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Schools & The Pandemic: Technology & Mindset Shift

This webinar by ScooNews discussed the most pressing issue of today – use of technology in the education sector



On 1 July 2020, ScooNews hosted a webinar on the topic "Schools and the pandemic: Technology & Mindset Shift,” which was attended by more than 30,000 educationists and parents. The panellists included:

  • Dr Arunabh Singh, Director, Nehru World School (Moderator)
  • Prof. Sugata Mitra, TED Prize Winner, 2013
  • Lissa Chazot, Apple Distinguished Educator
  • Kinner N Sacchdev, CEO, Knorish


When our audience was asked if they believed that technology in the education sector is here to stay or will the education go back to how it was after the pandemic, 82% said that technology is going to be a permanent part of the education sector now. 

Technology has been an enabler: How to choose between which tools we need and which ones we want

Lissa Chazot

What is interesting to note is that the needs of yesterday are not the needs of today, because as per the estimates, more than 1.5 billion learners were directly impacted due to the lockdown in about 200 countries across the globe. We need to adapt according to the discourse of current times.


We do not just need to substitute books with devices as that will not be the way to instructional and systemic change we are hoping for.

  1. Vision is really important: To set out the purpose, WHY, that would help the school to make decisions better for the tools to be used.
  2. Opt for transversal and polyvalent tools: So the same tool can be used across different classes and can be aligned to different subject competencies.
  3. Consider students’ situation: It is a huge learning curve for students who are using devices for the first time. While choosing a tool, be considerate of the achievability of the tool, keeping it challenging but doable should be the goal.
  4. Access and accessibility: We must be mindful of those who don't have internet access. Whereas accessibility would be addressing special-needs students so that no one is left behind while embracing any kind of change.
  5. Opt for student-centric and interactive tools: This can further the learning and can create meaningful opportunities for teaching. 

Change in mindset in regards to assessment: Possibility of making learning more meaningful and lifelong

Sugata Mitra

We generally treat assessment as the last step in the learning process, that is something a learner does not know is ‘taught’ to them and to check how much has the information penetrated they are examined, and because of the lockdown this sequence has been disturbed.

The assumption that teaching has to come first, students’ need to be willing to study and to end with examination cannot work in the current scenario. 

I would like to ask, what will happen when I take a few questions from a standard exam and send it to students who are at home, and give them an hour for the answers to be sent back. The general expectation would be that students would look up the answers and send the perfect reply. But, are you extremely sure you would always get back the perfect answer in the given time?

I doubt it. Let us also add another step, before grading the answers, talk to the students individually. This would allow you to check how much the students were able to comprehend the topic.


This is the same method that has been used in PhD for years now. You start with questions neither the student nor the teacher knows the answer to and over the course of time, find the answers together and write a paper. Based on that you are given the degree. Can we bring that method in the schools as well? This could also help with excellent quality assessment outside the school, probably better than inside the school.

Arunabh Singh

Building on that, I am reminded of what my nephew said a few days back. He suggested if everyone in the family could jump up in the air and see who managed to reach the highest length. It was actually an assignment given to him by his teacher who wanted to teach kids about measurements in this unique manner. By carrying out an activity like this, I believe, any child can learn how to measure, which is phenomenal. 

Learning in the online space: Completion rate is less than 10% of online courses, is it expected to change?

Kinner N Sacchdev

Massively Open Online Courses (MOOC) were designed by universities to teach at a mass level, but in my opinion, it's the wrong lengths to look at it from.

When we ask what is the completion rate of MOOC, we are looking at it as the mirror to an authentic classroom which is not correct.

I agree with what Prof Mitra said, if the learner is ready and interested, he will look at all the formats for the knowledge. We could easily say the UI & UX design of different platforms are getting better now at completion rates. But we should ask for the sake of educators, how do we identify and make sure that there are all kinds of knowledge on all platforms, and is available to the learners?

Higher completion rates would depend upon students who are avid learners and are interested in learning the topic. 

Take my daughter, 3, for example. She loves this particular movie called ‘Ballerina’ and often plays it to practice the dance moves. She’s learning for a film! Now let us go back 20 years when there were no online courses. My daughter would have to wait for the pandemic to end, for me to look for a ballerina class so she could begin to learn. Online platforms bring us these possibilities, without having to wait for every circumstance, to go out of the way to satiate our desire to learn.

Earlier I thought online learning was not something small children can do but she has taught me that if the desire is there to find the answer, put the content in any format in front of people and the completion rates would increase.

Granny Cloud/SOLE Model of teaching: What can be done by educators to continue learning for students?

Sugata Mitra

SOLE aka Self Organised Learning Environment has been here for over a decade now, it has spread in the world and teachers have been using this model to teach, some might have made customised changes, too. But the basic principle is, you ask a question and then you allow a group of students with access to the internet to find a collective answer.

