A webinar by ScooNews to discuss the ongoing topic of to pay or not to pay (school fees), with Early Childhood Association and various Parent Association...
In a webinar hosted by ScooNews, Ms Divya Lal MD Fliplearn Education pvt ltd spoke about eLearning amidst COVID 19 and the Application Fliplearn's use in...
In a webinar conducted by ScooNews, educators from around the globe discussed the impact of COVID-19 on Early Education and provide solutions for the way ahead.
A webinar was hosted by ScooNews with panellist Sangya Ojha, a Puppeteer
Ms. Lina Ashar and Dr. Swati Popat Vats were the guests on a Webinar hosted by ScooNews regarding eLearning for preschoolers.
To help teachers lookout for new ways to make online home-based learning more innovative, Early Childhood Association conducted a Live talk in association with Google For...
This webinar is designed for school leaders who are looking for innovative and practical ways to help unleash the potential of their students and themselves in...