Gurgaon Road Runner (GRR) comes with the most precious gift for kids, their health. The event was flagged off today at a prime location of Jaipur...
As a new school term looms on the horizon, there are chances that our students will have a brush with a technology basis of teaching and...
For the past 14 years, Anand Kumar a mathematician has been running the Super 30 programme for the underprivileged children of Patna. He provides them with...
A team at Shiksha Diksha has unveiled 2 devices at the UNESCO Mobile Learning Week in Paris in March. These devices only need smartphones preloaded with...
Roshni Mukherjee runs one of the largest “coaching classes” online. Her YouTube channel “ExamFear” streams educational video lessons physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics and this year,...
The biggest reasons for attrition of teachers in the first 3 years of working are lack of support, experienced teacher mentors, and resources. Here is a...
With Earth Day around the corner, now is the time to reflect on what you can do to help the environment.
Aditya Kumar, a science graduate from Lucknow cycles around 40 miles with books and his possessions on the back of a bicycle to educate India's slum...
Various researches have shown that due to the fluid nature of learning methodologies and learning spaces. The future of classrooms would mean adaptive layouts coupled with...
The Sarah Lawrence College through its theatrical outreach program is making a wonderful difference in the lives of middle-schoolers, pre-schoolers and kindergartners.
18-year-old Karishma works with Magic Bus. She encourages adolescent girls to work towards meaningful careers and motivates parents to give equal opportunities for education to both...
Dr Chetan Singh Solanki, a professor at IIT-B has opened a school in rural MP – Education Park. Powered by solar energy, the school also cares...
Here is the list of 10 Indian movies which are centered on teachers or education.
Internet is proving to be a vast repository of information for teachers who can now login and keep themselves updated with valuable information which can be...
Gagan Deep Singh from Jaisalmer believes one solution cannot fit all. He designs unique learning plans for all his students while supporting them with Braillers if...
The state's school education secretary Nand Kumar in a letter wants his subordinates to "improve" the level of English being taught. The letter exhorts all district...
Dr Thyelnai Dawn Khaling, an IAF doctor teaches more than 30 underprivileged students after his duty hours. He also has started a not-for-profit organisation in Manipur...
The British council has been running a high-impact, human rights project called the British Council’s English and Digital for Girls’ Education (EDGE) in Nepal, India and...
Sugata Mitra’s “Hole in the Wall” experiments in the slums of New Delhi found that children aged 6 – 12 with no prior experience with computers...
World Heritage Day is celebrated globally on April 18 each year.
ScooNews has compiled 7 of the best TED Talks for educators. We hope you will find them motivating and helpful.
Tatahir Fatima, a teacher from Saran, Bihar did not taking leave either on her Nikah (wedding) or Bidai (send-off) and taught her students on both days...
The Maulds Meaburn Village Institute (MMVI) community hall in the village of Cumbria, UK carries out various activities that support and engage the community. The latest...
The White House science bash is the highpoint of STEM related events in America. Almost 30% entries were from Kids of Indian origin reinforcing the fact...
The Green School Bali is a nonprofit independent international P-12 school whose goal is to be the benchmark of sustainability education in the world. The curriculum...