When done in groups, children would love to find the answers as if it is a play, and would not worry about being wrong.

When in rural areas you don't have someone to ask a good question, you can use the Granny Cloud. In Granny Cloud, the experienced educators come in and talk to the children and while doing so, they formulate an interesting question for them.

SOLE is an assessment of a subject that the learner does not know, and sometimes even a teacher might not know. Ask the students the big question, to which no one knows the answer because then the internet won't know, too, and this will be a learning opportunity for the children. It is the upside-down system, examination then learning.

Arunabh Singh

As I listen to Prof Mitra speaking, it resonates with a lot of parenting conversations we are having these days – How do parents engage with their children as learners and how to keep their curiosity and willingness alive.  

Online classes: Revolutionising the pedagogy of the classroom with a blend of technology

Lissa Chazot

Embracing change can be a very lonely process, the challenges can feel very daunting. It will help if we create a community of teachers because we are all in this together. 

Normally, the change would be accompanied by a strategic plan, professional development, etc., but we were thrown in this with little or no experience at all! You don't have to reinvent the wheel, there are resources out there that you can tap into, like the repository resources curated by the United Nations called ‘Supporting The Continuation Of Teaching And Learning During The COVID Pandemic.’

Technology adoption is a journey, where it starts with substitution. Instead of a textbook, you have online material, the board is replaced by screens and instead of physical presence, there is a camera.

And the last step would be to be able to do things that were not possible without technology, like creating an e-book, learning from movies, doing educational radio shows, etc.

What should be remembered is that there is no one benchmark, there could be ideals which we strive to achieve, but everyone is going to be different and will bring in their individuality and address their needs; basically strive for creativity.

Arunabh Singh

One thing is sure that information is plenty and people across the world are ready to share their resources. Everybody wants to have new ideas and could also be looking for ideas that have worked in another context.

The non-existence of offline tutoring: Platform for educators in India to set up their own academy

Kinner N Sacchdev

Online learning is becoming inevitable now! We need to break it down and understand that there is very little difference between online and offline. India that has always been a land of gurus will be a hotbed for creating content for the world. After all, technology has made content creation so easy in the present times.

When you talk about paying for content in India, we are already paying for tons of content, we just need to realise that not all skills require a physical presence. Some of the most valuable ed-tech companies are based in India now. 

We realised that these institutes would really want to build their own websites and platforms and use it for themselves. Being able to make syllabus, online classes, assessments and whatnot, we, at Knorish, wanted to bring the best user experience.

Here are some tips for creating a course and delivering online:

  1. Find your niche and carefully select what you want to teach online. Also, have a learner’s mindset.
  2. Learn your devices and technology: These are getting better every day.
  3. Learn how to get your word out on social media platforms and communicate about your content.

Equity and divide of access: How to weave subjects like music/art into active learning?

Sugata Mitra

Do a search on the topic of incorporating subjects like music and arts into active learning and you will come across people who have written about them, for example, the book I authored called ‘School In The Cloud.’

The right amount of screentime

Sugata Mitra

There is no right and wrong amount of screentime. My grandmother would say the same about books, now it is being said about the devices. It is about the usage of that screentime to learn more.

Kinner N Sacchdev

In every device nowadays, there is a compulsory blue light filter, which has been scientifically found to reduce the strain on the eye.

How to fight Education Ban?

Sugata Mitra

I feel one of the major aspects of this ban could be the fact that not everybody has the accessibility to new-age learning devices or high-speed internet. We need to willingly address this issue. 

Lissa Chazot

There are obviously a lot of reservations regarding technology adoption. For schools, it has been found that for the younger years, a blended approach of online and offline works the best.

Kinner N Sacchdev

I would like to say that we need to curate good content for kids because otherwise, these online shows will carry on. It is inevitable since children are locked in homes. It is better to give them knowledgeable content.

Arunabh Singh

This is clearly a block mindset on the part of the government, it was a hasty decision. There has been a hashtag trending #RightToLearn and I would like to tell all the educators to use this hashtag and get your voices heard.

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P Cube: The Power of Provocation in Play-Based Learning



Image Source- Envato Elements

In the realm of school education, play-based learning has emerged as a powerful and supportive approach to fosters creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and social skills along with conceptual understanding. The genesis to this method is the concept of provocation. A strategically well thought of stimuli that could initiate the thinking process. It is used to arouse the curiosity and invite children to explore, question, engage and deeply interact with their environment. Provocations are carefully designed elements that challenge children to think critically, solve problems, and collaborate with their peers. It is the power of provocation in play-based learning that promotes effective implementation of the teaching learning strategies to enhance the educational experience. Thus, promoting a high quality and sustainable learning. 

