10+ books including some DIY manuals and interesting stories for children, teaching them how to go green
Union HRD Minister releases Alternative Academic calendar for higher secondary in New Delhi
In fact, anyone who loves nature will enjoy watching these channels
Luke Ambrose of West Ottawa makes adventure videos for his 10-year-old students
Compiled Ted Talks of five inspiring teachers from around the world, guiding what could we do differently
We collected some first-hand accounts of teachers talking about the remarkable changes they’ve brought to their lives and to the institutions they’re attached to.
The Ickabog by J K Rowling; another fabulous story awaits to be read
+1 & +2 examinations in Kerala to begin on 26 May and to continue till 30 May
In less than 72 hours, more than 2,00,000 students downloaded the National Test Practice App
MHRD has ensured safe shifting of stranded students of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas
These highest-rated preschool applications are used by teachers globally
An opinion article that redefines education as we know it
Byck Elementary School teachers collect ‘Bags of Hope’ for students
A brilliant approach to a global issue, St. Charles Catholic School, New Mexico, came through with their art show
An opinion article on how to avoid choosing any wrong online certification course while the schools are closed.
An opinion article that talks about focusing on the important and vividly clear points in life in these unprecedented times
A list of apps suggested for preschool teachers to use while e-teaching
MHRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriayl announced well-awaited dates for the remaining board examinations
Government of Punjab has announced the broadcast of government school curriculum on Doordarshan channel
Union HRD Minister e-Launches seven titles on "Psycho-Social Impact of Pandemic & Lockdown and How to Cope With," Under the corona studies series, NBT India
MHRD to regularize retrospection of teacher education programs by the central & state government
From creative tasks to virtual field trips, the task opened a can of creativity for both teachers and students.
A book for 4-6-year-old teaching them robotics, sounds impossible? Read about it here
First graders in China wear hats to remind them about social distancing in school
Union HRD Minister interacts with the teachers across the country through webinar; Navodaya Vidyalaya recruitment appointments to be received after lockdown; Date of NET 2020 to be...