In engaging with the characters of the stories and the narrative, children are able to appreciate points of view other than their own and develop finer...
Holya Ka Baas, a village in Rajasthan's Sikar district is a role model for public involvement in education. The village Sarpanch Kailash Chand Verma teaches Sanskrit...
NITI Aayog’s Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) has selected 3,000 additional schools for the establishment of Atal Tinkering Labs (ATLs), bringing the total number of ATL schools...
The Ministry of HRD along with AICTE, Persistent Systems, i4C and IIT Kharagpur is all set to host the Grand Finale of Smart India Hackathon 2018...
Yoga at work helps keep the inner-self calm and also aids in achieving maximum productivity: Maneka Sanjay Gandhi
The Khan Academy Summer Teacher Training program is a free and online course for teachers, that would enable them to confidently use Khan Academy for their...
It may be noted that for the overall development of children KVS organizes various National level events in the field of Sports, Art & Culture, Science...
A total no. of 18138 candidates have qualified JEE (Advanced) 2018, i.e., 18138 candidates scored above the cut‐offs required for qualification.
In honor of June Father’s Day commemorations around the world, UNICEF launches parenting site to bring fathers together to share experiences of parenthood
Here’s looking at some of those inspiring individuals who have made tough decisions and taken rough roads to reach great heights, those amazing individuals who have...