Understanding Provocation

Provocations are initial setups in form of stories, objects, case studies, role plays or any kind of resource showed to students at the start of a lesson. Their aim is to initiate the thinking process. It creates an environment where students are encouraged to indulge in exploration, experimentation and express their ideas freely.

A good provocation has the capacity to capture interest and motivate  all stake holders to engage in deeper learning. It is accompanied by few guiding questions like- “What do you think this is?”, “Why has it been placed here?” , “What are your views on it?” or “ Where have you seen this being used?” . Based on answers given further guiding questions are asked and a path of learning is crafted.  Guiding questions accompanying the provocation may be pre decided when the learning objective and learning outcome is predefined, to ensure the desired learning outcome.  However, in case of an open-ended learning objective just drafting the path would be enough. Students will then take it further from here. 

Benefits of Provocation in Play-Based Learning

  1. Creativity and Imagination: Breaking the monotony of the sessions, provocations stimulate students’ imagination and creativity. Students think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions and ideas. 
  2. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: As new challenges are presented students put their cognitive skills to work and thus delve deeper into the concept. Ensuring critical analysis of the situation and proposing possible solutions for the same. Thus enhancing their critical thinking and problem solving skills. 
  3. Social and Emotional Development: Since the whole class is involved collaboration is at its peak. Each student sharing their views, perspectives and thoughts. Skills such as communication, teamwork, negotiation, and empathy are hence taken care of. In addition to this, solving the given challenges can boost their self-esteem and confidence. 
  4. Active and Engaged Learning: Quote by Benjamin Franklin explains it all. “Tell Me and I Forget; Teach Me and I May Remember; Involve Me and I Learn”. 

The Role of Educators in Provocation

We , The Educators play a pivotal role in designing and implementing provocations. They must be designed carefully and thoughtfully. It is imperative for provocations to be thought provoking to showcase its power. Thus educators must devote ample time to design one. Students interest, development stage, their capabilities and age are few pointers guiding the educators to select an age-appropriate provocation. Provocation should cater to each student’s unique  learning style and differentiated interests. By aligning provocations with these interests, educators can create a more engaging and meaningful learning experience. You may want to consider the conceptual understanding of your class in case learning objective is targeted towards curriculum. 

More importantly, educators should be empowered to facilitate discussions and guide explorations without hinting the outcomes. Open-ended questions should accompany the provocation to ensure students maintain the tangent of class discussion. There may have n number of tangents with a single provocation. Each tangent will help students explore and experiment. Given freedom to direct their learning students will be more confident in their ability to explore and discover.

To conclude the P cube – Power of Provocations in play-based learning is a tool which offers students the opportunities to explore, think critically, and engage deeply with their environment. The power of provocation lies in its ability to ignite curiosity and inspire a lifelong love of learning. Careful designing and implementation of provocation we can create a dynamic and impactful learning experience that fosters sustainable life skills.

So, Friends, educators and countrymen, lets put on our thinking cap and hit on the buzzer for a P cube. 


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CBSE Warns Dummy School Students May Be Barred from Board Exams



CBSE Cracks Down on Dummy Schools, May Bar Students from Appearing in Board Exams

New Delhi, 27 March 2025: In a major move that could redefine school accountability and student participation, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has warned that Class 12 students studying in dummy schools may be barred from appearing in board examinations. This comes amid growing concerns over schools that enrol students only on paper while they attend private coaching centres full-time, bypassing regular school attendance.

The issue has gained nationwide attention after a JEE (Mains) topper was revealed to be from a dummy institution, SGN Public School in Nangloi, which has since been disaffiliated. A surprise CBSE inspection uncovered multiple violations, including the admission of students who did not attend regular classes. The board took strict action, citing a breach of affiliation norms.

The Delhi High Court also took cognisance of the matter, branding the dummy school phenomenon a “fraud” and ordering both CBSE and the Delhi government to act swiftly. In a ruling dated 27 January 2025, a bench headed by Chief Justice D.K. Upadhyaya and Justice Tushar Rao Gedela directed authorities to ensure adherence to the mandatory attendance rule required for board exam eligibility.

Criticising the increasing trend of students being enrolled in name only while pursuing full-time coaching elsewhere, the court called for rigorous monitoring and regulation. “This defeats the very purpose of formal schooling,” the bench noted, urging CBSE and local authorities to submit a detailed affidavit outlining steps taken to curb such practices.

CBSE has already taken action against more than 300 dummy schools across India, reaffirming its commitment to holistic learning and adherence to the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which advocates comprehensive and experiential education rather than rote learning confined to coaching centres.


While the Delhi government has downplayed the issue by stating there’s no formal definition of a ‘dummy school,’ the court maintained that any institution violating attendance norms and academic structure fails the spirit of education. The bench has asked for clearer policies to prevent students from being short-changed on learning opportunities.

