Whether we are framing laws, recruiting employees or designing products, approaching these through the inclusiveness lens is a great starting point to create a more accessible...
Children who don't have opportunities to fail or struggle and recover have lower self-confidence and a less-developed self-concept. They tend to be more fearful of failure...
It is important for every school to have a curriculum based on mental health. This cannot be taught through textbooks but has to be done with...
Mental health of children is emerging to be one of the most pressing issues demanding our immediate attention. There is an alarming increase in mental health...
Mental health is a complex mix of physical, behavioural, psychological and emotional states of a person. Due to bidirectional nature of impact of physical and mental...
For many, schools is the best place to learn, play, and have a lot of fun, but for the rest it is a place haunted by...
Educators, world over and India are taking initiative to address this mental health challenge that engulfs us today and threatens us in the years ahead. In...
Education is a human right. However, for so many girls and women, it is an empty promise. According to UNESCO’s Institute for Statistics, 132 million girls...
Today, 24 January is the International Day of Education, a day that celebrates one of the most important sectors within the development discourse. Education offers many...
Transforming education for sustainability requires the system’s shift approach. The teachers must eschew to be a broadcaster and acknowledge that there are several alternative sources to...
I see myself as an ORDINARY boy with an EXTRAORDINARY desire to work for the promotion and protection of human rights, without which the world cannot...
The New Education Policy comes as a breath of fresh air - so fresh, that it has left many practitioners of education winded. It is a...
The rapid evolution of technology has profoundly transformed our way of living, from the tech savvy living spaces to the structured organisations, the changes are evident....
Essential life skills like Impulse control, self-regulation, empathy, the ability to understand right from wrong, moral values, logical thinking and courage not to bow down to...
Its time for parents and schools to regularly check the ‘mental’ content of children to understand if the content these young brains carry is age and...
Technology and innovation alone cannot transform learning but mindful strategizing by educationists, to integrate these tools with principles of learning, can enhance knowledge acquisition experiences and...
It is very important to understand the effect of technology on society in order to understand the skills that will be required by students in the...
As long as policies do not change, we as a nation will continue to drive conformity through dead-end curricula and we will continue to churn out...
Education has helped two young boys from the upper reaches of Himalayas, who migrated practically penniless. They are now an electronic engineer and a merchant marine...
We all makeup fantastic stories as kids, and conjure up images that have never been seen or heard. Over time, that imagination takes a back seat,...
Major General S S Nair, Director, Birla Education Trust, Pilani writes on the need to reflect at the end of every few years
The learning revolution will happen only when the increasingly transactional Indian mindset understands and respects the role of the teacher beyond that of a relationship between a...
To begin with, we need a lot more focus and initiative in pre-primary and primary education to build a strong foundation.
This will be the result of sustained effort by committed people who are clear about the vision, and are willing to reinvent themselves to make it...
I pray to the Almighty that through such programmes we all become better human beings, more compassionate and kinder.