Shrewsbury School UK, a renowned institution with a rich legacy of academic excellence and global recognition, is proud to announce the inauguration of its inaugural campus...
In the realm of education, mental health awareness isn’t a mere addition to the curriculum; it’s a living entity that breathes and thrives through the collective...
The 21st century is witnessing an unprecedented focus on the holistic development of students. No longer is education solely about academic excellence; it has evolved to...
In the modern landscape of education, nurturing not just academic intellect but also emotional intelligence has become imperative. A key stride in this direction is the...
With an aim to promote skill-based education in line with the aspirations of 21st-century learners, Skill India will organize a grand ‘Kaushal Convocation’ in Delhi to recognize...
“It takes a village to raise a child” – How to move wellbeing from being someone’s job to everyone’s job. – January 15, 2021 Hannah Ball ...
Shikhar Dhawan Unveiled ‘Da One Sports’ Academy in Collaboration with Devyani Jaipuria Sports Academy at DPS International, Gurgaon this week. This initiative is deeply committed to...
In the hallowed halls of learning, where minds are shaped and futures are crafted, a silent crisis is unfolding. Behind the smiles worn in classrooms, a...
In a strategic move aimed at enhancing financial literacy and financial planning education across the nation, FPSB India, India’s foremost financial planning authority, is pleased to...
Imagine a world where mental health is not stigmatized, where everyone feels comfortable talking about their emotional struggles, and where people have the tools, they need...