The Annual Status Report on Education 2014 has thrown up distressing statistics for Telangana. Alarming rate of school drop-outs, shortage of staff, no takers for free...
The HRD ministry is revoking the previous governments missive that students need to be compulsorily passed till grade VII and only be evaluated in class IX....
The Tech Girls of Dharavi is a venture of filmmaker Nawneet Ranjan that teaches the children of dharavi to learn coding and eventually make mobile apps...
36-year-old Sunkanna Velpula has spent years toiling to get his PhD. Inspite of numerous stints outside the education system, this determined dalit man did not give...
The students of Cathedral & John Connon School pooled in money set aside for sports and social events and even raised funds by selling T-shirts. A...
Catalin Voss has developed Autism Glass, a device which can tell an autistic user whether a person the user is looking at is happy, sad or...
Odisha announced the opening of state institute of open schooling inspired by national school of open schooling from the academic session 2014-2015
2 start-ups ideas from Neerja Modi School, (NMS) Jaipur H.U.G.S and Street yum have qualified for the TIE young entrepreneurs’ competition at the Jaipur Chapter. The...
A shocking 107,000 schools in the state don't have libraries. Almost 50% of schools in the state either don't have libraries or a full-time librarian. Some...
Pratham’s Annual Status of Education report (ASER) has reported that class V student cannot read a second-grade book. Such is the condition of our schooling system....