YB Chavan Auditorium became a hub of creativity as Kala Ka Karawaan, an initiative by Salaam Bombay Foundation, provided students from Mumbai’s municipal and government aided...
The only graduate of a Tamil Nadu village has volunteered to teach the children of the village while the pandemic persists
Remembering some Indian dancers who spent their lives teaching dance
She’s hidden a message of togetherness in the video.
A dance teacher in Managaluru made dance videos to teach her first-graders while stuck at home in the lockdown and not being able to see the...
Eternities Dance Academy founder, Shekhar Rao, opens up about his efforts to empower the kids of the less-privileged class of the society.
With a line-up of fascinating activities frilled with enlivening performances, the Presentation ‘Krishna Ki Class’ put up by the young maestros of class – I &...
The Jayshree Periwal Group of Schools and Shiamak Davar International (India) Pvt. Ltd. Are organizing Summer Funk–2016 on the 06th, August 2016 (Saturday)
The annual summer camp held at the Jayshree Periwal High School between May 16 and June 2 saw active participation by children from across Jaipur. Singing,...