As the academic year progresses and board exams approach, CBSE’s firm warning serves as a wake-up call to students and parents alike. The board has reiterated that both parties are responsible for ensuring consistent attendance and genuine academic participation.

This decision could lead to widespread disqualification of non-attending students from board exams, upend coaching-centre-first models, and push schools to re-evaluate enrolment practices. It may also spark regulatory reforms, with long-term implications on how Indian students balance formal schooling and competitive exam preparations.

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Target Learning Ventures Conducts Career Counselling for Underprivileged Students in Kandivali



A workshop on career counselling by Target Learning Ventures at Matrubhoomi School supported by INSEED NGO

Mumbai, 26 March 2025: In a commendable outreach initiative, Target Learning Ventures, a leading publishing house, recently conducted a comprehensive career counselling session for students of Matrubhoomi High School in Kandivali. The session, aimed at 9th and 10th-grade students from economically weaker backgrounds, was held in collaboration with INSEED NGO, which works to provide essential academic support to the school.

The session was led by Mr Sachin Kodolikar, Executive Director of Target Learning Ventures, who introduced students to various personality types—communicative, reflective, analytical, and assertive—and their relevance in different career paths. The approach helped students understand how their personal traits could align with diverse professional opportunities.

Mr Kodolikar also introduced students to skill-based career options, drawing attention to government-recognised courses and platforms such as the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). He encouraged the students to participate in the India Skills competition and explore non-traditional career paths that could lead to long-term growth and self-reliance.

“We are obliged by INSEED NGO for giving us this opportunity,” said Mr Kodolikar. “This initiative is about more than career guidance—it’s about broadening horizons and helping students make informed decisions.”

Sangeeta Shirname, Founder of INSEED NGO, expressed her appreciation for the session, noting its significance in inspiring students to look beyond conventional careers such as engineering and medicine. She added that many students were excited about the upcoming opportunity to visit the Target Learning Ventures office for hands-on exposure.


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‘Baalpan ki Kavita’ Initiative Launched to Restore Indian Rhymes for Young Learners



In an important stride towards implementing the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, the Ministry of Education has launched the “Baalpan ki Kavita” initiative—an ambitious project to restore and revive Indian rhymes and poems for young children across the country. Spearheaded by the Department of School Education & Literacy (DoSE&L), this initiative aims to build a vibrant compendium of age-appropriate, culturally resonant poems in all Bharatiya Bhasha (Indian languages) and in English, for pre-primary to Grade 2 learners.

The initiative recognises the powerful influence of rhymes and poems in early childhood education—offering not only linguistic development but also cultural grounding. Through the “Baalpan ki Kavita” contest, DoSE&L and MyGov are inviting educators, parents, poets, and language enthusiasts to contribute existing or original rhymes under three categories: Pre-primary (ages 3–6), Grade 1 (ages 6–7), and Grade 2 (ages 7–8). The entries can be submitted from 26 March to 22 April 2025 on the MyGov website, and should reflect joyful, child-friendly content rooted in India’s diverse cultural milieu.

While the initiative has been widely welcomed, it has also sparked necessary conversations around what it means to restore “Bharatiya” poems in a truly pluralistic and inclusive India. Critics and educators alike are cautioning that while returning to linguistic and cultural roots is commendable, it is equally essential to ensure that the selected rhymes reflect progressive values, diversity, and regional representation.

For decades, Indian children have grown up reciting foreign nursery rhymes like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or Jack and Jill, with little exposure to traditional Indian poetic forms. While some schools have occasionally included regional gems such as Nani Teri Morni Ko Mor Le Gaye (Hindi) or Chanda Mama Door Ke (widely popular in Hindi and Telugu), these have rarely found a standard place in national curricula.

The absence of Indian rhymes in mainstream education can be attributed to colonial hangovers, lack of standardisation across states, and an education system that long prioritised English-medium content. However, the NEP 2020 has made a strong case for multilingualism and cultural rootedness in foundational education—opening the door to such initiatives that celebrate India’s linguistic diversity.


That said, educationists emphasise that inclusion must go hand-in-hand with critical curation. Rhymes must reflect the India of today—not just folklore, but stories that uphold gender equality, environmental awareness, and kindness. We must move beyond simplistic moral binaries or caste-laden tales that have occasionally crept into traditional literature.

In fact, there’s an opportunity here to revive some of India’s lesser-known literary treasures—folk rhymes from the hills of Himachal, tribal lullabies from Odisha, Malayalam couplets about the monsoon, Marathi riddles, and more. Rhymes like Appa Amma (Kannada) or Kokila Kokila (Tamil) can be powerful vehicles for language immersion, identity formation, and emotional development.

