ScooNews brings to you some of the essential tips that you can use for conducting online classes while you are away from students during the lockdown.
Inclusive Education in India deciphered by Dr. Vasudha Prakash, the founder of V-Excel Educational Trust.
Audiobooks are a very good idea during these uncertain lookdown times. Find a list of books for kids by Audible app, for free.
Here are some tips to engage children while stuck at home, these fun and educative ways are a 'must-try'.
ScooNews brings to you, some wonderful activities to keep your children engaged and learning during the lockdown period.
Let your children learn about Corona in a fun way. Dave the Dog is a comic that informs about the Corno virus through wonderful illustration.
Minecraft announces a new Education category in the marketplace, designed to help students stuck at home without being able to go to school.
Experts from the field of education share their views on the RTE Act and the progress it has made to make inclusion a reality in Indian...
These Indian Puppetarians created a Coronavirus info video for kids, and shared some great ideas for this lockdown period to be entertaining and informative.
Government is successfully running online Annual Refresher Programme In Teaching (ARPIT) for professional development of higher education faculty using the MOOCs platform SWAYAM