In a webinar conducted by ScooNews, educators from around the globe discussed the impact of COVID-19 on Early Education and provide solutions for the way ahead.
Following the disruption made in the academic cycle by the Lockdown, CBSE and NCERT are assessing the time loss and preparing an alternative curriculum to keep...
It's an opinion article on how to go forward in the post-COVID-19 world for the educationalists, to make the transition easier.
Here’s to wishing these two New Heads of the most prominent and well knows schools: The Doon School and Welham Boys’ School
Find the most looked-up online courses from Ivy League Universities here.
United Against Corona Through Art: ICCR’s Initiative, Art in the time of CORONA is an Art Competition open for worldwide artists
Lockdown has certainly brought inconvenience and disruption to normal life, but it's concurrently proving to be good for the students. Find out how!
Here’s a list of epidemic-themed movies to watch during the quarantine.
In an interactive Q and A session hosted by CBC kids news, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and DR. Theresa Tam, Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, answers...
Under the umbrella of Atal Innovation Mission, the launch of a software system took place, that provides a total engineering solution from 2D drafting & detailing...