Still, romanticising the past without scrutiny is not ideal. While the intent to preserve Bharatiya Bhasha is commendable, there is a fine line between celebration and cultural imposition. This initiative must not become a tool to homogenise or politicise early education. India’s strength lies in its diversity—and that diversity and representation must be reflected in the poems our youngest citizens grow up reciting.

As “Baalpan ki Kavita” moves forward, stakeholders must approach the process with sensitivity, balance, and a deep commitment to building a generation that cherishes its heritage while dreaming with open, inclusive minds.

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Amid Rising Pollution, India Turns to Schools for Climate Action: NCF 2023 Prioritises Environmental Education



Image Source- Pexels/Thirdman

India’s escalating environmental challenges, particularly concerning air pollution, have reached alarming levels, posing significant threats to public health and the nation’s sustainable development. Recent data underscores the severity of the situation:

  • Widespread Air Pollution: A report by IQAir indicates that only 17% of the world’s cities meet air pollution guidelines, with countries like Chad, Congo, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India having the dirtiest air. India alone accounts for six of the nine most polluted cities, with Byrnihat being the worst.AP News+1The Guardian+1

  • Life Expectancy Impact: Fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5) shortens an average Indian’s life expectancy by 5.3 years, relative to what it would be if the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline of 5 µg/m³ was met. In the National Capital Territory of Delhi, this figure rises to 11.9 years.AQLI

  • Severe Smog Events: In January 2025, New Delhi experienced dense smog, significantly reducing visibility and threatening to disrupt flights. The city’s air quality index (AQI) reached 351, categorizing it as “very poor” according to India’s top pollution control body.Reuters

In response to these pressing environmental concerns, the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2023 has strongly advocated for the inclusion of environmental education as an interdisciplinary area of study within the school curriculum. This initiative aims to instill environmental awareness and sustainable practices among students from an early age, fostering a generation equipped to tackle environmental challenges.

Environmental education has been seamlessly integrated into various subjects across different educational stages. For instance, topics such as “Forests: Our Lifeline” in Class VII Science and “Our Environment” in Class X Science provide students with a comprehensive understanding of ecological systems and the importance of conservation. Additionally, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has developed supplementary materials, including project books and activity guides, to further enrich environmental learning.

Beyond the classroom, initiatives like Eco Clubs have been established in schools to promote practical engagement with environmental issues. Aligned with the Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) campaign, these clubs encourage students to participate in activities such as optimizing water usage, reducing waste, recycling, and conducting plantation drives. By actively involving students in these initiatives, Eco Clubs aim to cultivate a sense of responsibility and proactive behavior towards environmental stewardship.

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 further emphasizes the critical importance of integrating environmental awareness and sustainability principles into education. By sensitizing students to environmental and climate change concerns, the policy seeks to inculcate values, attitudes, behaviors, and skills essential for addressing environmental challenges, thereby preparing them to contribute to a sustainable future.


Addressing India’s environmental crisis requires a multifaceted approach, with education playing a pivotal role. By embedding environmental studies into the curriculum and fostering active participation through initiatives like Eco Clubs, schools can empower students to become informed and engaged citizens. This educational foundation is crucial for developing innovative solutions and driving collective action towards a cleaner, healthier environment for future generations.

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India Needs Apprenticeship-Based Education, Says Minister Jayant Chaudhary



Image Source- PIB

Addressing the pressing issue of skill gaps in India’s technical sectors, Sh. Jayant Chaudhary, Minister of State (Independent Charge), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, highlighted the need for industry-academia-government partnerships and an apprenticeship-embedded curriculum to make the country’s youth future-ready. Speaking as the Chief Guest of the third annual technical festival EPITOME 2025 at Gati Shakti Vishwavidyalaya (GSV), Vadodara, via video conference, the minister emphasised the role of the education ecosystem in driving both national and individual growth.

“In today’s knowledge-driven world, the right skill set gives us both the merit as well as national growth,” he remarked, drawing a strong connection between employability and India’s ambition for Viksit Bharat 2047.

Themed “Transport 360: Land, Air, Sea and Beyond”, the two-day festival at GSV brought together industry leaders, policymakers, educators, and innovators to explore the future of logistics, transport, and multimodal infrastructure.

He called upon stakeholders to work in unison:

“Industry, academia, and government must work in synergy to create skilled professionals who can reduce errors, improve efficiency and drive innovation.”

Citing government initiatives, he noted the recently announced ₹60,000 crore scheme to upgrade Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and the Ministry’s support for start-up culture and sector-specific skilling programmes, especially with India’s start-up ecosystem projected to double by 2030 and generate over 50 million jobs.

A National Model Worth Replicating

The minister praised Gati Shakti Vishwavidyalaya’s “industry-driven” approach and encouraged it to mentor National Skill Training Institutes (NSTIs), thereby broadening the impact of its reskilling and upskilling initiatives.


