SWAYAM courses are one of the top ones along with MIT, Stanford & Harvard
With hard copies not being readily available in today’s lockdown scenario, select books from our Katha selection have been made available on Kindle; though the medium...
In a webinar hosted by ScooNews, Ms Divya Lal MD Fliplearn Education pvt ltd spoke about eLearning amidst COVID 19 and the Application Fliplearn's use in...
Read how educators are doing a miraculous work in these dark times to keep their students engaged and sane
An opinion piece that talks about the current teaching scenario under the COVID circumstances
Austin-based Swati has made a lot of innovations in Early Childhood Education-related activities to homeschool her special-needs daughter, Kyra.
KV schools are doing more than just their part in the COVID-19 fight for education, KVS to become quarantine centre as well
MHRD and NCERT formulates new academic calendar for the upper primary stage, it was released by Union HRD Minister on 16th April 2020
It's invented by IIT Stanford University alumnus Debayan Saha and Shashi Ranjan.
Perfect list to spend the summer vacay learning!