The 78th IPSC Principals’ Conclave which was hosted at the Punjab Public School, Nabha, saw top academicians and principals from various leading schools around the country...
Nominations are now open for the 2nd edition of the ScooNews Global Education Awards. Entries for the 2018 Awards are open between January 1, 2018 and...
Come be part of the three-day 6th Annual International Early Childhood Association Conference in Mumbai (February 9 - 11, The Lalit). It is a golden opportunity to...
A pan India level competition, this aims to draw participation from students across streams from secondary schools up to post graduate students. Students can share their...
The scheme supports 24x7 outreach helpline service for children in distress. This service is available through a dedicated toll free number, 1098 which can be accessed...
The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is the main programme for universalising elementary education for all children between 6-14 years of age.
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 provides that every school should have barrier-free access. The Ministry of Human Resource Development...
Whether you're a newbie looking for advice or a seasoned teacher seeking inspiration, These books bring together ideas to help teachers ignite (or rekindle!) the love of teaching...
A comprehensive use case for social bookmarking, including a list of tools for educators and students to collate and share web resources…
In this annual round-up, we share our readers' favourite articles from this past year — the ones that were most read and shared and caused a...