2% of its GDP in education, contributing to persistent challenges in literacy and educational access. India, currently allocating 4.6% of its GDP to education needs increased investment to bridge educational gaps and fully leverage its demographic advantage.

Experts argue that increasing funding for both formal education and vocational training is essential. According to the IMF, inadequate investment in education and health could result in India squandering its demographic dividend. By bridging the gap between current spending and SDG targets, India can provide access to quality education and skill-building initiatives, thereby empowering youth with future-ready skills.


Beyond Academics: The Case for Physical Education

Parallel to academic learning, physical education is vital in ensuring holistic development. According to a 2024 UNESCO report, more than two-thirds of secondary school students worldwide do not receive the minimum recommended hours of physical education. India is no exception, and the limited emphasis on physical education could hinder long-term benefits, including improved mental health, academic performance, and productivity.

UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay stresses, “Physical education not only improves pupils’ health but also their academic performance and personal development. It should be treated as a core subject, not an extracurricular activity.”

UNESCO’s recommendations highlight five critical areas for member states:

  1. Improving the training of sports educators.
  2. Increasing investment in infrastructure.
  3. Developing inclusive physical education programs.
  4. Increasing allocated hours for physical education in school curricula.
  5. Integrating the values of sport into educational programs.

The benefits are evident: physical education can reduce student obesity rates by 30%, improve exam scores for 40% of students, and prevent anxiety and depression among youth. Schools that prioritise sports also report improved attendance and behaviour. However, India currently allocates less than 2% of its education budget to physical education, significantly below the recommended level.

Investing in Holistic Development

To fully harness its demographic advantage, India must adopt a holistic education policy that integrates physical education into the broader academic framework. The growing focus on sports through initiatives such as Khelo India needs to be complemented by increased funding for grassroots physical education in schools. Audrey Azoulay notes that integrating sports values into education builds empathy, teamwork, and resilience, which are essential for navigating the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

Closing the Gap with Public-Private Partnerships

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) have the potential to bridge funding gaps in both education and physical development. Private sector involvement can also ensure that physical education programs receive sustainable support. Initiatives such as specialised sports training academies and skill-based internships can enhance students’ employability and overall development.


India’s path to becoming a developed nation hinges on its investment in education and physical development. Allocating at least 6% of GDP to education and prioritising physical education will create a well-rounded workforce capable of driving economic growth. By bridging the gap between policy and practice, India can ensure that its youth are not just beneficiaries but active contributors to the nation’s progress.


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Union Budget 2025-26: A New Dawn for India’s Education Sector



Finance Minister of India- Nirmala Sitharaman

The Union Budget 2025-26, announced by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, has brought a mix of optimism and responsibility to India’s education sector. With ₹78,572 crores allocated to the Department of School Education and Literacy—its highest ever—the government has laid down a roadmap for transforming education through strategic investments in technology, skilling, and inclusion.

Major Allocations for Growth and Inclusivity

A key highlight is the announcement of 50,000 Atal Tinkering Labs in government schools to foster innovation and scientific thinking. Alongside this, the budget’s allocation of ₹42,900 crores for Central Sector Schemes will fund initiatives such as the Pradhan Mantri Innovative Learning Programme (DHRUV) and the National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme. These programmes aim to provide scholarships and mentorship to talented students, particularly those from economically weaker sections.

The Samagra Shiksha and PM Poshan schemes have also seen increased allocations, receiving ₹41,250 crores and ₹12,500 crores, respectively. Additionally, ₹1,250 crores have been allocated for the New India Literacy Programme and ₹160 crores for the STARS initiative, both critical to addressing foundational literacy and teacher capacity building.

Strengthening Higher Education and Digital Inclusion

Higher education received ₹50,077.95 crores, with a significant push to expand IIT infrastructure, adding seats for 6,500 students across five IITs. Sitharaman emphasised that this was part of a broader effort to align higher education with global standards and industry demands, a sentiment echoed by several educational leaders.


Mr. Nipun Goenka, Managing Director of GD Goenka Group, highlighted the importance of this investment: “The budget’s focus on skilling, research, and AI-driven education reflects a commitment to future-ready competencies. Establishing Centres of Excellence for Skilling and expanding AI education will ensure that students across socio-economic backgrounds can contribute to India’s progress. This year’s focus on broadband connectivity in government schools will democratise access to knowledge and innovation.”

