In the heart of Prestise Valley School, nestled in a bustling city that prided itself on academic excellence, the story of Shanaya unfolded—a narrative steeped in...
ScooNews, in collaboration with Good Shepherd International School, is set to host Liberal Arts and Science Symposium India (LASSI 2024), a transformative symposium designed to reshape...
In a tale of youthful exuberance and unforeseen peril, six students from Class 12 embarked on a journey to Goa, a rite of passage celebrated by...
In the wake of escalating environmental concerns and the global push towards sustainability, the demand for green careers is surging. This World Health Day, celebrated on...
In the bustling academic corridors of Woody High, nestled amidst the verdant suburbs of a thriving city, the story of Vikram, a bright and ambitious student,...
Imagine your child is attending their Year 12 farewell. It is a night they have been looking forward to, marking the end of their school journey...
Early Bird, a not-for-profit initiative by the Nature Conservation Foundation, has announced the launch of an online birdwatching workshop tailored specifically for young enthusiasts aged 10-13...
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is set to launch the pilot for National Credit Framework for students in classes 6, 9, and 11, commencing...
In a bid to revolutionize the educational landscape and foster a more dynamic learning environment, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has unveiled...
In the landscape of education, schools play a pivotal role far beyond the realms of academic learning; they are instrumental in moulding the future of our...
In a significant overhaul of the examination structure, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced changes to the year-end assessment format for Classes 11...
Board examinations are a kind of pressure cooker that often isolates kids and forces them to fight anxiety and expectations on their own. But picture yourself...
In today’s educational landscape, the scales are heavily tipped towards Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields, a trend that has sparked a crucial dialogue on...
In a collaboration aimed at enhancing financial education and professional development in India, FPSB India and the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM Bangalore) have signed...
On 27th March 2024, WHO/Europe unveiled the second volume of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study, casting light on a growing concern in our...
As we roll out the red carpet for World Theatre Day, celebrated every year on March 27, let’s shine the spotlight on the dazzling world of...
My Guide Inside (MGI is a three-part, comprehensive, story-based well-being curriculum; it brings out the best in all learners. Students and adults who learn they operate...
In today’s fast-paced world, the quest for happiness has taken a front seat in discussions about education. The International Day of Happiness, celebrated on March 20th,...
In a significant development for students in Jharkhand, Chief Minister Champai Soren has launched two key initiatives aimed at bolstering access to higher education. During a...
Mentorship acts as a cornerstone in empowering women across diverse professional landscapes. Studies reveal a strong correlation between mentorship and positive career outcomes for women. Using...
In a groundbreaking move set to redefine educational evaluation, the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has unveiled the Holistic Progress Card (HPC), a...
In the light of National Safety Day observed on the 4th of March each year, there’s a crucial aspect of safety that demands our attention—not just...
The Ministry of Education has announced the launch of a significant initiative titled “Mera Pehla Vote Desh Ke Liye”, scheduled to run from 28th February to...
In an innovative step towards modernising education, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is exploring the introduction of Open Book Examinations (OBE) for students in...
In a pioneering move to promote adequate hydration among students, Kerala schools have commenced the ‘water-bell’ system from Monday. This innovative initiative, inaugurated by the State...