Minutes before the Class 12 MP board examination commenced the invigilator noticed the snapshot of the question paper in an examinees phone. The question paper had...
‘External’ examinations are being held in Punjab for the first time after the introduction of RTE. However, the dates have clashed with board exams of class...
The 15-year-old ‘Slum Soccer’ initiative has spawned a new way of making learning fun for underprivileged children across the country. Their latest initiative Edu-Kick integrates elementary...
Jayshree Periwal High School celebrated its 15th Annual sports day on 11 March 2016 for students from grade 3 to 5. While there were several races...
HRD minister, Smriti Irani declared textbook cleansing allegations to be factually incorrect. In fact, she declared inclusions of western intellectuals in social sciences and language sections,...
Notwithstanding the sedition case whirling around, JNU has won the Visitors award for research and innovation. Tezpur university has bagged the Visitors best university award. Visitors...
Despite a government mandate, RTE admissions have a dismal performance. An IIM Ahmedabad report states that unclear rules and guidelines were a major hindrance. While Delhi...
Jharkhand education minister Neera Yadav takes a giant leap by introducing ‘Smart’ classes in government schools in a phased manner. According to her, this step will...
In our intolerant India, a young Muslim girl has managed saving a Hindu girl child from her alleged abductors in Agra.
Celebration of the International Women's Day at Ecole Globale International Girls' School, Dehradoon, was an inspirational evening for all its students