Focus on STEM, AI, and Research Innovation

The government’s investment in STEM education, with 50,000 Atal Tinkering Labs and expanded IIT capacities, was lauded by Mr. Praneet Mungali, Trustee & Secretary, Sanskriti Group Schools. “This investment significantly enhances India’s STEM ecosystem and will foster curiosity and problem-solving abilities in students,” Mr. Mungali said.

The establishment of National Centres of Excellence in AI was another major highlight. Dr. Yajulu Medury, Vice Chancellor of Mahindra University, praised this decision: “These centres, alongside the 10,000 scholarships for technological research, will nurture innovation and position India as a global leader. Expanding IIT infrastructure in Tier-2 cities will further decentralise opportunities and drive tech-based growth across regions.”

Driving Digital and Linguistic Inclusivity

With ₹681 crores allocated for Digital India e-learning, the government aims to bridge the digital divide. Mr. Kanak Gupta, Group Director of MR Jaipuria Group, appreciated this step: “The emphasis on providing digital Indian language books in schools and higher education is critical to ensuring inclusivity. Quality education, accessible in various languages, will provide uniform learning opportunities for all students.”

Mr. Dilip Gangaramani, CEO of Target Learning Ventures, stressed the importance of AI in education, saying: “The establishment of Centres of Excellence in AI will equip educators and students to harness its potential. However, critical thinking must be fostered to help students evaluate AI outputs and identify biases, ensuring well-rounded, responsible digital citizens.”


A Holistic Approach to Skilling and Research

The budget’s emphasis on skilling through the establishment of five National Centres of Excellence was praised by Ms. Charu Kapoor, Country Director, NIIT Foundation: “This investment will help rural skilling by providing digital training opportunities that were previously limited due to poor internet access. The combination of skill-based training and access to resources will empower youth and contribute meaningfully to India’s global standing.”

Similarly, Mr. Kunal Vasudeva, Co-founder of the Indian School of Hospitality, remarked: “Policy is a work in progress—the test now is in execution. We need a 10X mindset in implementing AI-driven research and deep-tech funding. Universities must lead innovation by aligning their research with national priorities, fostering long-term growth.”

Medical and Technical Education Expansion

On the higher education front, Sitharaman’s announcement of expanding IIT Patna’s infrastructure and increasing medical seats by 10,000 this year shows a continued push to address capacity needs. “This infrastructure expansion demonstrates the government’s commitment to producing world-class professionals,” said Mr. Naman Jain, Vice Chairman of Silverline Prestige School. “The allocation to K-12 education must be effectively utilised to make global standards accessible to students from marginalised communities.”

Bridging the Gap Between Policy and Practice

Several experts underlined that bold policy must be matched with execution. Mr. Shishir Jaipuria, Chairman of Seth Anandram Jaipuria Group of Educational Institutions, stated: “Fifty thousand Atal Tinkering Labs, better broadband in government schools, and AI education reflect a holistic and forward-thinking approach. The focus on technological fellowships and skilling will empower young minds to lead innovation in an interconnected world.”

Mr. Sagar Kaushik, Associate Director at Propelld, added: “Removing TCS for education remittances and improving accessibility to digital and medical education will help parents plan better for their children’s future. This budget addresses both immediate and long-term challenges, laying a strong foundation for sustainable growth.”


Therefore, it can easily be said that the Union Budget 2025-26 has set the stage for a transformative phase in India’s education sector. From investments in AI and STEM to skilling and digital inclusion, the focus is clear: building an education system that nurtures innovation and positions India as a global knowledge hub. However, experts stress that its success will depend on effective execution, ensuring that the investments translate into tangible improvements across all levels of education.

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Union Budget 2025-26: An Opportunity to Revolutionise India’s Education and Skilling Landscape



The image is generated using AI

As India prepares for the announcement of the Union Budget 2025-26, all eyes are on the government’s allocation of funds towards education and skilling. The BJP-led government, now in its first term since re-election in 2024, has an opportunity to set the tone for the next five years, addressing long-standing issues of underfunding while building on past efforts to improve accessibility. This budget is expected to be pivotal in aligning the country’s education system with the demands of a rapidly evolving global economy, as industry experts weigh in on their expectations.

Addressing Key Gaps with Higher Budgetary Allocation

Praveen Singh, CEO of Aasoka (research-based blended curriculum developers for K-12), emphasises the importance of increasing investment in education to 6% of the GDP, which is in line with the ambitions of NEP 2020. “Such investment will be crucial for enhancing public-private partnerships, expanding skilling initiatives, and creating sustainable employment opportunities that contribute to individual empowerment and national economic growth,” Singh said. He also highlighted that achieving ambitious Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) targets in higher education requires leveraging technology and online learning. However, to achieve this, policies must prioritise accessibility and the improvement of learning outcomes.

