With a view to foster and reinforce the spirit of communal harmony, national integration and pride in our vibrant, composite culture and nationhood, the Government of...
Contest is restricted to teams consisting of two students studying in class VI, VII or VIII in any regular school of any recognized Board in India.
Forget about what students ‘need’. Students themselves tell us what they want! Are we ready to listen, minus judgement? Here is the third part in our...
Forget about what students ‘need’. Students themselves tell us what they want! Are we ready to listen, minus judgement? Here is the second part in our...
Forget about what students ‘need’. Students themselves tell us what they want! Are we ready to listen, minus judgement? This is the first part in our...
It is an acknowledged fact that no education system in the world has excelled without making a significant investment in building a cadre of quality teachers....
Nearly 500 Children residing in Child Care Institutions from all over the country taking part in various events of ‘Hausla 2017’ in Delhi
In the classroom of 2017, educators across the country adopt tech to inject efficiency combined with fun into the learning process
Dyslexia is defined as an unexpected difficulty in learning to read. Dyslexia takes away an individual’s ability to read quickly and to retrieve spoken words easily...
adidas, the world’s leading sportswear innovator and KidZania, a global Indoor theme park, came together earlier this year to ignite creativity among younger minds with the...