Dr. Hemang Joshi, Member of Parliament from Vadodara, reiterated the Prime Minister’s vision for Viksit Bharat 2047, identifying GSV as a vital institution in shaping a transport-ready and skilled India. Vice-Chancellor Prof. Manoj Choudhary shared the university’s progress under its “industry-driven, innovation-led” vision, pointing to its direct collaborations with organisations like Airbus, Alstom, Tata Advanced Systems, and AMD.

Global experts including Prof. Vinayak Dixit (UNSW Australia) and Andreas Foerster (Tata Advanced Systems) also joined the discussions on how academic institutions can match the rapidly evolving demands of the transport and logistics sectors.

Taking the Model to Schools: The Missing Link

While technical universities like GSV are pioneering the way, India’s transformation must begin at the school level. To truly bridge the skill gap and foster real-world readiness, Indian schools must begin integrating apprenticeship-based learning and cross-sector collaboration into the secondary and higher secondary curriculum.

Some solutions that can be adopted include:

  • Creating industry liaisons in every district to help schools connect with local businesses, logistics hubs, aviation services, or manufacturing units for real-time exposure.

  • Embedding skill-based modules within existing subjects—such as using project-based transport models in mathematics or digital simulations in geography and economics.

  • Adopting an ‘Apprenticeship Lite’ model for students in classes 9 to 12, enabling them to shadow professionals or complete internships during school breaks.

  • Establishing co-branded certification programmes between CBSE/State Boards and skilling institutions like NSDC or Sector Skill Councils to provide formal recognition for practical skills learned in school.

  • Engaging vocational educators in teacher training to ensure skill-based learning is effectively delivered at the classroom level.

With the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 advocating for integration of vocational education at all levels, now is the time for school systems to act and align with India’s larger skilling mission. Gati Shakti Vishwavidyalaya’s model could serve as a blueprint—not just for universities, but for school education that aspires to blend knowledge with employability.

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Foreign-Trained Teachers Fuel Punjab’s Education Revolution, Says CM Bhagwant Mann



Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann with the delegation of trained teachers

Chandigarh: In a move that signals the strengthening of education reform in Punjab, Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Saturday hailed the contribution of foreign-trained teachers as catalysts in the state’s ongoing “education revolution.” Speaking at a flag-off ceremony in Chandigarh, Mann dispatched a new batch of 72 teachers to Turku, Finland for training in modern pedagogical practices, marking yet another step towards globalising the state’s education system.

According to the Chief Minister, a total of 234 principals and education officers have already undergone a five-day leadership development programme in Singapore, while 152 headmasters and officers have been trained at IIM Ahmedabad, across three batches. The initiative, Mann said, is designed to expose educators to global best practices and bring those methodologies back to their classrooms in Punjab.

“This out-of-the-box idea is giving major thrust to the education revolution in the state by bringing the much-needed qualitative change in the education system,” he said. “These teachers are acting as agents of change, ensuring quality education for our students.”

Mann further explained that teachers for the programme are selected purely on merit, with a unique eligibility condition: they must be recommended by at least 10 students they have taught. This, he noted, ensures that only genuinely deserving and impactful educators get the opportunity to benefit from the exposure.

The programme equips teachers with modern teaching techniques, including student-centric learning, digital integration, critical thinking development, and classroom management strategies. Upon their return, these teachers share their learnings with peers and students, thereby cascading the training across the state’s education ecosystem.

A National Model in the Making?

Punjab’s approach to foreign teacher training programmes may well serve as a template for other Indian states. Much like student exchange programmes that help pupils gain global exposure, a teacher or faculty exchange programme could enrich teaching methods and uplift educational standards across the country.


Introducing cross-cultural learning for teachers can lead to better understanding of global educational trends and foster innovation in curriculum and teaching methodologies. By encouraging other state governments to adopt similar strategies, India can empower its teaching workforce and help meet the goals of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which strongly emphasises professional development for educators.

As India continues to navigate the challenges of 21st-century learning, investing in teachers is key to shaping future-ready learners. Punjab’s efforts underline the transformative power of global exposure and the ripple effect well-trained teachers can create in society.

News Source- PTI

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PM-YUVA 3.0: Transforming Young Writers in India’s Schools?



The Prime Minister’s Young Authors Mentorship Scheme (PM-YUVA) has returned for its third edition, promising to shape the future of young Indian writers once again. Launched by the Ministry of Education (MoE) and the National Book Trust (NBT) of India on March 11, 2025, YUVA 3.0 seeks to nurture creative talent among individuals under 30, providing them with a structured mentorship programme that equips them with the skills to document India’s past, present, and future through literature.

With themes such as the contribution of the Indian diaspora in nation-building, the Indian knowledge system, and the makers of modern India (1950-2025), this year’s programme encourages participants to explore diverse facets of India’s rich cultural and intellectual heritage. But while the initiative continues to gain traction, can its implementation be optimised in Indian schools to truly create a lasting impact?

