In a groundbreaking collaboration, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has partnered with the British Council to reshape the landscape of education in India. A...
Imperial College London, a renowned UK university, has recently introduced a groundbreaking scholarship program designed to nurture India’s most promising Master’s scholars over the next three...
A high-level academic consultation was held in Gujarat on Wednesday to explore the potential of Transnational Education (TNE) partnerships between the UK and Gujarat higher education...
British Council’s Study UK Exhibition will be organised from November 24 in major cities like New Delhi, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad and Coimbatore.
The partnership between the British Council and the Delhi government has taken a positive step towards strengthening spoken English in schools by collaborating with Macmillan Education.
After becoming the top 10 schools in India and the only one in Rajasthan to be selected by British Council for it’s first ever teachers visit,...
Sanskar School received the International School Award (ISA), a prestigious accreditation from British Council.
St.Edmund’s School, Jawahar Nagar Jaipur was filled with great zeal, excitement and frolicsome atmosphere on 19th November 2016 as it celebrated the Annual Sport Meet at...
St. Edmund's Malviya Nagar will welcome delegates from their sister school, Lincoln UTC, England on the 28th of November 2016.
Under International School Award (British Council) activity, the commerce students of Mahaveer Public School, Jaipur organised a Startup Hub in the school premises.
The British Council trained 1,200 teachers in Telangana with their three-week training programme on core skills and school leadership development.
The British council has been running a high-impact, human rights project called the British Council’s English and Digital for Girls’ Education (EDGE) in Nepal, India and...
The state's school education secretary Nand Kumar in a letter wants his subordinates to "improve" the level of English being taught. The letter exhorts all district...