National Coalition for School Education which is a coalition of seven national level associations of private schools has launched Shiksha Bachao Abhiyan (Save Education Campaign) under...
A health emergency or an accident can happen to a child, a teacher or anyone in school at any point in time. Therefore, it is imperative...
ScooNews was today felicitated at a ceremony during the Rajasthan IT Day celebrations for being amongst the top start-ups of Rajasthan.
Immersive Learning has been proven to be optimised for how the brain learns. It is not a replacement for existing methodologies and pedagogy; however, it will...
The Annual Status of Education Report (rural) 2016 released on January 18, 2017 has shown pitiful learning quality with only 25 per cent of children in...
The development of learning outcomes will be a a partnership among NCERT, SCERTs, educational researchers, various other organisations working in the area of school education and educational...
Professor Sugata Mitra's experiment in children's access to self-learning paves the way for a revolution of education as we know it.
There has been no alleged leakage of the CBSE Class XII Accountancy Paper conducted on 15th March 2018.
Those children who have missed out certain academic years either for being never enrolled to school or having dropped out of school, have a right to...
Industry experts discuss the challenges and desirable improvements in Early Childhood Education in India