Kozhikode in North Kerala, renowned for its rich cultural heritage, was officially declared as India’s first UNESCO ‘City of Literature’ on Sunday. This significant milestone was...
Ladakh achieved a significant milestone on 24 June 2024, as Lieutenant Governor Dr. B.D. Mishra declared it the administrative unit to attain Full Functional Literacy under...
The Ministry of Education has rolled out a nationwide campaign to create Tobacco-Free Educational Institutions (ToFEI). Recognising the severe health impacts of tobacco, which causes around...
“Grow up dear and start solving your own problems”. This popular meme floating on social media always triggers my thinking. It seems to be an age-old...
Yes, you read it correct. Am I referring to a real or metaphorical potato? Give it a guess now. What it could be? Of course, the...
Children up to grade VI who secured a rank within the top 15 were exempted from sitting for the annual exam at the school I attended....
NIIT Foundation, in collaboration with YuWaah (Generation Unlimited in India) at UNICEF, has launched a digital literacy training initiative aimed at empowering over 5,000 young women....
The Goa government has announced the introduction of uniforms for students in government and government-aided colleges from the next academic year. This initiative aims to “foster...
Delhi, June 17, 2024: PeakMind, a leading mental wellness platform, has unveiled a comprehensive survey highlighting significant mental health challenges faced by students in the Delhi/NCR...
The University Grants Commission (UGC) has introduced a revamped curriculum and credit framework for postgraduate programmes, aligning with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. This new...