In the glitzy lanes of South Delhi, where luxury and legacy intertwine, the tale of Vihaan and Tunnisa begins to unravel. These two, born into privilege...
The Vedanya School, situated in Flower Valley, Gurugram, has officially announced Ms. Nilam Sharma as the new Head of School starting April 2024. With an extensive...
The news of Prachi Nigam, a diligent 10th UP Board Topper, unleashed a disturbing chapter in the history of our society. Despite her unquestionable academic talent...
In the vibrant corridors of Eduson College, amidst the chatter of aspirations and the rustle of textbooks, lived the story of Rishi, a student whose world...
New Delhi, India – April 25, 2024 – Eupheus Learning, an Indian school-focused distribution platform, has been featured in TIME’s list of the World’s Top EdTech...
In an unprecedented move to integrate Artificial Intelligence into the educational framework, Kerala is set to launch a comprehensive AI training programme for approximately 80,000 secondary...
In the corridors of Prestusse Academy, where aspirations soared as high as the academic standards, Riya stood at a critical juncture. With her heart tethered to...
In the heart of Prestise Valley School, nestled in a bustling city that prided itself on academic excellence, the story of Shanaya unfolded—a narrative steeped in...
ScooNews, in collaboration with Good Shepherd International School, is set to host Liberal Arts and Science Symposium India (LASSI 2024), a transformative symposium designed to reshape...
The Scindia School, in collaboration with White Canvas India’s Young CEO Program, has achieved a remarkable feat in fostering young entrepreneurship among its students. Inspired by...