ECA is concerned about younger children’s mental development during the pandemic times, they are starting an initiative #eceforallchildren on their social media
The University of Queensland, along with ScooNews, has come up with an advanced Teacher Training Programme.
Read our exclusive interview with Parmita Sarma & Mazin Mukhtar, the founders of Akshar Foundation
Prometheus School Vice Principal writes about the online teaching, the education sector scenario and what might be its future
NCERT & Rotary India Signed an MoU for e-content over all NCERT TV channels
This assistant principal of a school in Florida is doing 3-minute episodes every day for her teaching faculty
Luke Ambrose of West Ottawa makes adventure videos for his 10-year-old students
An English teacher in San Diego becomes a TikTok sensation while trying to connect with his students more
The Ickabog by J K Rowling; another fabulous story awaits to be read
+1 & +2 examinations in Kerala to begin on 26 May and to continue till 30 May
In less than 72 hours, more than 2,00,000 students downloaded the National Test Practice App
Lockdown or not, these teachers-student movies are worth watching.
MHRD has ensured safe shifting of stranded students of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas
There are certain non-negotiable facts such as safeguarding & background checks and accurate job descriptions, but apart from these, how you recruit is dependent on your...
Union HRD Minister releases three handbooks prepared by CBSE on Cybersecurity for students
Byck Elementary School teachers collect ‘Bags of Hope’ for students
A brilliant approach to a global issue, St. Charles Catholic School, New Mexico, came through with their art show
An opinion article that redefines education as we know it
Government of Punjab has announced the broadcast of government school curriculum on Doordarshan channel
An opinion article on how to avoid choosing any wrong online certification course while the schools are closed.
An opinion article that talks about focusing on the important and vividly clear points in life in these unprecedented times
A list of apps suggested for preschool teachers to use while e-teaching
MHRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriayl announced well-awaited dates for the remaining board examinations
Union Finance Minister announces several initiatives to boost the education sector
Union HRD Minister e-Launches seven titles on "Psycho-Social Impact of Pandemic & Lockdown and How to Cope With," Under the corona studies series, NBT India