The Global Education and Skills Forum (also known as the “Davos of Education”) meets at Atlantis, The Palm in Dubai, starting tomorrow. This year, through the...
The Global Teacher Prize is an annual one million dollar award from the Varkey Foundation to be given to a super-special teacher. One innovative and caring...
ScooNews has compiled 7 of the best TED Talks for educators. We hope you will find them motivating and helpful.
Take a look at these 5 teachers who did not just teach children to read or write, they shaped their student's career
World Heritage Day is celebrated globally on April 18 each year.
Tatahir Fatima, a teacher from Saran, Bihar did not taking leave either on her Nikah (wedding) or Bidai (send-off) and taught her students on both days...
ScooNews has compiled 7 of the best TED Talks for educators. We hope you will find them motivating and helpful.