YUVA 3.0: A Gateway for Young Indian Writers

Following the success of YUVA 1.0 and YUVA 2.0, which saw young authors explore themes of India’s freedom movement and democracy, YUVA 3.0 aims to build a stream of writers who can articulate India’s contributions across time and disciplines.

Aspiring authors can apply via MyGov India’s portal, submitting a 10,000-word book proposal that is evaluated by a selection panel constituted by NBT India. 50 candidates will be selected for a six-month mentorship programme, during which they will:

  • Receive financial assistance of ₹50,000 per month
  • Attend workshops, training sessions, and mentorship meetings
  • Have their books published in multiple Indian languages
  • Participate in literary festivals and international book fairs

The New Delhi World Book Fair 2026 will serve as a launchpad for these young authors, offering them an opportunity to showcase their work on a national stage.

Bringing YUVA 3.0 into Indian Schools: The Need for Institutional Support

While PM-YUVA 3.0 is a well-structured initiative, a significant gap exists in its reach at the school level. Despite India being home to one of the largest youth populations globally, creative writing as a discipline remains largely underdeveloped in most school curriculums. Integrating this scheme into secondary and higher secondary education could be a game-changer.


How Schools Can Leverage PM-YUVA 3.0 for Maximum Impact:

  1. Creative Writing Programmes in Schools: Schools should introduce structured creative writing workshops as an extracurricular activity or an elective subject to familiarise students with long-form writing.

  2. Dedicated Literary Mentorship: Schools should facilitate teacher-led mentorship programmes, where educators guide students in conceptualising, drafting, and refining their manuscripts before submission.

  3. Regional and Vernacular Writing Initiatives: Since YUVA promotes multilingual literature, schools should encourage students to write in their mother tongue, ensuring that India’s literary landscape remains diverse and inclusive.

  4. Early Introduction to Research and Storytelling: To cultivate young authors, schools must integrate storytelling, history-based research projects, and structured writing exercises from middle school itself.

  5. Engagement with Past YUVA Winners: Schools can invite previous winners for interactive sessions to inspire students, helping them understand the nuances of writing, editing, and publishing.

Lessons from Past Editions: How YUVA Has Transformed India’s Literary Scene

Since its inception in 2021, PM-YUVA has empowered young authors across India, producing literature that adds to the country’s intellectual and historical archives. The impact of the scheme is evident:

  • 41 books published under YUVA 2.0 were launched at the New Delhi World Book Fair 2025.
  • Books produced under YUVA 1.0 and YUVA 2.0 were translated into multiple Indian languages, broadening their accessibility.
  • Participants have received national and international recognition, with some works included in academic and government libraries.
  • Young authors have interacted with historians, policymakers, and scholars, gaining real-world insights into writing and research.

However, the lack of structured creative writing programmes in schools has meant that the initiative remains largely restricted to university students and independent writers. Expanding YUVA 3.0’s footprint within school education systems will ensure that a younger demographic benefits from this transformative programme.

Creating India’s Next Generation of Writers

With India ranked third in global book publishing, there is an urgent need to nurture homegrown literary talent that can represent the nation’s historical and contemporary narratives on an international stage. PM-YUVA 3.0 is a step in the right direction, but to fully optimise its potential, it must become more accessible to students at the school level.

By encouraging structured creative writing curriculums, mentorship programmes, and regional language engagement, Indian schools can help cultivate the next generation of authors, historians, and literary scholars, ensuring that India’s rich literary heritage continues to thrive.

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Sunbeam Indiranagar Shines in Academics, Arts, and Sports, Cementing Its Legacy of Holistic Education



Varanasi: Sunbeam Indiranagar, Varanasi, has emerged as a dynamic centre for academic excellence, cultural enrichment, and sporting achievements, reinforcing its commitment to holistic education. In a year marked by significant accomplishments, students and faculty have demonstrated a dedication to intellectual growth, creative expression, and leadership development, embodying the rich legacy of the Sunbeam Group.

The school’s approach extends beyond traditional academics, encouraging students to engage in parallel activities that nurture a well-rounded skill set. From literature festivals to classical dance championships, Sunbeam Indiranagar has provided students with platforms to explore, innovate, and excel.

Students had the opportunity to engage with global thought leaders through their participation in prestigious events such as the Jaipur Literature Festival and the Great Indian Learning Festival (GILF) at Daly College, organised by ScooNews. These experiences enabled them to explore contemporary literary and intellectual discussions, sharpening their analytical and creative abilities.