“Many educational institutions face challenges due to outdated infrastructure and limited technological resources. Addressing these gaps, along with equipping students and faculty with proper tools and training, is vital to preparing future generations for a tech-driven job market,” Singh added, calling for a clear policy roadmap that ensures effective delivery of critical learning skills.

Digital Infrastructure and Inclusive Learning: The Road Ahead

Aarul Malaviya, Founder of Zamit (an AI-driven ed-tech platform), believes that the upcoming budget should prioritise digital infrastructure and inclusive learning. “Increased allocations for technology integration in schools, tax incentives for EdTech platforms, and support for teacher training initiatives can drive innovation and accessibility. With a growing focus on future-ready skills, we anticipate measures that strengthen collaboration between industry and academia, enabling India to nurture a workforce equipped for the challenges of tomorrow,” Malaviya said.


Echoing this sentiment, Naman Jain, Vice-Chairman of Silverline Prestige School, highlighted the need for comprehensive digital integration in K-12 education. “It is essential to dedicate funds toward improving internet access, supplying modern devices, and equipping both educators and students with necessary digital competencies. Schools can provide interactive and personalised learning experiences using technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and virtual reality, ensuring equitable access to high-quality education,” Jain said. He also called for increasing the current 4% of GDP allocated to education to 6%, aligning investments with advancements in AI and technology while addressing schools’ fundamental needs.

Holistic Learning and Skill Development at the Core

Dilip Gangaramani, Founder & Managing Director of Target Learning Ventures, pointed out that holistic child development should be a key focus of this year’s budget. “Robust support in implementing play-based learning methodologies, investments in teacher training, and the establishment of specialised labs—such as robotics and astronomy labs—can empower students with critical thinking and problem-solving skills,” Gangaramani suggested. He also stressed the importance of bridging the digital divide, particularly for marginalised communities, and ensuring access to quality education through increased government support for digital learning resources.

Naman Jain further emphasised the importance of skilling, particularly in emerging fields like AI, data science, and renewable energy. “A concentrated effort on equipping individuals with future-ready employable skills is necessary to provide hands-on experience, especially in creative industries. The government should prioritise investments in AI hubs, centres of excellence, and regulatory frameworks for the EdTech sector,” he stated.

Fostering Innovation Through Industry Collaboration

Dr. Yajulu Medury, Vice Chancellor of Mahindra University, highlighted the need for public-private partnerships to make education more accessible and effective. “Increased financial incentives, simplified regulatory frameworks, and enhanced incubation support can stimulate technological advancements. Establishing centres of excellence and fostering interdisciplinary education can bridge the gap between academic knowledge and practical application,” Medury noted.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Vice Chancellor of the World University of Design, emphasised India’s potential in the creative economy. “Our animation, AR/VR, and design sectors are already demonstrating world-class capabilities. By combining our cost-effective talent pool with strategic policy support, we can transform from a service provider into a global creative powerhouse,” Gupta said.


The Role of Fintech in Education Access

Nikunj Agarwal, CFO of Propelld (a FinTech startup specializing in education lending), highlighted the importance of improving credit accessibility for non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) in the education sector. “The private education landscape plays a pivotal role in fostering innovation and skill development in India. We urge policymakers to implement reforms that enable lower lending rates and promote co-lending models, thereby facilitating easier access to funds for students,” Agarwal said.

Building on Past Investments

The Union Budget 2024-25 allocated ₹1.48 lakh crore for education, employment, and skilling, representing a 7.7% increase from the previous year. Key areas included increased funds for school education, higher education, research and development, internationalisation, and foundational literacy and numeracy. Initiatives were also introduced to skill 20 lakh students over five years and provide internship opportunities for one crore youth.

The upcoming budget will need to expand on these efforts, ensuring that investments are not only increased but effectively utilised to deliver tangible outcomes. With the education sector being a critical driver of India’s future workforce, experts believe that this budget could be a game-changer, setting the nation on a path toward sustainable growth and global competitiveness.

All in all, the Union Budget 2025-26 presents an opportunity to address fundamental issues in the education sector and drive innovation through strategic investments. With experts calling for increased funding, policy reforms, and public-private collaboration, this budget could mark a significant step in shaping a future-ready India.

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