With hard copies not being readily available in today’s lockdown scenario, select books from our Katha selection have been made available on Kindle; though the medium...
SWAYAM courses are one of the top ones along with MIT, Stanford & Harvard
An opinion piece that talks about the current teaching scenario under the COVID circumstances
In a webinar hosted by ScooNews, Ms Divya Lal MD Fliplearn Education pvt ltd spoke about eLearning amidst COVID 19 and the Application Fliplearn's use in...
KV schools are doing more than just their part in the COVID-19 fight for education, KVS to become quarantine centre as well
MHRD and NCERT formulates new academic calendar for the upper primary stage, it was released by Union HRD Minister on 16th April 2020
The devices will be ordered for pupils "in the most vital stages of their education", the Department for Education said.
Here's the cutest video with the most sincere of intentions telling us to Stay Home, Stay Safe
Perfect list to spend the summer vacay learning!
Kids are taking it to the streets and their windows to create art during the COVID-19 Lockdown.
Experts all around the world are worried about children’s mental health in these uncertain times
These all-time favourite shows will give children the necessary visual delight.
Mandy Williams a teacher from St. Louis County, Manchester, USA, shared a video on social media with messages for her students during the lockdown.
They are giving away these masks for free to petrol pump customers, vendors, policemen, newspaper hawkers, etc.
Following the disruption made in the academic cycle by the Lockdown, CBSE and NCERT are assessing the time loss and preparing an alternative curriculum to keep...
In a webinar conducted by ScooNews, educators from around the globe discussed the impact of COVID-19 on Early Education and provide solutions for the way ahead.
In an interactive Q and A session hosted by CBC kids news, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and DR. Theresa Tam, Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, answers...
Here’s a list of epidemic-themed movies to watch during the quarantine.
Find the most looked-up online courses from Ivy League Universities here.
A Principal shares her views on the present situation of lockdown
To help the medicos at the frontline of Corona, students around the nation are dabbling into robotics.
Here’s a reading list of e-books by WHO especially during the Corona outbreak.
A colouring book has been created and launched for a better understanding of the Coronavirus for kids.
Donating books during any pandemic is another act of kindness.
Essay contest for young Indian writers to reflect on the future they want post-Corona.