This Washington DC elementary teacher has become a superhero by saving her students from a house fire that she detected during the online class
Annamma Lucy wins the regional category of Dedicated Teacher Awards for creating an online learning platform
As per tradition on 23 April, World Book And Copyright Day, UNESCO chose Tbilisi, Georgia to be the World Book Capital in 2021
This International Mother Earth Day, tell your students why COVID is not the only enemy of the planet
The first day of ‘Round Table Event’ by ScooNews on 13th April 2021 regarding Global Citizenship Education.
AICTE Institution Innovation Councils (IICs) adopting ATLs will result in empowering them and mentoring schools’ student innovators, across the country
More Than 50 Indian Universities Now Accepting ‘Pearson Undergraduate Entrance Exam’
Not another alien invasion, this Philadelphia teacher knows how to write a well-thought story, read about his new comic launch
Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ launches ‘SARTHAQ’, the NEP Implementation Plan for School Education
Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra is the new Principal of NPS International School, Guwahati