In the echoing halls of Indian broadcasting, the voice of Mr. Ameen Sayani resonated with a warmth that touched millions, uniting a diverse nation in the...
In a significant overhaul aimed at alleviating academic pressure, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan announced that students will soon have the opportunity to sit for their...
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has unveiled its Young Scientist Programme (YUVIKA) for the year 2024, a pioneering initiative aimed at nurturing young minds in...
In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the school bus industry has undergone significant transformations, bringing to light a host of challenges faced by bus vendors....
The Lexicon Schools recently hosted STEAM Fest, a vibrant celebration of creativity, innovation, and interdisciplinary learning. The event showcased numerous projects and activities, embodying the school’s...
In a landmark move to align with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) in collaboration with the Central Board...
Gandhinagar, February 2024 – The Rising Leaders’ Summit 2024, an inspiring event hosted by ScooNews in collaboration with the Centre for Creative Learning – IIT Gandhinagar,...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently emphasised the importance of revamping the Indian education system to reflect the nation’s venerable Vedic values. His remarks were made during...
Le Cordon Bleu, the century-old renowned culinary arts and hospitality management institution from France, has announced the strengthening and enhancement of its brand presence in India,...
Roll up, roll up, for a trip down memory lane, back to a time when radio was the king of entertainment and information, reaching every corner...