The performing arts department also made a mark with theatrical performances at Banaras Hindu University (BHU) and the Krishnamurti Foundation, under the guidance of renowned dramaturgist Mukherjee P.. The school’s commitment to developing critical thinking and communication skills was further reflected in students’ achievements in quizzes, creative writing, Olympiads, debates, and visual arts competitions, underscoring a culture of academic inquiry and artistic exploration.

Sunbeam Indiranagar’s focus on all-round development was evident in the State Level Kathak Championship, where students showcased their prowess in Indian classical dance. The school’s sporting achievements were equally impressive, with students excelling in the East Zone Skating Championship 2024 and the Open District Roller Championship 2024, securing both individual and team accolades.


The school’s impact extends beyond student achievements, with its leadership being recognised for their visionary contributions to education. The Principal of Sunbeam Indiranagar was honoured with the Distinguished Educator for Future-Ready Skills award, securing All India Rank (AIR) 6 in the School Leader’s category by CENTA and receiving the Nari Shakti Sammaan for contributions towards empowering students through progressive learning methodologies.

Sunbeam Indiranagar’s standing as a leading educational institution was reaffirmed when it was ranked 5th among the Best Co-Ed Day Schools in Varanasi.

With its continued emphasis on holistic development, Sunbeam Indiranagar remains dedicated to shaping young minds, reinforcing its reputation as an institution that values learning in all its forms.

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IIT Guwahati Developing VR Metaverse for PM SHRI Schools—But is the Metaverse Still the Future?



Image Source- Envato Elements

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati is set to develop India’s first VR-enabled metaverse platform for PM SHRI schools, transforming how students engage with complex subjects like mathematics, science, and social studies. The initiative, named “Gyandhara,” is being developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Department of Education, Assam Government and will be piloted in 56 PM SHRI Adarsh Vidyalayas across Assam later this year.

However, as India moves towards metaverse-driven education, a pressing question remains—is the metaverse still the future? Once touted as the next big thing in digital transformation, the metaverse has seen declining interest in several sectors globally. While education may provide a new space for its application, questions remain about its long-term sustainability.

The Gyandhara Metaverse is designed to bridge gaps in conceptual learning by creating interactive, immersive 3D environments where students can visualise complex topics in their local languages. The metaverse will use virtual reality (VR) technology to create a dynamic learning experience that goes beyond traditional methods like blackboards and textbooks.

Dr Keyur Sorathia, Associate Professor at IIT Guwahati and the project’s lead, explained that the initiative will help students develop creativity, critical thinking skills, and global collaboration opportunities.

“At Gyandhara, we are developing an educational metaverse that will provide students aged 13 to 18 with engaging, immersive learning experiences. Our goal is to create an interactive and dynamic learning environment that fosters deeper understanding and critical thinking,” Sorathia told PTI.


He further emphasised that the metaverse will eventually expand beyond Assam to cover schools across North East India and later to the rest of the country. The project aims to support students in classes 8 to 12, focusing on subjects that require high levels of visualisation and engagement.

“The idea is to transform how students engage with complex topics by creating a metaverse environment where lessons are delivered in local languages,” he added.

Can the Metaverse Survive Beyond the Hype?

While IIT Guwahati’s initiative is a significant leap in edtech, globally, the metaverse has faced setbacks. What was once projected to be the future of the internet, workspaces, gaming, and education has now struggled to maintain relevance.

A 2024 report by EM360 Tech highlighted how Meta (formerly Facebook), which had invested billions in the metaverse, failed to gain mainstream adoption. The company’s ambitious Horizon Worlds platform, designed to bring people into virtual spaces, fell short of its expected user engagement. Even Microsoft, Disney, and other tech giants quietly scaled back their metaverse projects, pivoting towards more practical AI-driven applications.

A key reason behind this decline is high costs, lack of consumer adoption, and unclear monetisation models. The educational sector, however, remains an area where the metaverse could still thrive, as VR-based learning platforms provide interactive experiences that traditional teaching methods cannot replicate.

Experts believe that while corporate-driven metaverse applications are shrinking, education, healthcare, and industrial training may keep the concept alive. India’s adoption of VR-based learning through initiatives like Gyandhara could provide a real-world use case for the metaverse, ensuring its continued development despite its waning popularity in other sectors.


If Gyandhara succeeds, it could revolutionise learning in India, making STEM subjects more accessible and engaging. However, challenges remain, including:

  • Infrastructure gaps: Not all schools have access to high-speed internet and VR-compatible hardware.
  • Teacher training: Educators must be equipped to integrate VR tools effectively into the curriculum.
  • Affordability: VR technology remains expensive; scaling up across public schools could be financially challenging.

Despite these obstacles, India’s willingness to explore metaverse-based education signals a strong commitment to digital transformation. Whether the metaverse remains the future of education or becomes another tech trend that fades away will depend on the success of projects like Gyandhara and their ability to deliver real learning outcomes.

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