The news of Prachi Nigam, a diligent 10th UP Board Topper, unleashed a disturbing chapter in the history of our society. Despite her unquestionable academic talent...
On 27th March 2024, WHO/Europe unveiled the second volume of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study, casting light on a growing concern in our...
A study conducted in 2015, by IMRB and Parent Circle, revealed that every third child in school is bullied. Sometimes the consequences are disastrous, resulting in...
Keeping our children cyber-safe is a huge priority. So we go and search for educational sites where children can learn and have fun without being worried...
Students from grade 5 and above at GEMS Wellington Academy, Al Khail recently welcomed Dr Yuhyun Park - Head of iZ HERO digital citizenship initiative for...
Children will be able to measure their ability and command of digital media – helping to combat their exposure to dangers such as radicalisation, fake news,...
With the unprecedented pace of the explosion of internet, parents and children are living in virtually 2 different online spheres. Given that the online world is...
"Be the change you want to see," Mahatma Gandhi Have you ever come across hurtful words on the internet or social media? Most of the people...